Personal Information

Name: Fathollah Bouzarjomehri

Date of birth: 8/22/1957

Title: Chairman of Radiotherapy Center

Work address: Shahid ramazanzadeh radiotherapy center, shahid Motahhari st.

Tel-fax: 0098 351 7244078


Education Background

1995-2000  PhD in Medical physics, School of medical sciences, Tarbiat Modarres Uni., Tehran, Iran

Title of Thesis: The Effects of EMF (low frequency) on

Wound Healing in Rat

1989-1991 MSc in Medical physics, School of medical sciences,

Tarbiat Modarres Uni., Tehran, Iran

Title of Thesis: Determination of ultra trace elements in

Thalasemia patient serum by NAA and PIXE methods

1976-1985  BSc in physics, faculty of sciences, Mashhad Uni.

Mashhad, Iran

Professional Training

October 2004 A twelve days regional training course on radiation protection and

Safety in diagnostic and interventional radiology held in Kuwait

City by IAEA

March 2003 A one-month case study presentations (Neptun Accelerator) in

Measurements and security in LINAC, in Poland

May 1994 a one-week course study on Radiation oncology physics by

AAPM, in Tehran Iran

Employment/ Professional Experience

2007 – present Associated professor of Medical physics

2000-2007 Assistant professor, Medical physics dept. of faculty of medicine,

shahid sadoghi university of medical sciences and health services

(Shahid Sadoghi UMSHS), Yazd, Iran.

Teaching medical physics for the medicine students and physics to

medical sciences students.

2004-present Chairman of Shahid Ramazanzade radiotherapy center of Shahid

Sadoghi UMSHS

2002-present Head of medical physics dept. Shahid Sadoghi UMSHS

1992-present Head of health physicist of Shahid Sadoghi UMSHS

1991-2000 Lecturer of medical physics in Shahid Sadoghi UMSHS



1.  F Bouzarjomehri, Author, Radiobiology, 2012, Yazd Publishing. Yazd

2.  F Bouzarjomehri, Author, Health Radiations, 2011, Sobhan Publisher. Tehran

3.  F Bouzarjomehri, Translator, Use and Protection of Radiation, Chapter 7 of Engineering of Environment, Salvato, 2010, Yazd publishing, Yazd

4.  F Bouzarjomehri, Translator, Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, section four of “the essential physics of medical imaging” Bushberg J T, , Tebgostar publisher, Yazd 2004.

5.  F Bouzarjomehri, Translator, Nuclear Medicine Physics the Basics” Ramesh Chandra, Ketabkhan publisher, Mashhad, 2002.


1.  Bouzarjomehri F and Salari H, Situation of nuclear medicine examinations in Yazd province, Iran, IJRR, in print

2.  Bouzarjomehri F and Tsapaki V, Measurement of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation in Yazd, Iran IJRR, in print

3.  Bouzarjomehri F and Tsapaki V, Active Personal Dosimeter in a Nuclear Medicine Center in Yazd City, Iran, J Biomed Phys Eng 2011, 1(1),29-34

4.  Bouzarjomehri F and Tsapaki V, Evaluation of Cancer Risk of the Patient Undergoing Coronary Angiography in Yazd, Iran, IJRR, 2010, 8(3), 161-167

5.  Bouzarjomehri F and Tsapaki V, Patient dose values during interventional cardiology examinations in Yazd hospitals, Iran, IJRR 2009, 6 (4), 167-172

6.  Bouzarjomehri F and Ehrampoosh M H, Radon level in dwellings basement of Yazd-Iran, IJ RR, 2008 6 (3), 141-144

7.  Bouzarjomehri F, Dashti MH, Zare MH, Radiation exposure of the Yazd population from medical conventional x –ray examinations, IJRR, 2007, 4(4), 195-200

8.  Bouzarjomehri F, Zare MH, Shahbazi Gahrouei D, Patient dose resulting from CT examination inYazd , Iran IJRR, 2007, 4(3), 73-78

9.  Bouzarjomehri F, Bayat T, Dashti MH, Ghisari M et al, Co γ ray attenuation coefficient of barit concrete, IJRR, 2006, 4(2) 23-27

10.  Bouzarjomehri F, Mostar A, Ghasemi A and et al, The study of mean glandular dos in mammography in Yazd and the factors affecting it, IJR, 2006, 4(1), 29-36

11.  Tabrizizade, M. Bouzarjomehri F. Evaluation of the relationship between blood lead and prevalence of oral complications in koushk lead mine workers, Yazd, J. Dental Med. 2006, 19(1) 91-98

12.  Bouzarjomehri F, Zare MH, Conventional and Spiral CT Dose indices in Yazd general hospitals, IJRR, 2006, 3(4): 183-189

13.  Bouzarjomehri F, Ehramposh MH., "Gamma background radiation in Yazd province." IJRR, 2005, 3(1):17-20

14.  Bouzarjomehri F “Patient dose in routine x-ray examinations in yazd” IJRR, 2004, 1(4): 199-204

15.  Bouzarjomehri F, “Reduction of unwanted patient exposure in x-ray examinations” IJR, December 2003, 121-123

16.  Bouzarjomehri F, hajizade S, Sharafi AA, Firoozabadi SMP “Effects of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields on wound healing in rat skin” Arch Iran Med (AIM)2000; 3(1): 23-27

