June 8, 2017
6:58pm – Dave H. opened meeting asking for a roll call.
ROLL CALL – Lisa passed around sheet for attendance.
SECRETARY REPORT – Julia passed around May minutes which were read and approved as written. It was announced that she is now secretary of District 7.
TREASURERS REPORT –Bill passed around Financial sheet showing a balance of $2,216.50 less $1,875 for prudent reserve = $341.50 excess for operating expenses.
*see attachments 1,2 for more details.
DCM – A – David commented on how wonderful the Delegate Conference (Joyce) was at New Life Church. Appreciation was made for Bill to supply the refreshments.
DCM – B - Dave submitted report *see attachment 3. 1.He attended the post conference workshop and commented on how great the Church was to use. 2. He needs a volunteer to speak at the Triangle Breakfast Meeting June 10th. 3. He discussed the issue to sell The Grapevine via alternative routes, ie. Amazon, etc. Discussion ensued, a plan needs to be made, so it was tabled for a later date to discuss further.
GRAPEVINE COMMITTEE – Chairwoman not present. Dan commented that $50 was given to Grapevine budget.
ACCESSIBILITIES COMMITTEE – No chairperson at this time.
ARCHIVES – Bernie still requests questionnaires from groups for the archive book he is developing. He wants to interview folks at the next area assembly. Lisa told group that the “Step Sisters” questionnaire is forthcoming. Johnny Byrd was also mentioned that he started the “Wildwood Living Sober” group, which was submitted on the questionnaire.
CORRECTIONS COMMITTEE – Teresa commented that she needs help with this group. Training is still scheduled, adding two new meetings.
CPI/PI – Holly needs volunteers. She is willing to be trained. Pam suggested Medical facility, and will give her information.
CENTRAL OFFICE LIASON – Pam had no report due to Intergroup meeting next week.
LITERATURE COMMITTEE – David commented on how Delegate Joyce spoke on Literature at recent meeting, and that she will report much more in July.
TREATMENT COMMITTEE – Billy not present, comment made that 2 new meetings are being held on Sunday’s, and woman volunteers are needed.
WEBSITE -Ron gave handout on usage statistics for the website. In June, it had 285 hits. He requested that the groups send any activity or event to be placed on the website. He wants to grow the site. He mentioned how names/contact information are protected onsite. Committee David, Bill and Ron are actively working together to develop site.
SPECIAL COMMITTEE(S) – David brought up date for Gratitude Dinner, November 19th. Terry commented on how Gratitude dinner is coming together, but that it’s his 1st attempt at it, and hopes for it to be successful. It needs to be announced now at meetings that Gratitude Dinner will be at New Life Enrichment Center, cost $16. Monthly district meetings will begin soon at 5:30 preceeding the 6pm concept meetings.
NEW BUSINESS -1. Lisa asked if District pays for her as Registrar to go to triannual Gainesville meetings. Dave, Bill and David commented that as “officers” of the district, one can present receipts to treasurer for reimbursement.
2. Bill asked about getting District Agenda/Minutes out to groups via electronically, to promote more interest. Discussion ensued. 32 groups send $ to district. Instead we could send all 40 registered groups just agenda items to provoke more participation. No motion or vote was taken.
3. Bill brought up printing financials for website. Discussion ensued about putting both central office financials with district’s for transparency. No motion or vote was taken.
4. Bill needs to pay $1,400 for gratitude dinner. It was approved to spend, knowing that ticket money will pay for it.
5. December 3rd is the date for District Christmas Dinner, hopefully not to conflict with other events.
6. Lisa presented group with flyer on SSAASA November 10th Service Assembly.
Meeting Adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully submitted by Julia Hayes
- Treasurers Report
- Financial Statement
- DCM 7-B Report
- Web Usage Statistics
- SSAASA Flyer
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