One World Sussex event proposal / funding application form
Department or society:______
I would like my event to be considered as part of:
One World Week (18-23 March 2018): ☐One World Sussex*:☐
*One World Sussex events and initiatives are those which celebrate global diversity at Sussex, but which fall outside of the timeframe of One World Week.
What is your event title?Please give a brief description of your event
Who are the key leads organising the event?
Please also provide an email address for each contact. / Key leads:
When will your event take place (day and time)?
Where will your event be held?
Are there any specific hazards associated with your event (e.g. non-university approved catering or fireworks)?
Please note that you will be asked to complete a risk assessment prior to your event taking place
Please tick any of the following categories which your event falls under / ☐Multilingual
☐ Family Friendly
☐ Outdoor
☐ Wheelchair Accessible
☐ Seated
☐ Religious Event
☐ Food Provided
☐ Alcohol Free
☐ Other ______
Are there any special equipment requirements for you to hold this event?
Will this event be recorded or streamlined online? If so how?
Will you be applying for funding from the One World Sussex fund to support your event?
If yes, please complete Section 2 of this form
Section 2: Funding Application
Funding requested
Please include a detailed breakdown of all costs, e.g. equipment, publicity, travel, photocopying. The fund cannot grant applications for payments already made.
Items / CostTotal funding requested
Further information about your application
How many people will benefit directly from this funding, e.g. 15 people going to conference
How will the funding benefit the Sussex community in general in the short, medium and long term e.g. educationally, skills acquired etc.
Additional information
For University/Students’ Union Departments/Units Only
Will your Department/Unit be making a contribution to the cost of the activity/event?
If yes, how much?
For Sports Clubs and Societies Only
How much money does your club/society currently have (you can ask in the Activities Centre for details)?
If there are additional costs involved in your activity, how will these be covered?
Once complete, submit this application via email . We aim to respond to you with our decision within two weeks.
By signing below, I agree to adhere to the Application Guidelines which outline the requirements for a successful funding application. I understand that my application is subject to approval of this form, as well as submission of an approved risk assessment and budget to the Students’ Union Events department.
Name: ______
Signed: ______
Date: ______
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