Professional Leadership Advisory Council (PLAC) Meeting


9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Rhonda Powers, Professional Learning Coordinator/GaTAPP Coordinator:

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
Customer Service Workshop / Ware, Pierce, Clinch interested – I have contacted Mark Wilson to see which Principal Academy date will work.
*Possibly invite other businesses & OTC
Tuesday-Oct. 22nd / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / None / None
Purposeful Planning for Differentiation with the Core In Mind / - Sept. 23 (Elem) date is full.
- Sept. 24 (MS) date – I have contacted 2 schools to have them complete their team. Registration deadline for these two trainings have passed. (Taken care of)
Registration still open for Oct. 23 (HS) and Oct. 29 (Elem) training.
** Note: participants should bring a unit with them.
Registration for the Train-the-Trainer session will be posted mid-October.
Registrations are filling up quickly for October trainings so if you have people that need to register please have them do so as soon as possible.
Train the Trainer registration will be up mid-October to avoid confusion. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, SpEd Directors / Registration deadlines:
HS – 10/16
ES – 10/22 / None
School Council Training / October 15 – 5:00 – 7:00
Registration is open on the website.
School personnel who are attending should register online. Non-school personnel who are attending will not register online. Each school should keep a list of the non-school personnel attending and email that list to Anita by Oct. 8 / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / Registration deadline:
October 8 / None
Student Record Training / Offered at Coastal Plains RESA on Oct. 24 10:00 – 12:00
(GaDOE: Update Accurately Reporting Student Safety/ Student Discipline Data) / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals that missed the training here / Registration deadline: Oct. 3 / None
Mental Illness in Schools / Sept. 26 & 27
**Currently 5 seats still available*** / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Registered participants / None
GaTAPP Reading Essentials / Course begins 10/17.
***Still have seats available and do not have to be GaTAPP to take course*** / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / Registration Deadline: 10/10 / None
A Day with PSC / 10/1/13 – 10:00 – 3:00
Strongly encourage attendance – PSC will be discussing Tiered Certification, upcoming Professional Learning rule changes, and other important topics.
Cost is $10. Lunch will be provided.
**Please be sure that everyone planning to attend registers so we have an accurate count for lunch. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, SpEd Directors, Principals / Registration Deadline: 9/23 / A Day with PSC
GaDOE Teacher and Principal Induction Tools /
The DOE has resources available to help systems develop/implement an induction program for new teachers and principals. Karen Wyler will be coming to provide more information on these tools in October.
-Tools are free
-The afternoon of the next PLAC meeting (Oct 24th) / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Personnel Directors / None / None
Counselor & Media Specialist Evaluation /
Media Specialist:
Oct. 16th, 8:30-2:00
Oct. 22, 2013: 8:30-2:00
***We’ve had a question regarding a new principal who needs to attend the training but he has LKES & TKES training not GTEP, can he attend this training?
Rhonda will contact Ines Hawkins, works w/Middle GA RESA, to see if these people who have not had GTEP training can attend the Counselor & Media Specialist training*** / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / Registration deadlines:
Media: 10/9
Counselor: 10/15 / None
Standards for Mathematical Practice Course Proposal /
Courses are posted with no PLUs.
Course Proposal
PASSED J / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors / Course Proposal
Textbook Fair /
ELA adoption this year, do you want a textbook fair?
Majority is saying “No” /
Superintendents & Curriculum Directors /
None /
SIPs / Each district is asked to email all School Improvement Plans to RESA / Anita Finn for Pam Jackson
/ Friday, December 6, 2013 / None
Economics Workshop / Free workshop w/Federal Reserve Bank. Will do a full day workshop free for Economic teachers, but we have to have 12 teachers to get this training here.
Will schedule and get this date out a.s.a.p
Endorsement Possibilities / As you are listening to David Hill talk about tiered certification (during A Day with PSC) be thinking about if we need to offer one of the endorsements that will allow teachers to move from tier 3 to 4 or 5.
The endorsement possibilities are: Teacher Support Specialist (TSS – revised since the old endorsement), Coaching, or Teacher Leadership
TransAct /
N. E. GA RESA is working w/TransAct to develop a statewide contract. It would cost each system $1000 to participate. The statewide contract is “on the table” until 10/1. If your system is interested in participating, let Rhonda know by next week.

Jann James, South Central GLRS Director:

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
The Language of Mathematics Number and Operations in Grades 6-8 / The course is designed to support middle school students who are at-risk for failure in math. There will be three class sessions (Oct. 1, Oct. 23, Nov. 19, 2013). Participants may earn 2 PLUs if all course requirements are met.
This is for co-teacher teams, not specific to special ed. Teachers.
Claire Smith will be doing this training. / Curriculum Directors, Special Education Directors, Principals / Registration by Sept. 24, 2013 / None

Dana Robbins, South Central GLRS Consultant:

Cassie Todd, Safe and Drug Free/Fitness Gram/LDC:

Cindy Hitt, ELA Consultant/Social Studies:

