May 22, 2012
Hello Students:
Welcome to Middle School Mathematics Course 3 Online and Pre-Algebra Online. This is an exciting opportunity to learn online at your own pace, with the help of a District 204 teacher.
Your instructor will monitor your progress, provide office hours for you to ask individual questions, and contact you to ask questions that measure your understanding.Instructors are always available during office hours and will respond to other questions within 24-48 hours by email.
Your teacher is Ms. Bogie () or Mr. Raleigh (). Should you have any program questions you can contact Ms. Poczos () or Mr.Kreiter (). If you have technical questions, you should contact Apex Technical Support. They can provide immediate answers by telephone (800-453-1454) or email (). Apex Learning’s Technical Support is available 7 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday – Friday, No holidays. Please contact Ms. Marski (, 630-375-3046) about final exam logistics.
Important Dates
- Weekly check-in during office hours is required.
- Course dates: June 11, 2011 through July 19, 2011 (No class on 7/4).
- Final Exam: Course 3 – Crone Middle School. July 19, 2011. 8:30 a.m. Pre-Algebra - Crone Middle School. July 19, 2011. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
- Parent Contact: Teachers welcome conversation about the course and student progress. Parents may contact teachers through email and a face-to-face meeting is possible if necessary. All office hours are recorded in a Blackboard Collaborate Classroom. A link will be provided to students at the beginning of class that will have a table of each office hour recording. These office hour recordings may be viewed by parents and students throughout the length of the course.
- Due Dates: The “due dates” in the course are guideline dates to assist with pacing. Students may work at their own pace throughout the course. If you have a trip planned or activities, students are encouraged to work ahead or to discuss pacing modifications with their instructors.
Some students will be traveling during the course. Please know the time difference between your location and the Central Time Zone (Chicago time) for office hours described below. For example, London, England is 6 hours ahead of Chicago; that is 9 p.m. in London is 3 p.m. in Chicago. Central Time; that is, 10 p.m. in Mumbai is 11:30 a.m. in Chicago. Anchorage, Alaska is 3 hours behind Chicago; that is 10 a.m. in Anchorage is 1 p.m. Central Time. If you need to find out what time it is in Chicago, use If you are traveling, please contact your teacher so that your absence from course activity can be noted.
Self-discipline is a characteristic of a successful online learner. You should schedule time to study each day. Put the study time in a calendar, and work 4-6 days per week, for 90 minutes to 120 minutes. See the pacing chart for your course. Again, the expected time spent by an average student who has successfully completed the course is 8-10 hours per week.
Final Exam grades will be reported to parents, middle schools, and students. The grades will not appear on any transcript or official school record. Schools will use them for placement for next year, so a high level of learning is expected and encouraged. Grades will indicate your progress and whether or not you were able to meet the objectives provided at the beginning of the course.
Virtual Office Hours
Your teacher will have office hours shown at the link below. Weekly “attendance” during office hours is required. You do not need to participate for the whole time slot. Just be sure to show up each week for as much time as you need to. You can attend either session. You will be using software called Blackboard Collaborate.
Ms. Bogie’s Office Hours (Central Time)
Tuesday: Noon – 2 p.m.
Thursday: Noon – 2 p.m.
Other hours by appointment
Mr. Raleigh’s Office Hours (Central Time)
Monday: 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment
Your course login is at
Here is your typical home screen after you log in:
Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate
- Refer to the “Knowledge Base” articles inside of the Blackboard Collaborate website:
- Refer to the Participant Guide for information on all the features prior to your first session.
- Be sure to use the Audio Setup Wizard to ensure that the audio is working correctly prior to your session.
- Blackboard Collaborate Technical Support: 1 (877) 382-2293
When you login, enter your full name in the Participant Login window, and then click the “Enter” button. This is crucial when you log into office hours because the method of attendance for teachers.
Sample Blackboard Collaborate Chat room page:
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Stephanie Poczos / Coordinator of eLearning
204 eLearning / Education Anywhere
Crouse Education Center
780 Shoreline Drive, Aurora, Il 60504
630-375-3877 /