1. Eccentric: 1. Out of Centre

2. Very Unusual, different from others

Odd eccentric manner, eccentric dress

  1. Original: 1. Innovative

2. Old indigenous

3. Introducing something new

Completely original film, original people of the place,

Indigenous culture, Plants, Animals

  1. Innovate: 1. Introduce something new
  2. Trifling: 1. Unimportant or of little importance

Syn. Trivial

Trifling matters

Trivial person: a person who focus on unimportant matters

  1. Sparse: 1. The state of being rare
  2. Grades into: 1. Unite, Blend, merge well
  3. Land fast: 1. Land like
  4. Precarious: 1. Risky

Precarious condition, precarious weather, precarious health, precarious career

2. Factful

9. Orthodox: 1. Traditional(Old opinion)

Orthodox Hindu, Orthodox belief, Orthodox medicine

10. Imperceptible: 1. Impossible to see or notice

11. Perceptible: 1. Easily noticeable

12. Imprecation: 1. Curse

He muttered imprecation.

13. Mutter: 1. To speak under breath

14. Relentless: 1. Constant or continuous

The wind blew relentlessly.

2. very determined or bold

Relentless despot: Tyrant , relentless competitor/enemy/rioter

Relentless nature: harsh: severe

15. Vain: 1. Worthless, futile

Vain attempt or effort

16. Proneto: 1. Likely to (-ve) do or have or suffer from

17. Eminence: 1. Fame or popularity

18. Temperate: 1. Mild

Temperate climate or weather

2. Emotionally calm and controlled

Temperate attitude

3. Moderate

Moderate temp., moderate eater, moderate drinker

19. Notorious: 1. Infamous

Notorious criminal or crime

Notorious question: question very difficult to solve

20.Eminent: 1. professionally famous

An eminent artist

21.Pre-eminent: 1. Extraordinary or greatest or outstanding

A pre-eminent writer

22. Tumult: 1. Confused noise (because of number of people are speaking at the same time)

23. Chaos: 1. Great disorder

24. Tumultuous: 1. Noisy in a confused way

Tumultuous mass of the people/life of the people

25. Provident (+ve): 1. Economical (time, money, energy, resources)

2. Far sighted

He was provident because he made a house at the age of twenty-two.

26. Providential: 1. Luck or favorable

Providential time

27. Dispassionate: 1. Unbiased (+ve), not influenced by emotion

Syn. Impartial

Dispassionate job

28. Invalidate: 1. to prove false

His claims were invalidated. The theory was invalidated.

2. Cancel out

The government decision was invalidated by the court.

29. Obscure: 1. Hide

The sun was obscured bythe cloud.

2. To make something hard to understand by using difficult words or language.

The teacher tries to obscure his lecture. make unclear
The history was obscure without legends.

30. Plausible: 1. Reasonable or likely to be true, possibly true

31. Entitle: 1. to make title

2. Authorized or to make legally valid.

The Pass entitles you to enter.

32. Superficial: 1. Trifling or trivial

Superficial analysis

33. Wane: 1. gradually decreasing

Waning moon

His energy waned.

2. on the wane (Phrase): decreasing

His popularity is on the wane.

34. Wax: 1. gradually increase

Waxing moon

2. To paint a substance on the surface

3. To remove hair

His anger waxed.The furniture was waxed

4. Wax and wane (phrase): fluctuate

His happiness waxed and waned.

35. Moderate: 1. v. gradually decrease (lessen or subside)

The rain moderated.

2. To lead the discussion

The political issue was moderated by the chairperson.

3. Preside

The priest moderating over the religious discussion (Church)

36. Persist: 1. Continue

2. Continue in spite of difficulties

I persisted my study.

37. Vacillate: 1. Fluctuate (to be undecided) (repeatedly change your desires and opinions)

The decision maker vacillated over the issue.

Syn. Waver

My determination vacillated.

The country’s leaders are still vacillating between confrontation and compromise.

38. Disperse: 1. Scatter

39. Distinctive: 1. Different from another

Distinctive flavor of wine

2. of superior quality

Distinctive African music

40. Strive: 1. Try hard (to achieve something)

2. To struggle against

I am striving against poverty.