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
GaDOE ELA Focus 2013-2014 /
2013-2014 Focus: Getting it Write! GaDOE will host winter writing workshops in Feb like summer institutes
Cindy & Cassie attended trainings during the summer and said the workshops were great. Dates have not been posted yet but will be in February.
CD /
Writing Assessments /
Transition Documents available on DOE website
Grade 3: Click Here
Grade 5: Click Here
Grade 8: Click Here
Grade 11: Click Here
Working on aligning writing assessments with the correct standards. /
ELA Teachers / None
Literacy and Leadership /
Offered by DOE ELA dept. Focus: how to be effective evaluators of new, more rigorous standards.
November 13th 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. by Susan Jacobs from DOE. Specific for Administrators who are evaluating teachers.
-Will discuss building literacy content in schools, LDC, TKES & LKES connections, “Look For’s” and “Red Flags” in instructional planning, strategies & differentiation of formative assessment.
-Can also send Instructional Coaches
-Registration will be up today /
Principals /
ELA Textbooks / 2013 ELA Publishers and Series Names Released
Any interest in scheduling a review time at OKRESA?
-No interest / CD / None
Academic Elective Standards / Journalism, Writer’s Workshop, Fine Arts, Speech, etc.
With Career Pathway focus, standards (still QCC) outdated
Legislative issue but they are aware of it and working on developing Task Forces to update the standards. / CD / None
GCSS Annual Conference Oct 17-18, Athens / Conference Program:
Click Here
Conference Registration:
Click Here
You should have received this information. / Social Studies Teachers / Registration: $110 by 10/5
$120 after / None
Media Specialist Consortia /
Clinch, Pierce, Charlton, Ware, Bacon
Cindy will schedule. /
Media Specialists /
Indicate interest by Sept. 20 PLAC. / None
What are needs/ideas for addressing these items as indicated on our needs assessment? /
*Understanding CCGPS:
24 of 53 expressed interest
*Formative Assessment of Standards:
27 of 53 expressed interest
*Design/ Implement Lessons around the standards:
26 of 53 expressed interest
*CCGPS implementation for Sci/SS:
4 comments specifically addressing literacy in Sci/SS
/ None

Dr. Elizabeth Oliver, Math School Improvement/CCGPS for Math/Data Analyst/GaTAPP, MDC:

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Material
Formative Assessment Lessons K- 5 / Very similar to those for grades 6-10; they are located on the wiki: / Elementary Principals and Teachers / Formative Assessment Link
Mathematics Graduation Documents / For ease of reference: / High School Principals, Counselors, and Teachers / 2013 – 2014
2012- 2013
2011 – 2012
Standards for Mathematical
Practice / K-2: Nov. 5 & Dec.5
3-5: Nov. 6 & Dec. 6
6-8: Oct.2 & Oct.30
Up for registration and PLU credit information will be added today. / Teachers you have identified: not open enrollment.
Registration up. / Will leave open until a week before each session / None
Assessment for grades 1 & 2 / With the development and implementation of SLO’s, how do you want to handle?
The RESA mock Math CRCT test is being used as the SLO’s for several systems. Dr. Oliver can make a few changes to meet the SLO’s standards.
SLO’s are public, if you see SLO’s from other systems you would like to use you may.
Are the systems working together as a team to develop SLOs?
-Because of our smaller systems it would benefit us to work together.
-When do systems have access to see the SLOs? (Mrs. Peggy will contact DOE).
-Who needs to be sent to the SLO 3-day training?
Discussion occurred around the new Title IIA rule that came down this week. Our understanding is Title IIA will no longer pay for travel for central office personnel or for professional learning where the participants create a “product”. Concern was expressed as to how systems will pay for teachers to come to RESA to work as consortia groups.
-Title IIA Meeting? Dr. Kay Hinson suggested having a face-to-face meeting with system Title IIA Coordinators and the PSC Title IIA personnel to discuss concerns and funding questions. / Elementary Principals and Curriculum Directors / None
Unit by unit webinars / Prior years and current year webinars; access Learning Village for teacher editions.
-SLDs is being monitored and you need to be looking at these. / All math teachers k - 10 / Webinar Link
List serve and wiki / Join list serve for mathematics and wiki for each grade band. / All math teachers K - 10 / List Serve & Wiki Link
Cohort 3 MDC / Middle School and High School going through the training this year
Dr. Faust: CCRPI indicators site is currently down. There have been changes made. Please notify Dr. Faust if you see these indicators are available. / Just for their records; this is the documentation I will be asking for in the next couple of weeks. / Cohort 3 MDC
Science Standards / Professional Development 2014 – 2016
Implemented and Tested
2016-2017 / Science Teachers / None
CRCT Content Weights /
Released in August
Click Here /
All teachers and principals 3 - 8 /
CRCT Content Descriptors / Released in August
Click Here / All teachers and principals 3 - 8 /
EOCT Content Descriptors / Released in August
Click Here / All EOCT teachers and principals /
EOCT Content Weights / Released in August
Click Here / All EOCT teachers and principals / None
Analytic Geometry Formula Sheet / Released in August
Click Here / Analytic Geometry Teachers /

Peggy Stovall, Executive Director:

1)  Spotlight: Cindy Hitt sent ELA report to DOE and was first to submit hers and they used hers as a model to send out to all other RESAs.

2)  There will be a pot of money for the FIP modules that people are working on. We will have to have 4 cohorts to receive the money. Janie Fields has something planed for Charlton Co., Dr. Pam Jackson has something planned for Atkinson Co.. Each cohort needs to have at least 10 people. The grant runs through September 2014. Let Mrs. Peggy know if you are interested in having a cohort by October 31st.

3)  ETC money: DOE has changed the rules. The board members were introduced to SLDs. They are going to be looking at how many hits we have for SLDs for technology in order to get the money. Systems need to be using the technology in order for us to receive the funds. Please CLICK J

4)  SLO trainings registration will go through OK RESA and not the DOE.

5)  Leadership Waycross was here September 11th. Had a very busy day and most discussion and support after the visit to the Harrell Center.

6)  State of GA Education Conference was held in Athens, GA. There was a lot of dismal information.

a.  The political issues: CCGPS

b.  Other states have pulled out of PARC

c.  Comparison of PARC and Smarter Balance

d.  Panel discussions

e.  TKES & LKES discussions and the platform was a nightmare. It is improving!

Additional Information/Notes:

Next meeting: Thursday, October 24th