Declaration pursuant to Section 24 of Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Decree, 2013
Information about the Form:
- The Form is in Microsoft Word version to allow you to add more details if the space provided is not sufficient.
- Please do not mark or write any information on this cover page. At the time of publication, only the Form will be published.
- Information submitted on the cover page will not be considered.
- The information provided on this form will be published by the Registrar of Political Parties and the person submitting the form is required to pay for such costs.
- For the purposes of the declaration, ‘children’ means any child, step child or adopted child who is –
- under the age of 18 years
- over the age of 18 years and is dependent on his or her parents for support.
- According to section 24 (5), any person who submits any information that is false, commits an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to a term not exceeding 10 years or both.
Name of Declarant: Political Party:
Residential Address:
Position held in Political Party: Date of Appointment://
Particulars of Spouse & Dependent Children
Name of Spouse:
- Name of Child:
- Name of Child:
- Name of Child:
- Name of Child:
Particulars of Income[Salaries, Wages, Fees, Gratuities, Allowances, Dividends, Interest, etc. from Fiji & Abroad]
Type of Income / Name of Person Receiving / Source of Income / Value Declared - $Particulars of Assets in Fiji or Abroad [Property, Vehicles, Cash, Shares, Bonds, etc.]
Type of Asset / Details or Description of Asset / Holder / Recipient / Value Declared - $Particulars of Liabilities in Fiji or Abroad [Loans, Creditors, Debts, etc.]
Type of Liability / Particulars of Liability / Holder/ Recipient / Value Declared - $Other details: [Particulars of any other business connections, directorships, transactions or gifts in Fiji or Abroad]:
Description / Details / Holder/ Recipient / Value Declared - $Statutory Declaration
I solemnly and sincerely declare that the above particulars are true and complete declarations as required under the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Decree 2013.
Declared at this ____day of ,2014 before me and I certify that the declaration was read over in the language to the declarant who appeared fully to understand the meaning thereof
[Person authorized to take statutory declarations.]