Health and Safety Performance Standards
This appendix outlines minimum health and safety performance standards expected of contractors on this project for the hazardous work activities listed herein which are considered at this time to have significant risk. This list is not exhaustive and other standards and hazardous activities may be identified during the course of the Project.
The list in this appendix is also intended to form the basis upon which the Principal Contractor’s performance in carrying out the work in a healthy and safe manner and complying with relevant statutory requirements can be assessed.
As it is not possible to list all the performance standards accepted in the industry, reference is only given in this appendix to guidance documents published by HSE. Many other documents represent or supplement these industry standards, one example relating to Fire where, in addition to HSG 168, the Loss Prevention Council document entitled “Fire Prevention on Construction Sites” is relevant. Some of the HSE documents on the list may be out of print or have been superseded by other HSE publications in which case current best practice should be adopted.
In preparing safety method statements, contractors are expected to review all significant risks and - where not listed in this appendix - adopt minimum health and safety performance standards that comply with relevant guidance given by HSE or other organisation appropriate to the work activity.
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Rev Aug 2011
Construction Health and Safety Performance Standards
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities1. / Access, egress, site set up, security and management. / • Persons struck by falling items
• Contact with vehicles/plant
• Contact with hazardous substances
• Injuries to unauthorised persons / INDG344
HSG 136
L24 / The absolutely essential health and safety tool kit.
Inspections and reports.
Construction site transport safety
Workplace Transport Safety: Safe use of site dumpers
Health & safety in construction.
Protecting the public: Your next move.
Young people at work: a guide for employers.
Five steps to risk assessment.
Managing Health and Safety in Construction ISBN 9780717662234
Workplace health, safety and welfare: A short guide for managers.
Personal protective equipment at work.
First aid at work: the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations: ACoP.
Workplace health, safety and welfare. Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (as amended by the Quarries Miscellaneous Health and Safety Provisions Regulations 1995)
2. / Adhesives / • Fumes (Solvent)
• Contact with skin / HS(G)97
HS(G)193 / Step by step guide to COSHH assessment
COSHH essentials: Easy steps to control chemicals.
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
3. / Asbestos / • Lung damage
• Cancer / HS(G)189/2
L143 / Working with asbestos cement.
Asbestos essentials: task manual: task guidance for the building maintenance and allied trades
Introduction to asbestos essentials: comprehensive guidance on working with asbestos in the building maintenance and allied trades.
A comprehensive guide to managing asbestos in premises
Asbestos: The licensed contractors guide
A short guide to managing asbestos in premises.
Asbestos kills: a quick guide to protecting yourself
Asbestos Kills: Protect yourself!
Management of asbestos in non-domestic premises : Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2006
Work with materials containing asbestos
4. / Asphalt and macadam pavings / • Use of heavy roller
• Contact with hazardous substances / MSB4
L140 / Skin cancer caused by pitch and tar.
Control the risks from hand arm vibration
Hand-arm vibration
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
5. / Brickwork/blockwork / • Dust
• Musculoskeletal injuries
• Associated demolition work
• Working at heights / HS(G)115
INDG 401 / Manual handling: Solutions you can handle (ISBN 0717606937).
Backs for the future: Safe manual handling in construction.
Manual handling: Manual Handling Operations Regulations: Guidance on regulations.
Work at Height Regulations 2005(amended) – A Brief Guide
6. / Carpet laying / • Musculoskeletal injuries
• Adhesive fumes / HS(G)115
L23 / Manual handling: Solutions you can handle.
Backs for the future: Safe manual handling in construction.
Working safely with solvents
Manual handling: Manual Handling Operations Regulations: Guidance on regulations.
7. / Cartridge operated tools / • Penetration of fixing into body
• Noise / INDG362
L22 / Noise at Work – Guidance for Employers on the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
Safe use of work equipment: Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations: ACoP
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
8. / Carpentry and wood treatment / • Dangerous machinery
• Fall of persons or materials
• Dust or fume (Preservatives)
• Musculoskeletal injuries
• Noise and vibration / EH75/1
INDG 402 / Medium density fibreboard (MDF).
Manual handling solutions in woodworking.
Safe use of woodworking machinery.
Wood dust: Hazards and precautions.
COSHH and the woodworking industries
Selection of respiratory protective equipment suitable for use with wood dust.
Safe working at woodworking machines
Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders – An Employers’ Guide
9. / Chemical damp proofing / • Injection of chemical into eyes and on to skin
• Effect on occupants of adjoining properties / HSG97
L25 / Step by step guide to COSHH assessment.
Seven steps to successful substitution of hazardous substances.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health: ACoP.
Personal protective equipment at work.
10. / Cladding / • Falls of persons/materials
• Use of cranes/lifting gear
• Windy conditions / L113
GS6 / Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations: ACoP.
Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines.
11. / Cleaning activities - general / • Falls of persons/materials
• Use of power tools
• Use of harmful materials
• Musculoskeletal injuries / HS(G)107
HSG 234
PM29 / Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment.
Caring for cleaners Guidance and case studies on how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health: ACoP.
Electrical risks from steam/ water pressure cleaners.
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
12. / Compressed air / • High pressure - physical injury
• Decompression sickness
• Bone Necrosis / HS(G)39
L96 / Compressed air safety.
A Guide to the Work in Compressed Air Regulations.
13. / Concrete / • Contact with skin
• Stressing failure
• Pumping / CIS36
INDG315 / Silica
Dust control on concrete cutting saws used in the construction industry.
Portland cement dust: Criteria document for an occupational exposure limit.
Pre-stressed concrete (ISBN 0118855972).
