Meeting Activities
Executive Committee (EC) Meeting
Date: July 16, 2014
1. Call to order, Introductions
2. Minutes June 18, 2014
3. Budget
4. July Council Agenda
5. Planning and Grants-Grant Updates
6. Legislative and Public Policy-Updates
7. New/Old Business
8. Adjournment
1. Meeting convened at 2:44 PM.
2. Minutes were approved with minor language changes on the third and fourth lines of the Budget report on page1. The numbering sequence on page two also had to be corrected.
3. Budget Report: Mackenzie Helton reported the new grant would be $863, 372 for FFY 2015.
He presented a proposed budget for next year to be voted on by the Council next week.
$97, 843 must be used from next year’s budget to cover shortfalls for FFY 2014.
Social Media, including the start up of the YouTube channel, and the re-design of the website, are some of the reasons for this shortfall.
A new accounting system, CORE, was installed July 1 and has proved to be challenging.
4. Develop Full Council Agenda: Participation by Tracy Myszak is still unknown.
With six new members, it was determined that a longer introduction period was required.
5. Planning and Grants: No announcements on the new Leadership grants.
Civic Engagement is a priority on next week’s Committee meeting agenda.
Another discussion of Manaus took place: they feel they are in compliance, staff relayed that their programmatic reports are not correct yet.
Staff will continue to work with Manaus to guide them.
6. Legislative and Public Policy: Ed George said the Legislative and Public Policy Committee would meet August 5, from 11:30-1:00. Two guests from Mental Health would speak.
7. New/Old Business: Donna Meltzer, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) Executive Director, revealed that the Association would create a scholarship for one State director to attend the Leadership course at the University of Delaware. This would enable Marcia Tewell to re-apply.
Marcia stated that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State and Council needs to be renewed by September 30.
She discussed “non-interference”, transportation, independence, and PMAPs as some areas that need to be addressed in the MOU.
Marcia, Katherine and Sue briefly described some of the things they experienced at the ITAAC meetings in Washington. All agreed that Council could benefit from tapping into the resources that are available to Council from the National Association and from other state councils.
NEXT MEETING: August 20, 2014 at the Council Offices
8. Adjournment: The meeting ended at 4:38 PM
1. Katie Grange moved to approve the minutes with the proposed language changes; Mary Anne seconded, and the minutes passed.
2. Sue Fager and Marcia will attempt to come up with a Lunch and Learn survey that could measure the outcomes of these presentations and fit within the 5 Year Plan.
3. Tim and Mary Anne will assist Katherine with the review of the MOU.
4. Lionel will send Katherine the Gotomeeting instructions for tomorrow’s Social Media meeting as well as the Davidson Dinner program.
5. Mary Anne motioned to accept the proposed FFY2015 budget; Ed George seconded, and the motion passed. The proposed budget will now be presented to the full Council on July 23.
6. Ed requested Councilors be given a choice of having business cards or not. He also requested a new CDDC banner with the new logo.
7. The committee discussed the topics for Tim’s Lunch and Learn and agreed that Tim should pursue the Gap Analysis or bullying.
Those in attendance: Katherine Carol, Ed George, Deon Gillespie (GTM), Katie Grange (GTM), Mary Anne
Harvey, Sarita Reddy (GTM)
Staff Present: Sue Fager,Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell
Guest: Mikelle Learned
Absent: Tim Hudner
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