41. Grapple: 1. Struggle

I am grappling with problems (to grapple with poverty)

Grappling with death , grapple with poverty/difficulty

42. Compelling: 1. Convincing or persuasive

Compelling argument

2. Strong or forceful (compelling reason)

3. Enticing (com-beauty) , attractive

Compelling scene of sight, compelling dance

43. Comely: 1. physically attractive

A comely girl or woman

44. Dictatedby: 1. Directed by

45. Caprice: 1. Unpredictable nature or changeable nature (-ve)

The staffs are habitual to the caprices of the manager.

Capricious interest, capricious manager, capricious music

Capricious (not following a typical pattern)

46. Obliging: 1. Helpful (+ve)

Obliging neighbors, obliging friends, obliging passer-by

47. Aesthetics: 1. Beauty in arts, literatures

2. Study of beauty

48. Aesthete: 1. a person who loves beauty or finds beauty in arts, literature, books.

49. Galaxy: 1. a group of intellectual people

50. Instinctive: 1. Natural

51. Distrust: 1. Mistrust

52. Veneration: 1. Deep respect(for quality, age, character)

53. Venerate: 1. To feel or have deep respect (somebody or something is great/holy/old)

Mother Teresa was venerated as a saint.

To venerate the temple/leader/priest/tradition/culture

Syn. Revere

54. Indifference: 1. Lack of interest, concern

2. State of being of average standard

Indifferent food items

I am indifferent to their dispute.

55. Suspicion: 1. Doubt

56. Qualms: 1. Doubt

Syn. Misgivings, reservation

I have some misgivings about the teacher’s quality.

I have some misgivings about the service of the hospital.

57. Reckless: 1. Careless (about unpleasant consequence)

He is spending money or time recklessly.

58. Bewilder: 1. To make somebody thoroughly confused or perplexed.

I was bewildered by the lecture.

Bewildering complexity of the English grammar

59. Obfuscate: 1. to confuse deliberately

The teacher tries to obfuscate the students.

60. Addle: 1. Rotten, not fresh

An addled egg

2. To be unable to think clearly (confuse)

Heat addled brain

61. Reception: 1. Greeting or welcoming

2. Formal party

The wedding reception

62. Novelty: 1. Nov (new or original)

2. Originality or newness

3. Inexpensive jewellery

The X-mass tree was illuminated by novelty.

63. Illuminate: 1. to give light (lumen-light)

2. to decorate with light

The house was illuminated on the occasion of matrimonial ceremony.

3. To decorate with golden or silver color

The manuscript was illuminated.

4. Clarify (informal)

The teacher could not illuminate the problem.

64. Chunk: 1. large piece

Chunk of fruits

2. Long span of time

He spent chunk of time on politics.

65. Fructify: 1. to bear fruits

Fructification process

66. Fruition: 1. Achievement (from fruit)

It is my great fruition.

67. Inimitable: 1. That can’t be imitate (unique) (of one kind)

Inimitable style, inimitable arts

68. Dogma: 1. a set of belief or belief followed by a typical group without doubt


69. Dogmatic: 1. following traditional principle without doubt


70. Hersey: 1. Opinion that is contrary to popular belief

71. Dogmatism: 1. Belief in traditional principle

72. Imaginative: 1. Inventive or creative

Imaginative mind

73. Coin: 1. Invent

Newly coined word

74. Caution: 1. Great care in order to avoid danger or risk

2. Warning (to be careful about danger or risk)

His comment has come as caution.

75. Giant: 1. Powerful and impressive person

76. Peripheral: 1. of the surrounding location

The city and its peripheral villages, peripheral job

2. Secondary

My peripheral profession

3. Extraneous

77. Amateur: 1. Non professional

78. Entomologist: 1. A person studies on insects

79. Stigma: 1. Part of flower

2. Token of disgrace

Stigma in character, social stigma

80. Stigmatize: 1. publically criticize

81. Stigmatization: 1. Public criticize (-ve)

The venal politician was stigmatized.

82. Venal: 1. Taking bribe (3';)

83. Marginalize: 1. To make powerless

2. to keep aside (-ve)

Marginalized society

Marginal: 1. Small and not important

84. Lionize: 1. To treat as a celebrity

The football player was lionized.

85. Lionization: 1. Popularity

86. Spotlight: 1. Focus

87. Foreground: 1. To make something or somebody more important or popular

2. Front

The foreground of the photograph

These political leaders are in the foreground.

88. Transcend: 1. To reach beyond your expectation (transcendent, transcendence)

My awareness transcended

Syn. Exceed

89. Groundless: 1. Baseless

Groundless fear, groundless argument , groundless prediction

90. Transgress: (trans-across/ gress-progress) (-ve)

1. to go beyond the limit of morality

He has transgressed the unwritten law of the society.

