Unit D – Test Review

Personal Characteristics of a Healthcare Worker


  • As a high school student an example of your dependability to a prospective employer might be that you are never absent from school and you turn in your assignments on time.
  • An empathetic response to “I hate coming to the dentist” would be “many people find dental work uncomfortable.”
  • Before purchasing a uniform for a new job you must check the facility’s dress code.
  • To keep your feet from hurting after standing all day you should get well fitting shoes with low heels and good support.
  • If you have self-motivation you figure out what needs to be done and go ahead and do it.
  • Tact is a personal characteristic where you state things without accusation or judgment.
  • A positive first impression may be attained by being well groomed with a natural appearance.
  • Getting enough sleep will improve mental alertness and improve your ability to deal with stress.
  • To improve your diet you should follow the food guide pyramid.
  • Regular exercise maintains circulation and improves muscle tone.
  • Most health care facilities are “smoke free.”
  • At work in a healthcare facility you should always pull your hair back to avoid patient contact.
  • Wearing jewelry, such as rings, may cause injury to a patient or be a mode of transmission for germs.
  • One example of a professional appearance violation may be wearing red nail polish.
  • All clinical uniforms should include a name badge.


  • Good listening skills include maintaining good eye contact and trying to understand what the other person is saying.
  • Screaming children, the TV, or loud noises could interfere with communication.
  • If someone is blind you need to explain what you are doing, what food is on his tray, what you see that he cannot, etc.
  • If someone is hearing impaired you need to face him and speak clearly in short sentences.
  • In the communication model the person talking is the sender and the person listening (or receiving an email) is the receiver.
  • If you say have you been NPO then the receiver may not understand the message because they may not know what NPO means.
  • Mr. Chang does not make eye contact with you when you talk to him. This communication barrier is likely due to his culture.
  • Touching is a form of non-verbal communication that expresses caring to a patient.
  • If I say hi to you and you smile at me then, according to the communication model, the feedback is the smile you give me.
  • If your patient tells you that he cannot stay in the hospital and you are not sure what he means you should ask him to explain.
  • If a patient is sick you may observe with your sense of touch hot, dry skin.
  • A subjective observation would be a patient’s complaint….not something you can see as the provider.
  • HIPAA standards cover respect for the private information in medical records.
  • If someone is frowning and tapping their fingers then they are sending the message that they have lost their patience.
  • Effective written communication would include “patient c/o a ‘very bad stomach pain.’”


  • If you feel that your co-workers get all the glory you should do the best you can in your job and be positive to develop good interpersonal relationships.
  • Professional leadership includes statements like “we will work together to do the best job for this hospital.”
  • You are the nurse manager and two employees keep complaining about each other. You should help them solve their differences.
  • Your first day on the job you make many mistakes. The next day you should keep a positive attitude and listen to suggestions from your co-workers.
  • An autocratic leader tells people what to do, when to do it, and ignores other people’s suggestions.
  • When on a stage in front of an audience girls should sit with feet crossed at the ankles.
  • A good leader believes that the group will succeed.
  • A democratic leader is often described as a good listener.
  • A medical office team consists of a receptionist, physician, nurse, and office manager.
  • All members of a healthcare team work together to serve the patient’s needs.


  • Your heart is pounding and you are shaking. You can take slow, deep breaths and think about calming down to break out of this stress response.
  • Using imagery to help you calm down involves imagining yourself somewhere you find peaceful.
  • In the problem-solving model the step after implementing the problem-solving plan is to determine if the solution worked.
  • An example of renewing yourself to relieve stress would be to learn a new hobby.
  • The first step in controlling stress is to identify the things that are stressing you.
  • The first step in the problem-solving method is to gather information or data
  • The stress-reducing technique that would provide the most long-term relief for life’s daily stressors is to eat balanced meals and exercise regularly.
  • After identifying the problem in the problem-solving method you are to list possible solutions
  • One of the most common stress reducing techniques is to focus on your successes.
  • An example of a typical stressor would be getting an F on a test.


  • By using a time management plan you may increase productivity. This means more tasks may be completed in the same amount of time.
  • A tool in managing time is to make a list of tasks and cross off each task when completed. When a particularly challenging task has been completed then you should reward yourself with a short break.
  • When working with a group on a large task the time management strategy that helps most is to plan the work from start to finish.
  • Time management strategies focus on making the most of the time you have.
  • A productive short-term goal for a senior may be to apply for 10 different scholarships.
  • A personal time management summary chart would provide the most help in letting you know how you use your time.
  • An example of a personal long-term goal may be to graduate from medical school.
  • Someone with good time management skills usually makes a to-do list.
  • A gift that would provide the most help with time management would be a daily planner.