Board of Trustees of John Wood Community College
Counties of Adams, Pike, Hancock, Calhoun,
Schuyler, Brown, Morgan, Scott, Cass
And State of Illinois
November 18, 2015
Date: 11.18.15RE: Regular Meeting Minutes
Location: Board Room, Student/Administrative Center, 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy IL 62305
1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary
The 11.18.15 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order in the Board Room/ Student Administrative Center, 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy IL 62305 at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. James Gay, Board Chair. Mr. Gay appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.
2. Roll Call
Ms. Benz called roll:
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
Attendees: Mr. Michael Elbe, Mr. Cody Baggett, Mr. Josh Welker, Dr. David Schachtsiek, Mr. James Rapp, Ms. Tracy Orne, Mr. Don O’Brien, Ms. Barb Holthaus, Mr. Joe Harris, Mr. Lou Barta, Mr. Bill LaTour, Mr. Gary Shupe, Mr. Kaleb Bridgewater, Ms. Dusti Irwin, and Ms. Leah Benz.
3. Introductions
· Mr. Gary Shupe introduced three students who were acknowledged for receiving the American FFA degree award. They were Mr. Luke Merritt, Ms. Dusti Irwin, and Mr. Caleb Bridgewater. This is a professional and personal honor for each of our students.
4. Special Report
5. Consideration of Items from the Floor
6. Public and/or Employee Comment
7. President and Committee Reports
7.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report - Mr. Reginald Coleman, ICCTA representative, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier, alternate. The ICCTA meeting was held on November 12 and 13 in Schaumburg, Illinois. Mr. Coleman and Mr. Elbe attended the meeting. Mr. Coleman shared highlights from the trustee meeting. The main topic discussed was lack of funding from the state of Illinois. It appears no state funding will be received for this fiscal year. The Trustee roundtable discussed how local colleges are managing this fiscal crisis. Several options shared by other institutions were hiring freezes, suspending adult education, child care, and athletic programs and increasing tuition.
7.2 Board Executive Committee Report - Mr. James Gay, Mr. Larry Fischer, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier. The Executive Committee met on Monday, November 9, 2015 at John Wood Community College in the office of the President, at 8:30 p.m. Present were: Mr. James Gay, Mr. Larry Fischer, and Mr. Jerry Hagmeier, trustees; Mr. Mike Elbe, president and Ms. Leah Benz, note taker.
State funding has not been received. The committee discussed various options the College would have to implement if no or partial funding is received.
Southeast district continues to progress with no information to share at this time.
Board policies from Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 were reviewed. This completed the new Chapter 5 “Human Resources”.
Mr. Phil Conover joined the meeting to get direction from the Executive Committee regarding the agenda. The meeting is scheduled for December 1 at 1:00 p.m.
The November regular meeting agenda for the Board of Trustees items were reviewed. No hearing will be required regarding the adoption of a resolution about the Truth in Taxation law. Lab fees were proposed as well as the two-year academic calendar.
MOTION: Approve the tentative board policies from Chapter 5.
Moved by: Mr. Gay stated these policies received tentative approval.
Seconded by:
Discussion: The policies from old Chapter 3 and old Chapter 5 were reviewed for new Chapter 5.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
7.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Reginald Coleman. The Curriculum Committee met on November 11, 2015, at 1:30 p.m. in the office of the Vice President for Instruction. Present were: Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Reginald Coleman, Dr. David Schachtsiek, and Ms. Nici Woodyard.
Curriculum items included additions, changes and deletions in the areas of Homeland Security, Hospitality, and Industrial Maintenance. In addition there were multiple course changes and deletions in various program areas. Discussion was held regarding information from the Illinois Community College Board on 60 credit hour associates degrees, BSN degrees being a requirement for nurses within the next five years, and the need for the college to look, at a more commercially related construction program
7.4 Board Finance & Audit Committee Report - Mr. Randy Sims, Mr. Don Hess. The Finance and Audit Committee met on Tuesday, November 7, 2015, at 8:15 a.m. Present were Mr. Don Hess trustee, Mr. Randy Sims, trustee, Ms. Susan Fifer, director of Fiscal Services, Mr. Josh Welker, dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Business Services, Mr. Mike Elbe; president and Ms. Jenny Venvertloh; note taker.
Mr. Sims requested President Elbe share information from the President’s Council meeting in Schaumburg since this was the main topic of discussion at the Finance and Audit Committee. A review of the state budget was given by president Elbe. The College has already been impacted as a result of the State of Illinois budget impasse. The institution is assuming that no state funding will be received this year. Administration continues to follow conservative measures on spending, hiring, and travel. Mr. Elbe shared our good news is that JWCC credit hour enrollment is slightly above budgeted projections for the year. The discussion was then held on the College budget and the direction we are taking. The Budget and Planning Committee prepared a recommendation of Phase 1 which included reductions of expenditures, and furloughs of staff for 3 days prior to the holiday break. Mr. Elbe asked the Board of Trustees for direction on how Administration should proceed regarding reserves and/or cuts. After lengthy discussion it was recommended to have Mr. Don Hess and Mr. Randy Sims, as members of the Finance and Audit Committee, work with Administration to propose a recommendation regarding the amount of reserves the Board of Trustees would feel comfortable using during this budget impasse.
Bills for payment, financials, and investments were discussed. Tighter controls on purchasing cards have been implemented as well as the amount of cards eliminated. The Board budget was reviewed. Bids will be sent out in December for Certificate of Deposit (CD) rates. The College specification would be a 3 year $250,000 CD from working cash and a 2 year $100,000 CD from operations and maintenance. Penalty fees was requested to be listed. Results of the bids will be e-mail to the Board Finance and Audit Committee members for a recommended approval at a regular board meeting.
