Student Council
Minutes June 2010
1. Last meeting’s minutes:
- P7 pupils do get to hear from S1s about what secondary is like.
- The sub committee on the web site have had all their ideas passed to Ms Ranson and they want pictures of all the teachers put on the web site along with the subjects they teach. The sub committee will also give Ms Ranson the links for the ‘educational shooting games’ they want put on the site.
- Paul Chaudry still to see Mr West about the bully free room and Mr Leslie to get the pictures of the rubbish after the interval. Paul is doing a powerpoint about litter for assemblies after the holidays.
2. Tannoy – Student Council would like a tannoy system put in so that we could be sure to hear the announcements and other important things.
3. TVs – can the TVs have sound at lunchtimes please?
4. Books – complaints that some textbooks are in an awful state.
5. Fuel Zone – the women in the Fuel Zone are complaining about pupils not being in the correct queues at lunchtimes. Older pupils to explain the system to the new S1s.
6. Toilets – too many people smoking in the toilets and too much hairspray being used in the girls’ toilet.
7. Smoking – should not be allowed in the playground. Teachers being seen smoking sets a bad example (please note these are the pupils’ views not mine so don’t email me about this! – L McCallum) pupils should not see teachers smoking.
8. Police – can we have the school policeman back?
9. PE – why are only some pupils being allowed to use the trampoline after school?
10. The classrooms are too hot.
11. Local Community Action Team have offered to run a roadshow in the school about local matters, organise a litter pick on a weekly basis with prizes for those taking part, give a bit of the park to the school for a garden. The Council thought that this was a good idea. Ibi and Rachel to see the Eco group about the garden and we will invite the roadshow to visit after the holiday. Paul is also contacting Environmental services and they will visit the Council next week if possible.
12. Prayer meetings on a Wed mornings in Conference Room pupils can join in if they wish the Chaplains have said.
That’s it.