A Call for Proposals to integrate Development Education into post primaryInitial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes
The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday, 24thJune 2016
Please submit to
Please refer to the ‘Projects Proposals Background Document, June 2016’ for guidelines.
The Ubuntu Network is funded by the Development Education and Civil Society Section of Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland.
Section 1: Background Information
Details…1.1Member Institution
1.2Name of Project Leader(s)
1.3Name of other teacher educators involved
1.4Programme and Year / 1.5Approx. # of Student Teachers / 1.6Approx. # Dev Ed contact hours
E.g. PME, Year 1
Section 2: Overview of the Project
2.1 Please provide a summary of the proposed project.2.2 Please demonstrate how learning from previous Ubuntu supported projects informs this project proposal.
Section 3: Delivery of Development Education
3.1 With reference to the components of the Ubuntu Network Frameworkfor the Integration of Development Education into ITE (Appendix 1) please provide details of planned activities associated with the integration of Development Education.
Component / ActivityIntroducing Development Education
Subject specific Development Education
Aligning Development Education with other related aspects of the programme
Development Education and School Placement
Development Education and the Professional Portfolio
Development Education and student research activities
Section 4: Collaboration
4.1 The Ubuntu Network 2020 strategy promotes a collaborative approach to strengthen Development Education provision in ITE.
Please indicate if (and how) you plan to engage with other parties to complete this project. See Appendix 2 for potential options.Section 5: Capacity Building
5.1 Each funded project is encouraged to host a dialogue focused event which invites fellow Ubuntu Assembly Members and local interestedparties to participate.Please provide details of your proposed event here.
Event TitleNature of proposed event
Target Audience
Scheduling (month, year)
5.2 If it is not feasible for the project to conduct such an event, please explain.
5.3 Please indicate if you would like the Ubuntu Network to deliver or arrange a capacity building workshop for staff in your Department.
Yes√No X
Section 6: Research and Measuring Impact
The Ubuntu Network has a strong focus on measuring the impact of Development Education interventions. Please indicate √or X to the statements below to indicate your support for the listed activities.
Yes√ / No
6.1 The project leader will facilitate dissemination to student teachers of the Ubuntu Network Monitoring and Evaluation questionnaire in September 2017 and April/May 2017.
6.2 The project leader will support the Ubuntu Network to conduct focus groups with student teachers involved in the project if required (April/May 2017).
6.3The project leader will provide completed interim and final reports within the time period specified.
6.4The project leader will endeavour to partake in Assembly meetings. Where this is not possible they will nominate a representative to attend on their behalf.
6.5The project leader will provide evidence of student teachers’ work e.g. sample assignments, portfolio entries, lesson plans.
6.6 If you intend carrying out further initiatives to measure the impact of your intervention, please indicate here.
6.7 If you intend carrying out research to support delivery of Development Education, please indicate here.
Section 7: Budget and in-kind costs
7.1 Please provide an outline of costs relating to the Development Education project. See Projects Proposals Background Document, June 2016, p. 3 for a list of eligible costs.
Costs Pertaining to the Proposed Project / (€)Delivery of Development Education (see Section 3)
Collaboration(see Section 4)
Capacity Building(see Section 5)
Research/Measuring Impact (see Section 6)
7.2 Please quantify the ‘in-kind’ contribution that you and your institution will make to this project.
Activity / Calculation of ‘in-kind’ contribution (€)Staff time (Number of hrs/days x Cost per hr/day)
Costs or expenses (claimed from institution other than Ubuntu)
Appendix 1 – Ubuntu Network Framework for the Integration of Development Education into Initial Teacher Education
Appendix 2 – Sample Collaboration Options
Engage with… / to…Other Teacher Ed. Institutions / Collaboratively design/delivery Development Education related interventions in the ITE programme.
Engage in collaborative research on Development Education or a related topic.
NGOs / Provide Dev Ed related input to the ITE programme.
Explore placement options for students.
Provide capacity building for staff.
Suas / Involve student/staff in a Suas 8x8 exhibition.
Involve student/staff in a Suas film festival.
Involve students in the Ideas Collective project.
Direct student to SUAS’s extracurricular programmes offered in your institution.
World Wise Global Schools / Make student teachers aware of potential projects and active teachers in their schools.
Involve student teachers in the World Wise Global Schools Annual Conference.
Engage in some joint research on Development Education in schools.
NCCA / Involve student teachers in consultations on Subject Specifications/curriculum reform.
Local/ specialist Organisations / Input/advise the ITE programme in any way.
Capacity building of staff/peer learning.
Explore an issue or area of work.