Scholarship and Research

I. Research Support

Past Support from NIH (Foundation and Industrial Support Not Listed):

  1. Identification and Quantitation of Cystic Fibrosis Factors. (Co-Investigator) RFP‑NHLBI‑HR‑77‑3, NIH. 1977 - 1981.
  2. Human Milk Peptide, Metallo‑Peptides and Trace Metals (Co-PI). RO1 HD 12465, NIH. 1978 - 1981.
  3. Nutritional Role of Manganese Binding Molecules in Milk (PI). RO1 HD 16730, NIH. 1983 -1986.
  4. Genetic Studies of Pregnancy Specific b1 Glycoprotein (PI). RO1 HD 21793, NIH. 1986 -1993.
  5. Project 1: Role of PSG Proteins in the Testis (PI). Program Project: Cell Biology of Testis. PO1HD24633, NIH, 1992 – 1996.
  6. Molecular Genetics of Pregnancy Specific Glycoproteins (PI). IPA, NCHGRI, NIH. 1995.
  7. The Promonocyte Receptor for PSG11s. (PI) RO1 HD31553, NIH. 1995 – 1998.
  8. Experimental Emphysema: Studies on Remediation. (Co-Investigator) RO1 HL59432, NIH. 1997 - 1999.
  9. Research Training in Developmental Immunology.T32 HD07185-11. NIH. 1994 - 1999.
  10. Remediation of Emphysema: Mechanism, Characterization. (Co-Investigator) 1RO1 HL60115-01A, NIH, 1998 - 2002.

Current Support:

  1. Establishment of a developmental genomics program in NICHD. IPA, NICHD, NIH. 100%, 01/01/2001- 09/30/2005.$ 942,143.00, current year $ 228,652.50.
  2. Section on Developmental Genomics, NICHD intramural support for the laboratory, 100%, 01/01/2001 - 09/30/2005. (Excluding personnel) $ 2,072,350, current year $ 575,170.
  3. Fate of Spermatogonial Stem Cells. 2 R01-HD33728-05A1. 10% effort. (no monetary support requested) PI: Martin Dym, Ph.D. 12/01/2002 - 11/30/2007 $ 1,250,000 (Total Direct) ($250,000, 1st Year Direct) Goal: To understand the regulation of the initial steps of spermatogenesis.

II. Publications


  1. To Purify and Characterize Metallothionein from Human Tissues, and to Investigate Its Roles in Mammalian Copper Metabolism and in the Menkes Kinky Hair Disease. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1977.

Books and Monographs:

  1. Rennert OM and Chan WY. (Editors) Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man: Volume 1. Developmental Aspects. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. 1984.
  2. Rennert OM, and Chan WY. (Editors) Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man: Volume 2. Genetic Implications. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. 1984.
  3. Garnica AD, Chan WY, and Rennert OM. Trace Elements in Development and Disease. Current Problems in Pediatrics. Volume XVI, Number 2. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, IL. 1986.
  4. Chris YF Lau, Chan WY. (Editors) Y chromosome, Germ Cell Development and Fertility. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2004 (In preparation).

Chapter in Book:

