City of Topeka
Sustainability Advisory Board
Meeting Record
March7, 2014
Meeting Attendees
Shawn Geil Carrie Ridley Debra Swank Derrick Carpenter Bill Naeger
Judith Scherff Olivia Marshall
Guests: Mary Powell,
1. Call to Order: 7:30 a.m.
2. Attendance/Introductions:Alan Moore, Frito Lay
3. Approval of Agenda: Add SAB Bylaws Change, motioned to approve, motion carried
4. Approval of Previous Minutes: Unanimously approved
5. Presentation / Speaker:Eileen Horn, Lawrence & Douglas County Sustainability Director;
The Sustainability Director is a shared position between the City and the County. Eileen gave an overview of City and County of Lawrence.
Major Topics: Monthly monitoring of Energy CAP data; created fund for energy savings projects and tracks the savings;testing use of Alternative fuels; Economic Development – Business Park; local Sustainability Food Systems – leasing city’s vacant property for community gardens; Transportation – Bike lanes; Water Conservation and Efficiency; Curbside Waste Reduction Recycling; Green Buildings; Citizen Engagement & Outreach.
Ian Spomer, Cromwell Solar: Ian is the sales director with Cromwell Solar. He presented information onsolar incentives, federal tax credit, accelerated depreciation, solar costs and decreased bills. The payback for commercial is approx. 6yrs, residential is approx. 12yrs.They have also created a leasing program to alleviate up front costs. Cromwell Solar is looking into doing a project for the Topeka Zoo. Cromwell Solar covers all of Kansas. SAB discussed types of savings, durability of panels, potential projects, etc.
6. Old Business:
a. Bylaws Change:The term limit for SAB members was changed in the Ordinance to
allow them to serve consecutive terms. The term limit in the By-laws currently does
not allow membersto serve consecutive terms.It was motioned to add the same
language in the By-laws as it is in the Ordinance regarding terms limits. Shawn moved
to approve Derrick seconded,motion passed.
7. New Business
- Discussion of Earth Hour:Does the City have any plans to participate. Get core groups to be involved. AskMayor to have a proclamation. Group discussed different options to promote event, one being Social media. Derrick moved to have the SAB support this event by sending a letter of support to the Mayor and City Council to support and participate, the SAB Secretary will draft letter. Motion was unanimouslyapproved.
Carrie asked about making a Twitter site for the SAB and what title/information did they want on the site.
- Discussion of April’s Meeting: Don Rankin, City Utility Superintendent will be
thespeaker. Items to address could be upcoming projects, rate increases for Utilities, etc.
- Announcements:
*Judith suggests having a table at the Earth Day event at the Zoo in April. She also said that a week from tomorrow a group from Washburn University is going to Padre for the Turtle event.
*Carrie said the State is doing cleanup of lakes for Earth Day that is sponsored by State Parks n’ Wildlife. Can the group look into coordinating projects for Topeka? Topeka Neighborhood clean ups are in April. Keep America Beautiful will be participating with clean up events, also.
*Sylvan gave update on the Johnson Control issue with the City and said they are
looking at different options. Also, he will work with Finance to get information on city’s savings on their recycling program.
9.Adjourn: 9:00 am. Next meeting is Friday, April 4, 2014.