91. Subaltern: 1. Lower in rank

Subaltern tribes

2. Helping higher rank

92.Leonine: 1. Very courageous

Leonine person

93.Asinine: 1. Stupid

2. Very silly

An asinine person

94.Saturnine: 1. Gloomy or very sad, serious (sullen)

Saturnine face, saturnine occasion, saturnine place

Fig. dark-skinned (swarthy)

Swarthy face

95.Demanding: 1. Giving sincere attention or very careful

A demanding reader

2. Requiring much effort

Demanding work or task

3. Irritating others by demanding something

96.Acerbic: 1. Sour or bitter (-ve)

2. Bitter or angry: acerbic criticism- bitter criticism acerbic debate-angry debate

Acerbic criticism, acerbic remark, acerbic food item

97.Scathe: 1. Hurt or injure (physical or sentimental) (-ve) (scathing: withering)

Scathing remarks

98.Unscathed: 1. adj. not injured or hurt

The soldier got back unscathed from the battle field.

99.Exacting: 1. Very careful

Exacting analysis: very careful and detailed analysis

2. Requiring much effort or time

Exacting job

3. Demanding much effort or time

Exacting manager or boss

100.Copious: 1. Plentiful or abundant

Copious options, copious notes, copious information

There are copious books in the library.

101. Cornucopia: 1. Symbol of abundant

2. Abundant

Cornucopia of questions, cornucopia of information

102. Meticulous: 1. Giving sincere attention or very careful

A meticulous student, a meticulous analysis, a meticulous teaching

Meticulous analysis: very careful and detailed analysis

Syn. Scrupulous

103. Contemporary: 1. A person belonging to the same time (;dsflng)

2. Belonging to the same time (adj.)

3. syn.Modern

A contemporary jazz/music/poetry

104.Coeval: 1. of the same age (eval-age)

2. Having the same date of origin

Coeval people, coeval companies

105.Miser: 1. Stingy person or greedy person (-ve)

Miserliness: greed

106.Stinginess: 1. Syn. Miserliness

107.Diffident: 1. Lack of confident (lacking of self-confidence) (diffidence)

2. Shy

108.Coy: 1. Shy

109.Frugal: 1. Economical

2. syn. Thrifty

3. Provident

110.Frugality: 1. Thrift

2. being economical

111.Liberality: 1. Generosity

2. Giving freedom

112.Misconception: 1. Wrong belief, mistake on belief

113.Frequent: 1. To visit frequently

The café is frequented by the local people.

2. Happening or doing something often

He is frequent visitor to this country.

114.Novice: 1. Beginner

Syn. Tyro

Syn. Neophyte

2. New or lacking experience

115.Convoluted: 1. Coiled (not straight, twisted)

Convoluted path, convoluted talk, convoluted thinking,

Convoluted mind, convoluted structureConvoluted writing: complex writing

116.Mirror: 1. reflect

117. Labyrinth (N): 1. Coiled path

2. Something that is hard to understand

Syn. Maze

The labyrinth of the English grammar.The labyrinth of the legal system

118.Engage: 1. Involve someone’s interest or attention

2. to fight against

3. to start war

119.Disengage: 1. to stop fighting, to give up war

120.Engaging: 1. Very attractive (adj.)

2. Troth (promise for marriage)

3. Betroth (to promise for marriage)

121. Fanciful: 1. having unusual imagination

A fanciful person, fanciful story/tale

2. unusual and attractive

Fanciful architectural design

122.Fancy (noun): 1. Imagination that is unusual

123.Fancier: 1. Breeder or supplier of animals or plants

A dog fancier

124.Vintner (n): 1. Wine maker and/or seller

125.Chimera: 1. a type of Greece mythical being (lion’s head, goat’s body, serpent’s tail)

2. Great imagination that can’t be fulfilled

His goal is only a chimera.

126.Chimerical (adj.): 1. highly imaginary that can’t be fulfilled

Chimerical goal

127.Serpentine: 1. like a snake, bending, meandering or not straight (tortuous)

Serpentine River, serpentine man/person/path/road

2. Very evil

128.Viper (v.): 1. Poisonous snake

2. a harmful person or evil person

129.Consequential: 1. Happening as a consequence

The heavy rainfall and consequential flood

2. Very important

Consequential decision

130.Inconsequential: 1. not important

Inconsequential decision, inconsequential discovery

131.Involved: 1. Complicated, complex (adj.)

