Passage Picker

Job #1

Your job is to pick parts of the story that you want to read aloud to your group. It can be a good part, an interesting part, a funny part, some good writing, a good description of something, or a scary part.

Mark the parts you will read with sticky notes in your book. Then, fill out your job paper including the page number, the first 7 words of the parts you picked, and why you picked them.

When it is your turn, ask your group to open their book to the correct page and read along silently as you read the passage aloud.

Name: ______Date: ______

*You will need sticky notes to mark in your book.

Page # / Write the first 7 words of the passage you picked. / Why did you pick it?

Word Finder

Job #2

Your job is to look for special words in the story. You could include words that are new, different, strange, funny, hard, interesting, or important. Try to find 4-5 words.

Write the words and page numbers on your job paper. (You will do the meaning section later with your group.)

When it is your turn, have your group turn to the correct page in their book. Read the sentence the first word is used in aloud. Then, discuss the meaning as a group. If no one can figure out the meaning, look it up in the dictionary. Write the meaning on your paper. Continue with the rest of the words.

Name: ______Date: ______

Page # / Word / Meaning


Job #3

Your job is to make connections between the book and yourself, another book, or the world around you.

Use sticky notes to mark the parts where you made the connections. On the sticky note, write the page number, what kind of connection it is, (T-S, T-T, T-W) and how it is related to your experience.

Be prepared to share your connections with your group during your discussion. Put the sticky notes on the bottom of your job paper when you are finished.

Name: ______Date: ______

*You will need sticky notes to mark in your book. After sharing your connections with your group, put the sticky notes on the paper below.

Discussion Director

Job #4

Your job is to write down on your sheet some good questions that you think your group would want to talk about. Try to come up with at least 4 questions. Use words like “Why . . . How . . . and If . . .” to start the questions.

You will also be the leader of the group discussion and will call on the people with other jobs, one at a time, to share the information they found.

When the group discussion is over, it is your responsibility to collect all the job papers, make sure everybody put their name on the paper, and neatly file them in your group’s binder.

Name: ______Date: ______

*Write your questions below.






Artful Artist

Job #5

On your job sheet, you need to draw anything about the story you liked: a character, the setting, a problem, an exciting part, a surprise, a prediction of what you think will happen next, or anything else.

Don’t tell your group what your drawing is. When the discussion director asks you to show your picture, let your group guess and talk about what they think it is before you tell them about it. Then, write 1-2 sentences under the picture describing your picture.

Name: ______Date: ______

*Draw your picture in the box below.

*Write 1-2 sentences describing your picture.