  1. Chan WY, Leung KK. Body fluid glucose determination - An otoluidine method. Journal of the Science Society of the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong. Vol 3, pp. 4044, 1971.
  2. Rennert OM, Garnica AD, Chan WY. Hyperornithinemia and hyperammonemia: a rare disorder of ammonia metabolism. In: The Liver-Quantitative Aspects of Structure and Function. Preisig R, Qaumgartner G. (eds.). Gstaad, Switzerland. pp.198303, 1975.
  3. Chan WY, Griesmann GE, Rennert OM. Polyamine derivatives in growing cells. In: Advances in Polyamine Research Caldarera CM, Zappia V, BachrachU. (eds.). Vol. 3, Raven Press, New York, NY. pp. 213223, 1981.
  4. Rennert OM, Chan WY, Seale TW, Perlman M. Polyamine metabolism in humans: Clinical implications. In: Polyamines in Biology and Medicine. Morris DR, Marton LJ. (eds.). Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. Chapter 20, pp.384400, 1981.
  5. Chan WY, Ramadan TZ, Perlman M, McCaffree MA, Rennert OM. Manganese and copper metabolism in the mother and in the neonate. In: Nutrition and Child Health Perspectives for the 1980's. Tsang RC, Nichols BL Jr. (eds.). Alan R. Liss, New York, NY. p.191, 1981.
  6. Rennert OM, Chan WY, Ramadan TZ, McCaffree MA. Trace metal concentration in the term and premature infant. In: Proceedings of the Second Ross Clinical Research Conference. Meeting Nutritional Goals for Low-Birth Weight Infants. Sauls HS, Bachhuber WL, Lewis LA. (eds.). Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH. pp.122124, 1982.
  7. McCaffree MA, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Evaluation of trace metal homeostasis in lowbirth-weight infants. In Proceedings of the Second Ross Clinical Research Conference. Meeting Nutritional Goals for Low-Birth Weight Infants. Sauls HS, Bachhuber WL, Lewis LA (eds.). Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH. pp.125127, 1982.
  8. Chan WY, Tease LA, Liu HC, Rennert OM. Cell culture studies of Wilson's disease (HepatolenticularDegeneration). In: Biological Aspects of Metals and Metal Related Diseases. Sarkar B. (ed.). Raven Press, New York, NY. pp.147158, 1983.
  9. Chan WY, Bates J Jr, Rennert OM. Trace metals in milk, In: Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man. Vol. 1: Developmental Aspects. Rennert OM, Chan WY. (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 6378, 1984.
  10. Sarale C, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Wilson's disease: Recent advances, In: Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man. Vol. 2: Genetic Implications. Rennert OM, Chan WY. (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp.5370, 1984.
  11. Rennert OM, Chan WY. Genetic diseases: model for the study of trace metals, In: Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man. Vol. 2: Genetic Implications. Rennert OM, Chan WY (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp.133140, 1984.
  12. Chan WY, Bates JM Jr, Raghib MH, Rennert OM. Bioavailability of manganese in milk studied with in vitro and in vivo systems. In: Manganese in Metabolism and Enzyme Function. Wedler FC, Schramm VL. (eds.). Academic Press, New York, NY. pp.1734, 1986.
  13. Chan WY. Enzymology, In: Oklahoma Notes: Biochemistry. Briggs T, Chandler A. (eds.). SpringerVerlag, New York, NY. pp.1832, 1987.
  14. Chan WY. Human biochemical genetics. In: Oklahoma Notes: Biochemistry. Briggs T, Chandler A. (eds.). SpringerVerlag, New York, NY. pp.175194, 1987.
  15. Chan WY, Raghib MH. Absorption studies of manganese from various milk diets in suckling rats. In: Nutritional Bioavailability of Manganese. Kies C. (ed.). ACS, Washington, D.C. pp. 80-89, 1987.
  16. Chan WY. Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoproteins: Laboratory findings and clinical potential. GeorgetownMedicine. GeorgetownUniversity, Vol 1, pp. 11-15, 1991.
  17. Laue L, Wu SM, Kudo M, Hsueh AJW, Griffin JE, Wilson JD, Grant DB, Berry AC, Cutler GB Jr, Chan WY. The Gene defect that causes genetically XY males to develop as apparent females (Leydig cell hypoplasia). In: Third Annual Press Book. American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, MD. pp. 1-3, 1994.
  18. Chan WY, Garnica AD, Rennert OM. Genetic trace metal disturbances. In: Handbook of Metal-Ligand Interactions in Biological Fluids. Berthon G. (ed.). Volume 2: Bioinorganic Medicine, Part 4, Chapter 2, Section A, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY. pp. 792-802, 1995.
  19. Chan WY. Education, R&D, and the Biotech Industry in Hong Kong. In: Biotechnology in Hong Kong. Chan, AWK. (ed.), US-China Intellectual Property Institute, New York, pp. 451-471, 1999.