Involved theory, involved ideology

The GRE course is more involved than I thought.

132.Tenet (n.): 1. Principle (l;2fGt)

The fundamental tenet, the central tenet

133.Ideology: 1. A set of belief

Capitalist ideology, Ideology of Karl Marx

134.Bigot (n.): 1. A single minded person who can’t tolerate

A religious bigot, a political bigot

135.Fanatic: 1. Zealot

2. A very aggressive person to support the ideas or belief

A religious fanatic, A national zealot

136.Bigotry: 1. Single mindedness that lacks patience or tolerate

137.Zeal: 1. Great enthusiasm

2. Strong belief, zeal in religion

138.Patience: 1. Ability to accept

139.Bovine: 1. Cow like, cattle like

A girl with bovine eye

2. beef

3. slow moving and dull witted (stupid)

140.Ursine: 1. Bear like

141.Vulpine: 1. Fox like

2. disease (-ve)

3. cunning (w't{)

A vulpine person

142.Vixen: 1. Female fox

2. cunning woman

143.Simian: 1. Monkey like

2. simian face

144.Canine: 1. Dog like

145.Feline: 1. Cat like

2. Preferring isolation

Feline person

146.Urbane: 1. Of the city

2. civilized/polite/suave/polished

147.Pastoral: 1. Of the village-pastoral song, pastoral life

2. pastoral scene

3. of the pastor-pastoral responsibilities

4. relating to pasture-pastoral land, pastoral beauty

148.Bucolic: 1. Of the village or countryside, rustic (typical of country or country people)

2. Bucolic scene

149.Maritime: 1. Of the sea

Maritime law, maritime climate

2. Bordering to the sea

Maritime countries, maritime city

150.Idyll: 1. A poem which describes the peaceful and pleasant place

2. peaceful and pleasant feeling

151. Idyllic: 1. Peaceful and pleasant and beautiful

Idyllic Hamlet (small village/town)

152. Abut: 1. Adjoin

My house abuts onto the road.

153. Abutting: 1. Adjoining

China and its abutting countries

Syn. contiguous

154. Ossify: 1. Turn into the bone or harden

The joints have been ossified.

2. Cease developing or be stagnant or rigid

His opinions ossified, the culture/tradition ossified

155.Osseous: 1. Made of bone

156.Stupefy: 1. To make somebody feel thoroughly confused or surprised

(to stun, baffle, or amaze)

The decision stupefied me.

157.Stave: 1. Break in

The engine stove (past)

158.Staveoff: 1. Keep away or remove

The travellers ate fruits to stave off hunger.

To stave off fear/infection/anxiety/hunger

159.Relegate: 1. Demote (demotion), retrograde

The club was relegated.

2. give the responsibility or a work to a person or group

The proposal was relegated to the committee members for discussion.

160.Transmute: 1. Thoroughly change

Syn. Transform

The early criminal transmuted himself into a national hero.

161.Incise: 1. Carve or cut into (in-into, cise-cut)

The surface of the clay pot was incised.The gorge was incised.

162. Lank: 1. Tall or thin

Syn. Lanky, gangling

163.Squat: 1. To seat on heels (6'qm'Ss j:g]_

2. To occupy others property (governmental or private)

3. Short or fat

Squat boy, body, squat tower

165. Brawny: 1. having muscular strength

A brawny weight lifter

Syn. Burly (husky)

166.Brawn: 1. Muscular strength

167.Fair: 1. physically attractive

Syn. comely

168.Meager: 1. Thin or lean

Meager person or animal

2. Insignificant or very little or paltry

Meager salary, meager interest rate

3. of poor quality

Meager books

169.Estimable: 1. Deserving esteem or respect or admiration

Estimable chair person, estimable scholar/ university

170.Heyday: 1. the time in which you feel greatly happy and wealthy or peaceful

171.Tribulation: 1. Great trouble or suffering

Syn. Throes

The tribulations of modern life

172.Tribunal: 1. Court (having authority to deal with particular problem)

The international tribunal

173.Reticent: 1. Un-willing to speak, quiet, reserved, reluctant to express thoughts

He is reticent about his past.

Reticent ruler/regime

174.Chivalry: 1. Bravery (chivalric: very brave)

2. Kindness particular to woman

175.Subsidy: 1. funding by the government or organization

The company was subsidized.