17.  Bouzarjomehri F, hajizade S, Sharafi AA, Firoozabadi SMP “ Asarat midan elektromeghnatis kam ferekanc bar behbodi zakhm post rat” Shahid Sadoghi UMSHS J. 1999

Paper presented in conferences

1.  Cardiology examinations achieving by interventional radiology or nuclear medicine methods? The 1st MEFOMP International Conference of Medical Physics

2.  Active Personal Dosimeter in a Nuclear Medicine Center in Yazd City, Iran The 1st MEFOMP International Conference of Medical Physics

3.  Situation of nuclear medicine examinations in Yazd province, Iran, The 1st MEFOMP International Conference of Medical Physics

4.  Dose estimation and radiation protection in modality imaging. 3rd Int'l Congress of Nuclear Medicine, ICNM, Tehran, 19-21 May 2011.

5.  Evaluation of Cancer Risk of the Patient Undergoing Coronary Angiography in Yazd, Iran, Iranian congress of Radiology Conference, Tehran, 2010,

6.  Patient dose values during interventional cardiology examinations in Yazd hospitals, Iran, Iranian congress of Radiology Conference, Tehran, 2010,

7.  Solar UV in Yazd, 8th Iranian congress of Medical physics 2010/Tehran

8.  Radiation exposure of the Yazd population from medical conventional x –ray examinations, (Poster) 7th Iranian congress of Medical physics 2007/Ajvaz-Iran

9.  "A study of mean glandular dose in mammography in Yazd and the factors affecting it " (Oral), 1st Human, Life and Radiation Conference, 10/29/2006, Rafsanjan, Iran

10.  "Annual Effective Dose from Gamma Background Radiation in the Big Cities of Yazd Province" (Oral), 1st Human, Life and Radiation Conference, 10/29/2006, Rafsanjan, Iran

11.  "Determination of Attenuation Coefficient of Co-60 Gamma Radiations in Barite Concert" (Oral), 1st Human, Life and Radiation Conference, 10/29/2006, Rafsanjan, Iran

12.  "Population dose from CT examinations in Yazd", (Oral), 1st Human, Life and Radiation Conference, 10/29/2006, Rafsanjan, Iran

13.  "Conventional and Spiral CT Dose indices in Yazd general hospitals, Iran " (Oral), 1st Human, Life and Radiation Conference, 10/29/2006, Rafsanjan, Iran

14.  “Reduction of Unwarranted Exposure to Patient for Radiography Supply” (Poster), 6th Iran medical physics conference, Mashhad UMSHS, 11/13/2004, Mashhad city,

15.  “Study of patient dose in diagnostic radiology” (Oral) 3rd Internation WONUC conference, Shahid Beheshti UMSHS, October 21-23, 2003,Tehran Iran

16.  “Frequency depended alteration of skin wound healing pulsed extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields” (Poster), 3rd International conference on bioelectromagnetism, 8-12 October 2000, Bled-Slovenia.

17.  “The effects of EMF on wound healing in skin of rat” (Oral) 4th Iran medical physics conference, Tehran UNSHS, 5/20/ 2000, , Tehran-Iran,

18.  “The effect of Electromagnetic field on wound healing” (Oral), Iran Physiology and pharmacology conference, Tehran UMSHS, 5/21/ 1999, Tehran-Iran.

19.  “Determination of trace elements of Thalassemia serum by NAA”,(Oral) Congress of Pediatrics, Tehran UMSHS, 10/ 11/1991, Tehran-Iran

20.  “Study of trace elements on thalassemia serum by NAA and PIXE”, (Oral), The first conference of medical physics of Iran, Tabriz UMSHS, 5/21/1991, Tabriz-Iran

Thesis Supervision

1.  The effect of using cerobend shielding in PDD and…, Z Kiani. MSc thesis, Tabriz Medical sciences Uni.

2.  The effect of using fixators in skin dose. M Shahabi, MSc thesis, Yazd Uni.

3.  " Gel dosimetry and the it's effective factors, M Dehghan, MSc thesis, Yazd Uni.

4.  Survey of CTDI of conventional and spiral CT in Yazd, MSc thesis of Medical physics, Mr Mohamad Hossein Zare, 25/6/2006 Esfahan medical sciences Uni.

5.  “Patient dose in radiographies and nuclear medicine in Yazd”, MSc thesis of physics, Mrs Maranhoseini, 15/8/2005, Yazd Uni.

6.  “The Study of Barite Concrete for Cobalt Bunker Shielding” MSc thesis of physics, Mr. Bayat Taghi, 2/17/2004, Yazd Uni.

7.  “The simulation of Phonix cobalt and Nepton 10PC LINAC machine by BEAM-MC”, MSc thesis of physics, Mr. Azarnosh Ali, 5/12/2003 Yazd Uni.