Stone dust and you
14. / Confined space / • Asphyxiation
• Poisoning
• Slips, trips, falls
• Drowning
• Inadequate plant isolation
• Explosion / HSE8
L101 / Take care with oxygen
Health and safety in excavations: Be safe and shore.
Control of diesel engine emissions in the workplace
(ISBN 0717616622).
Safe work in confined spaces.
Safe work in confined spaces: Confined Spaces Regulations: ACoP.
15. / Contaminated ground / • Contact with hazardous substances
• Micro-biological organisms
• Asphyxiation
• Explosion / HS(G)185 / Health and safety in excavations: Be safe and shore.
16. / Cranes / • Overturning
• Contact with persons
• Contact with structure
• Dropping load
• Contact with overhead power lines. / L113 / Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations: ACoP.
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
17. / Darkness, working in hours of / • Slips, trips, falls etc. due to unseen
• Traffic accidents due to impaired visibility. / HS(G)38 / Lighting at work.
18. / Demolition / • Premature collapse of structure
• Falls of persons / materials
• Removal of materials
• Flammable materials
• Underground services
• Health hazards, e.g. dust, asbestos etc.
• Noise and vibration
• Contact with vehicles/plant
• Collapse of cranes/lifting appliances
• Falls through fragile materials
• Pre-stressed post-tensioned structures
• Rodents
• Consequences of dereliction / CS15
INDG 401 / Cleaning and gas freeing of tanks containing flammable residues.
Establishing exclusion zones when using explosives in demolition.
Avoiding danger from underground services.
Electrical safety on construction sites.
Safe use of vehicles on construction sites.
Vibration solutions: Practical ways to reduce the risk of hand-arm vibration (ISBN 0717609545).
Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations: ACoP.
Whole body vibration. The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. Guidance on Regulations
Work at Height Regulations 2005 – A Brief Guide
19. / Diamond cutting operations / • Noise & vibration
• Machinery
• Eye injury / L22
INDG362 / Safe use of work equipment: Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations: ACoP.
Personal protective equipment at work.
Noise at Work – Guidance for Employers on the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
20. / Diving operations / • Drowning
• De-compression sickness / L103
L104 / Commercial diving projects offshore: Diving at Work Regulations: ACoP.
Commercial diving projects inland/ inshore: Diving at Work Regulations: ACoP.
21. / Electricity / • Electric shock/burns
• Electrocution
• Falls of persons
• Working at heights.
• Flammable atmospheres
• Fire/Explosion / GS6
HS(R)25 / Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines.
Avoiding danger from underground services
Electricity at work: safe working practices and you
Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment.
Electrical safety on construction sites.
Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations (ISBN 0717616029).
22. / Erection of structures / • Premature collapse / instability
• Falls of persons/materials
• Instability of crane/load
• Working at heights / L113
INDG 401 / Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations : ACoP.
Tower scaffolds.
Work at Height Regulations 2005 – A Brief Guide
23. / Escalator installation and removal / • Accidental dropping of load
• Falls of persons through opening in floor / HS(G)150
L113 / Health and safety in construction.
Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations: ACoP.
24. / Falsework/formwork / • Collapse
• Fall of persons or materials / CIS 56
INDG 402 / Safe erection, use and dismantling of falsework.
Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders – An Employers’ Guide
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
25. / Fire / • Heat
• Destruction of property
• Injury to persons / CIS51
HSE / Construction fire safety.
The safe use of compressed gases in welding, flame cutting and allied processes.
The safe use of handling flammable liquids.
Flame arresters: Preventing the spread of fires and explosions in equipment that contains flammable gases and vapours.
Fire safety in construction work
Fire safety: An employer’s guide (ISBN 0113412290).
26. / Flammable substances / • Fire/explosion
• Toxic vapours / HS(G)51
HSG168 / The storage of flammable liquids in containers
Safe use and handling of flammable liquids.
Flame arresters: Preventing the spread of fires and explosions in equipment that contains flammable gases and vapours.
Safe working with flammable substances.
Fire safety in construction work – Guidance for clients, designers and those managing and carrying out construction work involving fire risks
27. / Fork lift trucks / • Striking person/object
• Lifting and lowering of loads
• Overturning / HS(G)6
L117 / Safety in working with lift trucks
Workplace transport safety: Guidance for employers.
Safe use of vehicles on construction sites.
Rider operator lift trucks: Operator training.
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities
28. / Fumigation / • Contact with hazardous substances
• Escape of chemical outside area being fumigated. / CS22
HS(G) 251 / Fumigation.
Health and safety guidance for Employers and Technicians carrying out Fumigation operations
29. / Gas, installation of / • Explosion/fire
• Musculoskeletal injuries / L56 / Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances: The Gas Safety (Installations and Use) Regulations: ACoP.
30. / Glass - handling, installation, etc, sharp edges, jagged breaks / • Cuts, lacerations
• Puncture wounds
• Musculoskeletal injuries / INDG212
L25 / Workplace health and safety: Glazing.
Manual handling: Manual Handling Operations Regulations: Guidance on the regulations.
Personal protective equipment at work.
31. / Grit blasting / • Inhalation
• Eye injury
• Skin damage
• Injury to the public / HS(G)151
L25 / Protecting the public: Your next move.
Control of substances hazardous to health
Personal protective equipment at work.
32. / Ground works for foundations including excavations, underpinning and drainage / • Contact with underground services
• Collapse of sides of excavation - trapping, burial
• Falls of persons into excavation
• Collapse of buildings
• Noise and vibration
• Contamination
• Micro-biological diseases / CIS8
L141 / Safety in excavations.
Avoiding danger from underground services
Health and safety in excavations: Be safe and shore.
Whole body vibration. The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. Guidance on Regulations
Hazardous activities, processes, features, substances, materials etc. / Principal hazard(s) / HSE performance standards on which to assess activities