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

  1. Ho WKK, Chan WY. Serum lipid and lipoprotein levels in normal Chinese. Clin Chim Acta. 7:149154, 1974.
  2. Ho WKK, Chan WY. Evaluation of serum lipid and lipoprotein levels in normal Chinese. The influence of dietary habit, body weight, exercise and familial record of coronary heart disease. Clin Chim Acta. 61:19 25, 1975.
  3. Garnica AD, Chan WY, Rennert OM. The role of the metallothioneins in intracellular copper transport: Studies using skin fibroblasts of patients with Menkes' Syndrome. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 8:302 309, 1978.
  4. Chan WY, Garnica AD, Rennert OM. Metal binding studies of metallothioneins in Menkes' Kinky HairDisease. Clin Chim Acta. 88:221 228, 1978.
  5. Chan WY, Garnica AD, Rennert OM. Cell culture studies of Menkes' Kinky Hair Disease. Clin Chim Acta. 88:495507, 1978.
  6. Chan WY, Seale TW, Shukla JB, Rennert OM. Polyamine conjugates and total polyamine concentration in human amniotic fluid. Clin Chim Acta. 91:233242, 1979.
  7. Chan WY, Garnica AD, Rennert OM. Inducibility of metallothionein biosynthesis in cultured normal and Menkes' Kinky Hair Disease fibroblasts: Effects of copper and cadmium. Pediat Res. 13(4):197203, 1979.
  8. Rennert OM, Chan WY. Menkes' metallothionein and copper metabolism. Pediat Res. 13(4):204205,1979.
  9. Seale TW, Chan WY, Shukla JB, Rennert OM. Isolation and characterization of a polyaminepeptide conjugate from human amniotic fluid. Clin Chim Acta. 95:461472, 1979.
  10. Seale TW, Chan WY, Shukla JB, Rennert OM. A polyamine-peptide conjugate isolated from normal human plasma. ArchBiochem Biophys. 189:164174, 1979.
  11. Chan WY, Seale TW, Rennert OM. Fluorescence micro-disc electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate: Asimple and sensitive method applicable for routine laboratory analysis. J Chromat. 181(2):259265, 1980.
  12. Chan WY, Cushing W, Coffman MA, Rennert OM. Genetic expression of Wilson's Disease in cell culture: A diagnostic marker. Science. 208:299300, 1980.
  13. Rennert OM, Chan WY, Hildago H, Cushing W, Griesmann GE. Polyamines in Menkes' Kinky Hair Disease. Clin Chim Acta. 103:375 380, 1980.
  14. Chan WY, Rennert OM. Comparative study of Menkes' and Wilson's Disease. Cien Biol. 5(2):7375, 1980
  15. Chan WY, Richichi J, Griesmann GE, Cushing W, Kling OR, Rennert OM. Copper and ceruloplasmin activity in human amniotic fluid. Am J Obstet Gynecol.138(3):257259, 1980
  16. Chan WY, Ramadan TZ, Perlman M, McCaffree MA, Rennert OM. Copper and manganese in the motherand in the neonate. Nutr Rep Internat. 22(6):939948, 1980.
  17. Rennert OM, Chan WY, Griesmann GE. Polyaminepeptide conjugates: Proposed functions. Physiol Chem Phys. 12(5):441450, 1980.
  18. Chan WY, Rennert OM. The role of copper in iron metabolism. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 10(4):338344, 1980.
  19. Chan WY, Rennert OM. Cadmium nephropathy. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 11(3):229238, 1981.
  20. Chan WY, Mosca P, Rennert OM. Lithium nephrotoxicity: A review. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 11(4):343349,1981.
  21. Perlman M, Chan WY, Ramadan TZ, Rennert OM. Urinary polyamine in preterm infants. Clin ChimActa. 113:16, 1981.
  22. Chan WY, Chung KW, Bates J, Blomberg LA, Rennert OM. Organ specific zinc deficiency in testicularfeminization rats: Hormonemetal interaction. Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 102(2):630635, 1981.
  23. Seiler N, Knodgen B, Gittos MW, Chan WY, Griesmann GE, Rennert OM. On the formation of aminoacids deriving from spermidine and spermine. Biochem J. 200(1):123132, 1981.
  24. Chan WY, Bates J, Rennert OM. Comparative studies of manganese binding in human breast milk, bovine milk and infant formula. J Nutr. 112(4):642651, 1982.
