Member Handbook /
The Leyden Hockey Club (LHC) handbook is designed to communicate to parents, players and coaches the philosophy, organization and values of our hockey program. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact any of the board members.
Besides providing a source of information the handbook is intended to encourage participation by all parents in our supportive activities. One of the reasons for the success of our program is the open nature of our organization. Parents have varying talents that are both necessary and welcome.
The Leyden Hockey Club’s philosophy is to provide all necessary and reasonable support for the accomplishment of its mission purposes and its student athletes. Training and support for coaches, conditioning and skill programs, good sportsmanship requirements, competitive schedules and tournaments to improve team performance are some aspects of our program.
Educational demands are a players’ priority and hockey schedules should be set recognizing finals, college testing and other important high school events. Each player must comply with the Leyden High School academic eligibility requirements.
The junior varsity team is the foundation for future varsity teams and has the dual focus of play development and achieving a high level of success. Selection of players to teams is a “coach only” decision and no board member or other parent is allowed to participate in the selection.
The Leyden Hockey Club (LHC) and its combined affiliates if applicable strive to provide students in good standing at Leyden High School and AHAI approved schools for combinedteam status an opportunity to play hockey at the highest level available for their age group, while simultaneously representing their high schools and fellow students through athletics. Athletics will be a positive learning experience for our players if they recognize that they achieve their highest personal and athletic potential only by embracing a lifestyle dedicated to competition, integrity and self-discipline. Selection to a team is both an honor and a privilege, and as such, carries responsibilities commensurate with leadership. As leaders and as very visible representatives of Leyden High School and its combined affiliates if applicable, athletes have an obligation to present themselves in an exemplary manner.
All player selection and playing time decisions are made by the coaches only. The board does not participate in the player selection or playing time decisions at any time. The player selection/playing time policy are as follows:
- Players must be attending Leyden High School or an approved AHAI combined team school.
- LHC teams are selected solely by the coaching staff guidelines set forth by the board.
- The LHC authorizes the fielding of two teams, Junior Varsity and Varsity.
- Team’s player counts for Junior Varsity and Varsity teams shall be no less than 15 and no more than 25. The LHC may make exceptions.
- The coaching staff is advised to select and place players at levels where they believe, based on playing time and development, that will best fit the long-term primary goal of the organization which is to compete with the top teams in the state.
- A player’s ice time is NOT guaranteed at any level at any time. There is no correlation between ice time and player fees and fees will not be prorated based on ice time.
- The team shall have the sole focus on achieving the goal of being the best team possible. This will create inequities in game playing time throughout the season, just like any other High School sport. It is the sole discretion of the coaching staff to allocate game playing time. Players selected to this team must expect to continuously earn their
gameice time through performance, commitment, discipline and training.
The LHC Board hires coaches. It is the policy of the LHC that no Board Member participates in any coaching decision that pertains to player team placement or player playing time during the season. These decisions are solely those of the coach. The Head Coach will oversee all coaching aspects of the hockey program. Other responsibilities of the coaches include but not limited to:
- The coaches will put together, at the beginning of the season, a set of team rules in writing, with the consequences for violation of these team rules.
- Plan a structured practice on a weekly basis to maximize player development and ice usage.
- Consistently remind the players of maintaining the academic criteria. The coaches will have the backing of the board as long as they are working towards the clubs goal of becoming a top hockey program in the state.
It is the objective of the LHC to provide for the Leyden High School and approved affiliate school students the best possible high school hockey experience. The LHC believes the best High School sports programs take into consideration:1st Academics, 2ndCitizenship and 3rd Participation.
The LHC will follow the eligibility requirements printed in the Leyden High School Parent Handbook. To be eligible a student may not be failing more than one (1) academic course each week that an eligibility check is made.If a player is found ineligible, he will not be permitted to participate in any practice or games until eligibility is reestablished.
If a student fails more than one academic course for a semester, he is ineligible to participate until such deficiency is removed: the period of time is usually, but not limited to a semester.
A player missing playing time due to academic ineligibility will not receive a refund of any fees.
All players on a LHC team are expected to demonstrate “first class” attitudes and behavior on and off the ice. Our players are not only representing the hockey club, but also Leyden High School and other combined team schools. They are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit to their school and the hockey club. The following expectations are essential to the success of the organization, its teams and each player:
Be in Control – The use of abusive language or obscene gestures directed at anyone and/or fighting before, during, or after a game will not be tolerated.
Be Respectful – a player’s attitude has a lot to do with the attitude of the team. The coaches, other teammates, and on-ice officials should be treated with respect.
An important part of playing high school sports is learning how to work as a team and about the benefits that can be derived by both the individual and the team when work is done in a positive and productive manner. When a player misses a practice or game, they and their teammates miss an opportunity to learn and improve. The expectations of the LHC and the coaches are that any player selected to a team will make every effort to attend practices and games. The coaches’ attendance policy is as follows:
If a player misses a practice without calling the coach, he will sit out the next game. The head coach will use his discretion on extenuating circumstances. All school academic programs take priority over hockey.
Should the occasion arise that a parent or player has an issue with the coach, team, board or program that parent/player should initially contact the team manager. If at that point it is not resolved it should be put in writing and given to the Board President. The President will then present it to the entire Boardat the next scheduled meeting.At no time should the coach be approached regarding any dispute or disagreement.
The LHC bases its player fees on expected costs and expected team sizes. Under such a financial plan, it is impossible to offer any refunds or proration of fees for any reason. Failure to pay any fee may subject that respective player to suspension or limited ice time. The LHC at its sole discretion may provide a discount on any given year for families with multiple players. The LHC may provide a discount on any given year for goalies. On a limited basis, player fee discount may be considered by the Leyden Hockey board based on financialhardship for players who qualify for a third party grant/scholarship. Any discount will be applied on an annual basis only and will not carry over from one year to the next.
Given the commitment involved, players will be asked to play only for the Leyden Hockey Club. The attendance policy makes it difficult for a player to be on a multiple teams. Player’s intention to participate in other teams/sports need approval by the Head Coach.
The LHC will maintain a consistent appearance that reflects well on the organization and its participants. Players are required to wear approved jerseys and socks. Each player must have a home and away jersey with matching socks. The uniforms will not to be altered in any manner. Any damage, which is not normal wear and tear, will have to be repaired or replaced at the cost of the player/family. Each player shall wear their Leyden warm-up jacket and pants along with a Leyden t-shirt prior to and after each game.
Our league games require the following services: security, recording the score-sheet and running the clock. Volunteers play a most important role in the success of this organization. Our organization always needs fresh ideas, creative talent and of course your time.