Town of Selma

Selma 2nd Annual Selma Saturdays Guidelines
Please read and sign the Guidelines for Selma Saturdays.


  1. Selma Saturdays are typically the 3rd Saturday of the month starting in April and ending in December with July and August as vacation months. The Town of Selma Selma SaturdaysCoordinator reserves the right to make all final scheduling decisions.
  2. The Selma SaturdaysCoordinator (herein Coordinator) reserves the right to determine suitability and approval of all items entering Selma Saturdaysgrounds.
  3. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on city property at Selma Saturdays.
  4. Selma Saturdaysis sponsored by Town of Selma.


  1. Only those individuals who fill out a complete application, and receive approval from the Coordinator will be permitted to display and sell.
  2. Booth spaces for the 2017 Selma Saturdaysare FREE of charge.
  3. Spaces are provided for the exclusive use of the applicant and only for the activity approved by the Coordinator. Spaces will be allotted on a first-come first-served basis. We offer no guarantee that one vendor will have a monopoly on a specific item offered for sale.
  4. Upon arrival, please check in with Coordinator to determine the exact location of your allotted space.
  5. Booth spaces for hand-made arts and crafts vendors (no kits, please) will be 15’ x 15’. Booth spaces for information vendors will be 10’ x 10’. All booth structures must be within the confines of the allotted space.
  6. Exhibitors shall arrange arts & crafts booths so that they will not interfere or obstruct the view of other booths.
  7. Generators are not permitted during Selma Saturdaysunless to power a food truck. There are no power outlets will be available for vendors except in special circumstances as determined by the Coordinator. If you feel you need electricity, please contact the Coordinator to discuss. Booth availability is on a first-come first-served basis.
  8. Exhibitors are responsible for setting up their own booths.No tables, chairs, electrical cords, water hoses, etc. will be provided to you by the Town of Selma.
  9. Booths must be manned during the operating hours of the Gatherings.
  10. The Town of Selma will not be held responsible for any losses.
  11. All booths are expected to be attractive and in good taste and tables must be covered to the ground to hide unsightly items stored under the table.
  12. Please keep trash in proper receptacles
  13. All vendors are responsible for reporting their own taxes.
  14. All Arts & Crafts vendors must sell or display handcrafted items only. Items made from kits will not be considered hand-made.
  15. Direct Sales consultants will not be permitted. (example: Tupperware, Lula Roe, Origami Owl)
  16. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to have all permits and permission for copy-righted images, materials, etc. in order to sell at Selma Saturdays
  17. Vendors must not bring pets into Selma Saturdaysfor health and safety reasons unless with prior approval from the Coordinator.
  18. Vendors are not permitted to sell any items that may be perceived dangerous. The Coordinator reserves the right to make the final decision on all items.
  19. The Town of Selma is not liable for any damages, injury, or loss to any person or goods from any cause whatsoever. The Town of Selma cannot be held responsible for any claims for damage, injury or loss arising out of or in connection with the use of space or grounds in the gatherings.


  1. All food trucks are required to abide by the rules and regulations developed by the Johnston County Health Department and Fire Marshal. Any questions regarding to these regulations may be addressed directly with the Johnston County Health Department.
  2. It is your responsibility to have at all times an approved fire extinguisher located inside your truck.
  3. Trash receptacles will be provided in the food area. Please help to keep the tables clean and help pick up trash.
  4. No open fires are permitted in the festival area unless prior arrangements have been made with the Selma Fire Marshal.

SET UP TIMES:8am – 8:45am, on assigned Saturday


Closing hours must be observed to enhance clean up and security. No vendors may dismantle and leave prior to 1:00pm except in the event of inclement weather or under the direction of the Coordinator. If you leave early you jeopardize the possibility of acceptance at future Gazebo Gatherings dates.

**In the event of rain, Selma Saturdayswill continue if at all possible. Final decision is made by the Coordinator on the day of the event.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand these guidelines.