  25. Chan WY, Rennert OM. Prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of diseases of copper metabolism. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 12(5):372380, 1982.
  26. Griesmann GE, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Determination of gammaaminobutyric acid by reversephase HPLC and precolumn labeling for fluorescence detection. J Chromat. 230:121124, 1982.
  27. Perlman M, Chan WY, Ramadan TZ, McCaffree MA, Rennert OM. Serum copper and ceruloplasmin in preterm infants: Prospective study. J Am Coll Nutr. 1:155163, 1982.
  28. Liu HC, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Histochemical studies of fibroblasts from patients with Menkes' Kinky Hair Disease and Wilson's Disease. Histochem J. 14:781789, 1982.
  29. Chan WY, Chung KW, Bates JM Jr, LeBlanc M, Tease LA, Griesmann GE, Rennert OM. Zinc metabolism in testicular feminization and cryptorchid testes in rats. Life Sci. 32(11):12791284, 1983.
  30. Chung KW, Chan WY, Dressler JB, Allison JE, Rennert OM. Androgen receptors in the brain of neonatal normal male and androgen insensitive rats. Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 111(2):717722, 1983.
  31. Rixon MW, Chan WY, Davie EW, Chung DW. Characterization of a cDNA coding for chain of human fibrinogen. Biochemistry. 22(13): 32373244, 1983.
  32. Chung DW, Chan WY, Davie EW. Characterization of a cDNA coding for the chain of human fibrinogen. Biochemistry. 22(13): 32503256, 1983.
  33. Fan MZ, Chan WY, Griesmann G, Rennert OM. Polyamine metabolism in McCoy cells: I. Comparative studies of extracellular polyamine conjugated proteins of human fibroblast and McCoy cultures. Physiol Chem Phys. 15(1):5768, 1983.
  34. Fan MZ, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Polyamine metabolism in McCoy cells: II. Cellular origin of excretedpolyamine conjugated proteins. Physiol Chem Phys. 15(1):6980, 1983.
  35. Fan MZ, Chan WY, Griesmann G, Rennert OM. Polyamine metabolism in McCoy cells: III. Comparative studies of metabolic fate of exogenous putrescine in human fibroblast cultures and McCoy cultures. Physiol Chem Phys. 15(1):8186, 1983.
  36. Wang CS, Chan WY, Kloer HU. Comparative studies on the chemical and immunochemical properties of human milk, human pancreatic juice and bovine milk lactoferrin. Comp Biochem Physiol. 78B(3):575-580, 1984.
  37. Blackett PR, Lee DM, Donaldson DL, Fesmire JD, Chan WY, Holcombe JH, Rennert OM. Studies of lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in Menkes Disease. Pediat Res. 18(9):864870, 1984.
  38. Chan WY, Bates JM. Jr, Rennert OM, Mamood A, TorresPinedo R. Intestinal transport of manganese from human milk, bovine milk and infant formula in rats. Life Sci. 35(24):24152419,1984.
  39. Raghib H, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Effect of age, method of feeding and prior fasting on the absorption of milk manganese in suckling rats. Nutr Rep Internat. 32(5):12011210, 1985.
  40. Garnica AD, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Trace metals in genetic disease. Trace Metals Med. 2(2):4758, 1985.
  41. Chan WY, Rennert OM. Genetic trace metal disturbances. J Am Coll Nutr. 4(1):3948, 1985.
  42. Chung KW, Kim SY, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Androgen receptors in prostate glands of zinc deficient rats. Life Sci. 38(1):351356, 1986.
  43. Raghib MH, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Comparative bioavailability of manganese from extrinsically labeled milk diets using suckling rats as a model. Brit J Nutr. 55(1):4958, 1986.
  44. Chan WY, Bates JM Jr, Rennert OM, Chung KW. Abnormal zinc metabolism in unilateral maldescended testes of a mutant rat strain. Proc Soc Expt Biol Med. 182(4):549558, 1986.
  45. Raghib H, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Comparative studies of selenium75 (Selenite and Selenomethionine) absorption from various milk diets in suckling rats. J Nutr. 116(8):14561463, 1986.
