Plants of WCC Campus

Order Arecales
Fam. Arececeae
Prichardia hillebrandii (Loulu Lelo Palm/ Hawaiian Fan Palm) or Fiji Fan Palm Prichardia pacifica, or Washintonia robusta? Fan palm
Queen Palm? Cocoeae Genus Syagrus
Noni- Morinda citrifolia
Breadfruit- Artocarpus attilis
Mango- Mangifera indica
Bird of Paradise- Strelitzia reginae
Strangler fig or Banyan tree- Ficus species
Hibuscus- Malvaceae family; Genus Hibiscus

Norfolk Pine Araucariceae fam. Araucaria heterophylla
Australian Pine (Iron wood)- Casaurine equisetifola
Ti plant Agave family- Agaveaceae; Cordyline 20 sp
Mostera sp Arum Family

Screw pine- Hala- Pandanus tectorius

Yellow poinciana- Peltophorum pterocarpus
WCC Campus Plant Data Sheet

ID # / Coordinate / Species / Picture ID #

WCC Campus Plants Geocaching Project

Your Name ______

Coordinates:______ID #______

Plant Common Name(s): ______

Hawaiian Name:______

Family: ______

Species: ______

Plant origin______

Dispersal Mechanism to Hawaii (i.e., drifting in water, air currents, birds, brought in by people…): ______

Flowers (perfect/imperfect):______Monocot/Dicot:______

Leaf Shape: ______Fruit Type: ______

Any uses (medical, food, fuel, ornamental…)?

Creative Search Guide Clue

Write a descriptive clue about your plant. You may use rhyme, prose, Hawaiian chant, or another form, just be creative.







WCC Campus Plant Geocaching Instructions

Use a GPS device to go on a self-guided adventure in finding one or all of these plant Geocaches located on Windward Community College campus. It should take 2 hours to locate them all. Please note that there are no cache containers at the coordinates. This is a fact-finding adventure only. The coordinates will get you within 10 feet of the landmark. At the landmark you will find clues to help you find the next plant. At the finish you can sign the log book. Thanks for participating!


CITO- Cache in Trash Out - When out geocaching, take a bag with you and pick up trash along the way!

Cache- Pronounced "cash" Caches were often used by explorers, miners, etc. to hide foodstuffs and other items for emergency purposes. People still hide caches of supplies today for similar reasons.

GPS- GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It is a system of satellites that work with a GPS receiver to determine your location on the planet.

TFTH- Thanks for the hunt!

Waypoint- Waypoints are named coordinates representing points on the surface of the Earth