Torres Strait Island Regional Council

Application for Prescribed Activity Permit

(Pursuant to Model Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2010, section 8)


If you require assistance or further information regarding this Application please contact the Legal Services Division.

Name(s) of Applicant(s):
Address of Applicant(s):
Contact Details: / Tel:

New Permit: Renewal of an existing permit:

Issue date of previous permit: / /


I HEREBY seek Council approval for the following Prescribed Activity:

Prescribed Activity / Annexure / Application Fee
(GST free) / Tick (ü) applicable
Alteration or improvement to local government controlled areas and roads / A.  / $264.76
Commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads - (a) General / B.  / $132.38
Commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads – (b) Moorings and Landings / C.  / $132.38
Establishment or occupation of a temporary home / D.  / $132.38
Installation of advertising devices / E.  / $132.38
Keeping of animals where permit is required / F.  / $132.38
Operation of camping grounds / G.  / $264.76
Operation of caravan parks / H.  / $264.76
Operation of cemeteries / I.  / $264.76
Operation of public swimming pools / J.  / $264.76
Operation of shared facility accommodation / K.  / $264.76
Operation of temporary entertainment / L.  / $132.38
Disturbance of human remains buried outside a cemetery / M.  / NIL
Burial or disposal of human remains outside a cemetery / N.  / NIL
Disturbance of human remains in a local government cemetery / O.  / NIL
Driving or leading of animals to cross a road / P.  / $66.19
Depositing of goods or materials on a local government controlled area or road / Q.  / NIL
Holding of a public place activity / R.  / NIL
Bringing or driving motor vehicles onto a park or reserve / S.  / NIL
Bringing or driving prohibited vehicles onto motor vehicle access areas / T.  / NIL
Carrying out works on a road or interfering with a road or its operation / V / $264.76
Undertaking scientific research on trust areas / W. / NIL
Camping within a camping site in a trust area / X / NIL

Provide details including activity type, location, Council Division and time period.

Ensure all relevant documents and materials noted in the relevant Annexure accompany this Application. Ensure all criteria noted in the relevant Annexure are addressed. If you require more room, please attach additional pages.

If the Prescribed Activity has an Application Fee and you wish to request a fee waiver, on what grounds are you requesting a fee waiver?

The Prescribed Activity is a not-for-profit or fundraising event

Financial hardship

Other reason (specify):

IT IS AN OFFENCE for a person to provide information in or in connection with an Application that is, to the person’s knowledge, false or misleading in a material particular. In making this Application, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE that Council will rely upon all representations given in this Application by you in assessing whether or not to approve the Application, and confirm that all representations are true and correct to the best of your knowledge at the time of making this Application.


Permits will NOT be granted until the Application Fee is paid. The Application Fee is a Cost Recovery Fee under the Local Government Act 2009 (Qld) and covers the cost of the Legal Services Division receiving the Application and the Authorising Officer assessing the Application only. The Application Fee is non-refundable regardless of whether a Permit is or is not granted.


Your Personal Information is protected by law and can only be released to someone else where authorised by law or where you give your permission. Council is collecting the Personal Information contained in this document for the purpose of processing your Application. This collection of Personal Information is authorised by law under Local Government Act 2009 (Qld). It is Council’s usual practice that the Personal Information contained in this document is disclosed to the Queensland Government as part of its regulatory requirements under Local Government Act 2009 (Qld) and Local Government Regulation 2012 (Qld).

I HEREBY agree to comply with all conditions specified in the applicable Annexure as extracted from Subordinate Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2013.
Signature of Applicant(s):


This Application MUST be accompanied by –

(a)  documents and materials specified in the applicable Annexure; and

(b)  proof that the Applicant currently holds any separate approval relating to the Prescribed Activity that is required under another law; and

(c)  the Application Fee or remittance advice.


1.  EFTPOS or Credit Card payment at your local Divisional Council Office.

2.  Electronic Funds Transfer:

Acc Name: TSIRC GF

BSB: 084 951

Acc No: 75 243 4776

3.  Enquires to: Torres Strait Island Regional Council

PO Box 7336


Attention: Legal Services Division

Tel: (07) 4034 5763

Fax: (07) 4034 5726

Application for Prescribed Activity Permit – April 2016 1