  46. Chan PK, Chan WY, Yung BYM, Cook RG, AldrichMB, Ku D, Goldknopf LL, Busch H. Amino acid sequence of a specific antigenic peptide of protein B23. J Biol Chem. 261(30):1433514341, 1986.
  47. Chan WY, Bates JM Jr, Rennert OM, Chung KW. Absence of a 23kd protein in testes of testicular feminization rats. Life Sci. 40(22):2169-2173, 1987.
  48. Raghib HM, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Absorption of milk manganese in suckling rats. Nutr Rep Internat. 35(6):1111-1121, 1987.
  49. Chan WY, Tease LA, Borjigin J, Chan PK, Rennert OM, Srinivasan B, Shupert WL, Cook RG. Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein mRNA is present in placental as well as non-placental tissues. Hum Reprod. 3(5):677-686, 1988.
  50. Chan WY, Tease LA, Bates JM Jr, Borjigin J, Shupert WL. Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein in rats: Tissue distribution of the mRNA and identification of testicular cDNA clones. Hum Reprod. 3(5):687-692, 1988.
  51. Chan WY, Qiu WR. Human Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein is encoded by multiple genes localized on two chromosomes. Am J Hum Genet. 43(2):152-159, 1988.
  52. Chan WY, Borjigin J, Zheng QX, Shupert WL. Characterization of cDNA encoding human pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein from placenta and extraplacental tissues and their comparison with carcinoembryonic antigen. DNA. 7(8):545-555, 1988.
  53. Chan WY, Liu QR, Borjigin J, Busch H, Rennert OM, Tease LA, Chan PK. Characterization of a cDNA encoding human nucleophosmin and studies of its function in normal and abnormal growth. Biochemistry. 28(3):1033-1039, 1989.
  54. Tease LA, Fazleabas AG, Chan WY. Expression of pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein in baboon placenta. Biol Reprod. 41:1113-1121, 1989.
  55. Borjigin J, Tease LA, Barnes W, Chan WY. Expression of pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein in human testis. Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 166(2):622-629, 1990.
  56. Ogilvie S, Shiverick KT, Larkin LH, Romrell LJ, Shupert WL, Chan WY. Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein mRNA and immunoreactive-protein in the testis of rat. Endocrinology. 126(1):292-298,1990.
  57. Zheng QX, Tease LA, Shupert WL, Chan WY. Characterization of cDNAs of the human pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein family - A new subfamily of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. Biochemistry. 29(11): 2845-2852, 1990.
  58. Jose P, Felder RA, Felder CC, Chan WY. Molecular biology of adrenergic and dopamine receptors and the study of developmental nephrology. Pediat Nephrol. 4:679-685, 1990.
  59. Ho WKK, Liu SC, Shaw PC, Yeung HW, Ng TB, Chan WY. Cloning of the cDNA of -momorcharin: A ribosome inactivating protein. Biochim Biophys Acta 1088:311-314, 1991.
  60. Chan WY, Zheng QX, McMahon J, Tease LA.Characterization of new members of the pregnancy specific 1-glycoprotein family. Mol Cell Biochem. 106:161-170, 1991.
  61. Richardson LL, Chan WY, Dym M. Localization of a "pregnancy-specific" 1-glycoprotein in the malereproductive tract of the rat by in situ hybridization. Biol Reprod. 45: 704-710, 1991.
  62. Chan WY. The pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein family. Adv Contr Deliv Syst. 7:21-52, 1991.
  63. Shupert WL, Chan WY. Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein (PSG) in human intestine. Mol Cell Biochem. 120:159-170, 1993.
  64. Wu SM, Bazar L, Cohn M J, Cahill R, Chan WY. Expression of pregnancy-specific 1-glycoproteins inhematopoietic cells. Mol Cell Biochem. 122:147-158, 1993.
  65. Ida H, Rennert OM, Eto Y, Chan WY. Identification of a cDNA encoding human acid sphingomyelinase with a new mutation that renders the enzyme inactive. J Biochem. 114:15-20, 1993.