176.Intricacy: 1.complexity

The intricacies of economic policies

177.Ameliorate: 1. to make better or improve (that is bad)

The bad situation was ameliorated

Ant. Aggravate (bad to worse), exacerbate

178.Ascertain: 1. to make sure

2. Find out

It is hard to ascertain the facts.

179.Exacerbate: 1. Worsen (that was already bad)

Syn. Aggravate

The injury has been aggravated.

180.Counterproductive: having the opposite effect to the one which is intended

Increase in taxation would be counterproductive.

181.Overlook: 1. Face

My house overlooks the garden.

2. To ignore as insignificant

To overlook mistakes

182.Renege: 1. Betray (re-back, ege-neg

183.Renegade: 1. A person who betrays (country, political party or person)

2. adj. perfidious (per-non, fid-faith)

Renegade guard of the Indira Gandhi

184.Tiring: 1. Adj. shy/coy

185.Deliver: 1. provide

186.Retreat: 1. Give up or withdraw

The soldiers retreated from war.

2. noun. Inactivity

The project is in retreat.

3. a quitter place

He is in the retreat of the lab.

187.Deliverapromise: 1. To promise

188.Grandiose: 1. Very impressive

Grandiose building, grandiose personality, grandiose plan

2. so great that it is unlikely to complete

Grandiose project (Melamchi), grandiose treaty

189.Anonymous: 1. Having a name that is not publicly known.

Anonymity: 1. Secrecy of name

He requested for anonymity.

190.Thuggery: 1 a violent man, especially a criminal

191. Peer: 1. Look with difficulty or concentration

192. Confront: 1. Meet face to face (face upto a problem)

193. Contort: 1. To become something twisted or make something twisted out of

its natural or normal shape

194. Faze: 1. Unsettle

2. to make somebody feel afraid

Syn. Daunt

Nobody can faze me.

195.Frantic: 1. Hurried or confused

2. widely agitated

196.Bang: 1. Sudden, loud, sharp noise

197.Tirade: 1. A long angry speech

Syn. Diatribe

198.Expletive: 1. A swear word

He dropped the book on his foot and muttered several expletives

under his breath.

199.Flea: 1. A small jumping blood sucking insect

200.Fleamarket: 1. A street market selling second hand goods

201. Consternation: 1. Anxiety or dismay

The announcement of her retirement caused consternations

among tennis fans.

202. Fortify: 1. Strengthen against attack

2. Invigorate or encourage

3. increase the alcoholic content or nutritious value of

203.Collusion: 1. Secrete co-operation or conspiracy in order to deceive

or for illegal purpose.

Collusion between politicians and security personnel to kill the journalist

204.Connive: 1. To let go a criminal or criminal activity

The prison guard connived at the escape of the prisoner (knowingly)

2. Conspire

3. to pretend to be ignorant

205.Adversities: 1. Difficulties or misfortunes

206.Obloquy: 1. Defamation (ob-not, loq-talk)

2. Dishonor

Smoking on public places is matter of obloquy.

207. Redolent: 1. Sweet smelling (+ve)

Redolent food item, redolent wine

2. having strong smell

Redolent spices, redolent herbs

3. evocative (reminding)

The restaurant is redolent of my village.

208.Infamy: 1. State of being notorious (s'Voft)

209.Infamous: 1. Notorious

Infamous criminal or crime

2. very bad or detestable (3[0ff nfUbf])

Infamous weather, infamous surrounding

210.Droll: 1. of odd or amusing qualities

Droll expressions

211. Vapid: 1. Tasteless, dull or uninteresting, unexciting

Vapid song, vapid poem, vapid stories

212. Arid: 1. Hot and dry

Arid climate of deserts, arid days

The trees are wearing a deserted look as the winter set in

2. Uninteresting or dull

Arid movie

213.Amiable: 1. Sweet tempered (am-love or friend), friendly

An amiable person

2. Pleasant

An amiable writing style, amiable story

214.Apocryphal: 1. well known but lacking authenticity (apo-god)

2. Not verified

Apocryphal stories

215.Apocrypha: 1. Religious document or stories lacking authenticity

216.Canon: 1. A set of religious rule

217.Canonical: 1. Very holy

Canonical Bible

2. Authentic because it has been traditionally approved

Canonical method

218.Pubs: 1. a building where people go to drink and meet their friends

219.Odoriferous: 1. Bad smell

2. Carrying smell