The committee discussed the tax levy. The Resolution Regarding the Truth in Taxation is on the November agenda to adopt. The estimated EAV increase for the District is 2%. The College is requesting a levy of $5,268,000 (excluding debt service) which is $273,526 over last year’s request. The estimated tax rate would be $0.35691 per $100 EAV which would represent an increase of about 9/10 of a cent. An estimated tax increase on a $100,000 home would be $3.15.
The committee discussed the technology fee. Administration is recommending the Board approve a technology fee. A range of $5-$15/credit hour is being proposed. The impact on a full-time student taking 30 credit hours would be $150-$450 a year.
7.5 Student Trustee Report – Mr. Luke Merritt. On October 24th student leaders assisted with the first ever Humans vs Zombies event on the main campus. Nearly 100 runners attended. Looking forward to next year’s event and improvements.
November 4th, at the first home basketball game of both men and women, the student wood pile section was nearly full to cheer the blazers.
November 13th, J-Dub day was held for seniors in our district. Admissions hosted the event to showcase and engage this student population. Student leaders led the initiative and also participated in a student panel for questions and answers.
November 16-19 is S.H.O.W. week. S.H.O.W. stands for scholarly, honorably, outgoing, and welcoming.
The last Student Government Association meeting for this semester is November 30. This is also the holiday meeting where students enjoy a potluck meal, share a Christmas story, and have a gift exchange.
7.6 Administration Report - Mr. Elbe - In addition to the budget information shared during the Finance and Audit Committee Mr. Elbe reported:
· A site visit for the Higher Learning Commission was done at both the Mt. Sterling Center and Pittsfield Center. Mr. LaTour led this endeavor. The College will received a report back from the Higher Learning Commission on the outcome.
8. Consent Agenda
8.1 Consent business agenda items approved
8.1.1 Request approval of 10.21.15 regular meeting minutes
8.1.2 Request approval of the bills for October payment Finance and Audit Committee
8.1.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for October Finance and Audit Committee
8.1.4 Request approval of trustee travel expenditures for October Finance and Audit Committee
8.1.5 Request approval of curriculum items as presented
MOTION: Approve the consent agenda items
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by:
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
8.2 Grant Items None
9. Personnel Items
9.1 MOTION: Request authorization to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by:
Discussion: Included within this personnel request was the list of employees from Adult Basic Education, who due to lack of state funding, will be laid-off effective December 11, 2015. If at such time the State of Illinois passes a budget these individuals, if possible, and the Adult Basic Education program will be reinstated. Those name of those employees included Debra Coet-Hanna, Monica Foster, Amy Voss, and Stacey Wade.
An addendum was included in the table folder. It was requested to authorize to accept the resignation of Mr. Redd, a custodian.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
10. Business Items
10.1 MOTION: Request adoption of a resolution regarding the Truth in Taxation Act (Hearing not required) Resolution and Certificate
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by:
Discussion: A resolution Regarding the Truth in Taxation Act, which John Wood Community College is required to have the Board of Trustees adopt prior to the pass of a tax levy was presented. The College does not intend to increase the tax levy more than 105% of last year’s levy, so a hearing is not required. The proposed aggregate levy for the JWCC district is $5,268,000 which represents the amount of collectible property tax we intend to levy on the District. The taxable rate for the tax year 2015 is anticipated to be $0.35691 per $100 of equalized assessed valuation. The Finance and Audit Committee recommended the Board of Trustees adopt this item.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
10.2 MOTION: Request approval of a technology fee in the range of $5-15/credit hour, effective fall 2016 semester.
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by:
Discussion: To support technology improvements and improve student learning, it was recommended that the College establish a technology fee in the range of $5-$15/credit hour effective fall 2016 semester. The fee would be assessed on all credit-bearing courses and will be recorded in the Education fund.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
10.3 MOTION: Request approval of the 2nd year A.D.N. program fee range of $1,000 - $4,000 flat fee and approval of lab fee ranges for CSC 136, 152, 163 and AGR 169
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by:
Discussion: This fee range is for the 2nd year of the A.D.N. program which is consistent with the 1st year program. The current fee range is $8,000- 12,000. The proposed fee range is $1,000 - $4,000 flat fee. The CSC lab fee ranges are all new courses that are part of the new Computer Network Support Certificate. The AGR lab fees needs a fee increase due to the increases in the rental fees for cattle and other materials.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
10.4 MOTION: Request adoption of a two-year College academic calendar 2016-2017 and 2017-2018.
Moved by: Mr. Fischer
Seconded by:
Discussion: The two-year academic calendar for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 was recommended for adoption. Classes were recommended to begin after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day for the spring term. The calendar complies with the provisions in the Faculty Association Bargaining Agreement and Board Policy.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
11. Discussion items
11.1 Calendar of Events – Items highlighted:
· Professional Development meeting for the Board of Trustees December 1 at 1:00 p.m.
· Foundation/Board of Trustees Social for the holidays December 14 at 5:30 p.m.
· Holiday Concert December 4 at 7:00 p.m.
12. Notices and Communications
A notice was received from the Quincy Medical Group regarding the outstanding volunteers of Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
13. Other Items
14. Closed Session
14.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the public body and lease of real property for the use of the public body.
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by:
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
15. Return to Public Session
Moved by: Mr. Hess
Seconded by:
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
16. Adjournment
16.1 MOTION: Adjourn the November 18, 2015 Board of Trustees regular meeting.
Moved by Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by:
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Mr. Merritt / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
17. Approval:
Approved the 16 day of December 2015, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting at the Student Administrative Center, in the city Quincy, Illinois at which ______voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ______nays.
November 2015 JWCC Board regular minutes
Mission: JWCC enriches lives through learning by providing accessible educational programs and services at an exceptional value.