  66. Chen H, Chan WY, Chen C-L, Mansfield, BC, Chou JY. The carboxyl-terminal domain of the human pregnancy specific glycoprotein specifies intracellular retention and stability. J Biol Chem. 268(29):22066-22075, 1993.
  67. Pan C-J, Chamberlin ME, Wu SM, Chan WY, Chou JY. Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein genes expression and their induction by 5-bromo-2'-deoxy-uridine. Biochemistry. 33(23):7260-7266, 1994.
  68. Garnica AD, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Copper-histidine treatment of Menkes' disease. J Pediat. 125(2):336-338, 1994.
  69. Rennert OM, Chan WY, Garnica AD. Menkes kinky hair disease - A glimpse from the past into the future. Menkes disease: The study of copper metabolism. Internat Pediat. 9(Supp. 2):69-73, 1994.
  70. Laue L, Chan WY, Hsueh AJW, Kudo M, Hsu SY, Wu SM, Blomberg LA, Cutler GB Jr. Genetic heterogeneity of constitutively activating mutations of the luteinizing hormone receptor in familial male- limited precocious puberty. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA. 92(6):1906-1910, 1995.
  71. Laue L, Wu SM, Kudo M., Hsueh AJW, Griffin JE, Wilson JD, Grant DB, Brain C, Berry EC, Cutler GB Jr, Chan WY. A nonsense mutation of the human luteinizing hormone receptor gene in Leydig cell hypoplasia. Hum Mol Genet. 4(8):1429-1433, 1995.
  72. Garnica AD, Chan WY. The role of the placenta in fetal nutrition and growth. J Am Coll Nutr. 15(3):206 -222, 1996.
  73. Bano M, Prasad S, Dickson RB, Chan WY. Detection of pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein in human milk. Breast. 5:61-66, 1996.
  74. Laue LL, Wu SM, Kudo M, Bourdony CJ, Cutler GB Jr, Hsueh AJW, Chan WY. Compound heterozygous mutations of the luteinizing hormone receptor gene in Leydig Cell Hypoplasia. Mol Endocrinol. 10(8): 987-997, 1996.
  75. Laue L, Wu SM, Kudo M, Hsueh AJW, Cutler GB Jr, Jelly DH, Diamond FB, Chan WY. Heterogeneity of activating mutations of the human luteinizing hormone receptor in male-limited precocious puberty. Biochem Mol Med. 58:192-198, 1996.
  76. Wu SM, Blomberg LA, Chan WY. Recovery of PCR products from polyacrylamide gel for sequencing. BioTechniques. 21(3):358-362, 1996.
  77. Garnica AD, Chan WY. Placenta and growth factors in fetal growth and nutrition. Nutrition 13(4):384-385, 1997.
  78. Stratakis CA, Lin J-P, Pras E, Rennert OM, Bourdony CJ, Chan WY. Allgrove (Triple-A) syndrome in Puerto Rican kindreds maps to chromosome 12 (12q13). Proc Assoc Am Physicians. 109(5):478-482,1997.
  79. Wu SM, Jose M, Hallermeier K, Rennert OM, Chan WY. Polymorphisms in the coding exons of the human luteinizing hormone receptor. Hum Mut. 11(4):333-334 and Mutation in Brief #124, On-line,1997.
  80. Blomberg LA, Wu SM, Dirami G, Dym M, Chou JY, Chan WY. Characterization and cellular localization of pregnancy-specific 1-glycoproteins in rat testis. Mol Cell Biochem. 177:229-237, 1997.
  81. Chan WY, Cutler GB Jr. Molecular aspects of precocious puberty. Adv Mol Cell Endocrinol 2:121-141, 1998.
  82. Blomberg LL, Cohn MJ, Cahill RA, Chan WY. Effect of human pregnancy-specific 1 glycoprotein on blood cell regeneration after bone marrow transplant. Proc Soc Expt Biol Med. 217:212-218, 1998.
  83. Chan WY, Cutler GB Jr. Mutations of gonadotrophin receptors leading to loss or gain of function. Top Endocrinol. 8:9-12, 1998.
  84. Chan WY. Molecular genetic, biochemical, and clinical implications of gonadotropin receptor mutations. Mol Genet Metab. 63(2):75-84, 1998.
  85. Martin MM, Wu SM, Martin ALA, Rennert OM, Chan WY. Testicular seminoma in a patient with a constitutively activating mutation of the luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor. Euro J Endocrinol. 139:101-106, 1998.
  86. Wu SM, Stratakis CA, Chan CHY, Hallermeier K, Bourdony CJ, Chan WY. Genetic heterogeneity of ACTH resistance syndromes: A novel mutation of the ACTH receptor gene in hereditary glucocorticoid deficiency. Mol Gen Metab. 64:256-265, 1998.
  87. Wu SM, Hallermeier MK, Laue L, Brain C, Berry EC, Grant DB, Griffin JE, Wilson JD, Cutler GB Jr, Chan WY. Inactivation of the luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor by insertional mutation in Leydig cell hypoplasia. Mol Endocrinol. 12(11):1651-1660, 1998.
  88. Wu SM, Arnold LL, Rone J, Trivedi M, Chan WY. Effect of pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein on the preimplantation embryo. Proc Soc Expt Biol Med. 220:169-177,1999.
  89. Wu SM, Leschek EW, Brain C, Chan WY. A novel mutation of the luteinizing hormone receptor in a patient with familial male-limited precocious puberty – effect of the size of a critical amino acid on receptor activity. Mol Genet Metab. 66:68-73 1999.
  90. Arnold LL, Doherty TM, Flor WA, Simon JA, Chou JY, Chan WY, MansfieldBC. Pregnancy-specific glycoprotein gene expression in recurrent aborters: A potential correlation to interleukin-10 expression. Amer J Reprod Immunol. 41:174-182, 1999.
  91. Wu SM, Chan WY. Male pseudohermaphroditism due to inactivating luteinizing hormone receptor mutations. Arch Med Res. 30(6):495-500, 1999.
  92. Wu SM, Leschek EW, Rennert OM, Chan WY. Luteinizing hormone receptor mutations in disorders of sexual development and cancer. Frontiers Biosci. 5:D342-352, 2000.
  93. Wu SM, Leschek EW, Rennert OM, Chan WY. Luteinizing hormone receptor mutations in sexual development and cancer. J Pediat Path Mol Med. 19(1):21-40, 2000.
  94. Massaro GD, Massaro D, Chan WY, Clerch LB, Ghyselinck N, Chambon P, Chandraratna RAS. Signalling via retinoic acid receptor  mediates endogenous inhibition of the perinatal formation of pulmonary alveoli. Physiol Genomics. 4(1):51-57, 2000.
  95. Leschek EW, Chan WY, Diamond D, Laefer M, Jones J, Barnes KM, Cutler GB Jr. Nodular Leydig cell hyperplasia in a boy with Familial male-limited precocious puberty (FMPP). J Pediatr. 138(6):949-951, 2001.
  96. Sandrini F, Farmakidis C, Kirschner LS, Wu SM, Tullio-Pelet A, Lyonnet S, Metzger DL, Bourdony CJ, Hochberg Z, Chan WY, Stratakis CA. Spectrum of mutations of the AAAS gene and genotype-phenotype correlation in patients with isolated resistance to corticotropin or Allgrove syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 86: 5433-5437, 2001.
  97. Chan WY, Rennert OM. Molecular aspects of sexual differentiation. Curr Mol Med. 2:25-37, 2002.
  98. Bastain TM, Lewczyk CM, Sharp WS, James RS, Long RT, Eagen PB, Ebens CL, Meck JM, Chan WY, Sidransky ER, Rapoport JL, Castellanos FX. Cytogenetic abnormalities in Attention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 41(7):1-5, 2002.
  99. Blomberg LA, Chan WY, Clerch L, Massaro G, Massaro D. Molecular cloning and characterization oftwo genes up-regulated early in lung development. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1574(3):391-398, 2002.
  100. Pang ALY, Taylor HC, Johnson W, Alexander S, Chen Y, Su YA, Li X, Ravindranath N, Dym M, Rennert OM, Chan WY. Identification of differentially expressed genes in spermatogenesis in themouse. J Androl. 2003 Apr;24(6):899-911.
  101. Dogulu CF, Kansu T, Leung MYK, Baxendale V, Wu SM, Ozguc M, Chan WY, Rennert OM. Evidencefor genetic susceptibility to thrombosis in Pseudotumor Cerebri. Thromb Res, 111(6):389-395, 2003.
  102. Leung MLY, Al-Muslim O, Wu SM, Azizs A, Inam S, Awadh M, Rennert OM, Chan WY. A novel missense homozygous inactivating mutation in the fourth transmembrane helix of the luteinizing hormonereceptor in Leydig Cell Hypoplasia. Amer J Med Genet, 130A:146-153, 2004.
  103. Ohta S, Lai EW, Pang ALY, Brouwers FM, Chan WY, Eisenhofer G, de Krijger R, Ksinantova L, Blazicek P, Breza J, Kvetnansky R, Wesley RA, Pacak K. (2004) Down-regulation of metastasis suppressor gene in malignant pheochromocytoma. Internat J Cancer.114(1):139-43.
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