English Adventure
Area of Foreign Languages
I. Objectives
Greet someone, introduce oneself and say ‘Goodbye’.
Sing the songs of the unit and clap to the rhythm.
Follow instructions in English.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Greet someone, introduce oneself, say ‘Goodbye’, and make contact with the English classes.
Clap to the rhythm of the songs and afterwards, sing them all together.
Guess the name of classmates from their voices, greeting them in English until learning all their names.
Ask each other for certain objects forming a chain.
Look for different coloured objects in the classroom following the teacher’s instructions. Afterwards, try to do it in groups.
Carry out the appropriate actions, following illustrations in English.
2. Reading and writing
Identify basic colours.
Colour each portion with the colour written below.
Match each word to the corresponding colour to familiarise oneself with their written form.
Write the names of some colours.
3. Language learning through use
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Lexis and structures
·Hello; goodbye.
·I’m (...)
·Blue; green; red; yellow.
·Classroom; book; pen; pencil; rubber.
Receptive language
·It’s a (...); It’s (yellow).
·Please; thank you.
3.2. Reflection on language learning
Show a positive attitude towards English and English classes.
Participate actively in the games and activities proposed in class.
Respect classmates in the games in groups and pairs.
Act in an organised and ordered manner when carrying out activities.
4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Work on socialising, especially through pair work and group activities.
Teach them to respect the norms which govern linguistic exchange, to listen to others, to await their turn when speaking.
III. Basic competences
Linguistic competence: greeting and saying ‘Goodbye’.
Interpersonal, social and civic competence: introductions.
Cultural and artistic competence: colouring.
IV. Assessment
Remember the vocabulary of colours and classroom objects.
Identify the written form of some of the words of the vocabulary.
Identify the new vocabulary.
Follow the teacher’s instructions in English appropriately.
Unit 1 – My face
I. Objectives
Name the parts of the face.
Understand the simple description of a face.
Follow instructions in English.
Follow a story in English.
Personalise the language of the unit.
Assess own progress.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Study the chant of the unit and point to the parts of their face that are mentioned. Then, in pairs, point to the parts of their face a partner indicates.
Colour the parts of the face of a robot, based on the instructions given in a recording.
Carry out a specific act depending on the information in the sentence the teacher says.
Sing and act out the song of the unit.
Comment on the drawings of the story and try to guess what is happening, in order to listen to it afterwards following the drawings.
Match each description to the corresponding face and correct it afterwards with all the class.
2. Reading and writing
Read and understand the simple description a face.
Write the corresponding word below each drawing.
Match each word to its corresponding part. Afterwards, compare the results with classmates.
Write the parts of the face.
3. Language learning through use
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Lexis and structures
·Ears; eyes; face; mouth; nose.
·Blue; brown; green; orange; pink; purple; red; yellow.
·Happy; sad.
·Numbers 1-5.
Receptive language
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
·Who’s this?
·Find something pink.
·Touch your (...). What colour is his (...)?
·Is he/she happy?
·Who’s this?
·I’m a clown.
·It’s big or small?
·Look at my (...).
3.2. Reflection on language learning
Enjoy using own body to express oneself.
Show interest in others’ explanations and curiosity towards information received.
Participate actively in activities and games in class.
Show interest in reading and writing in English.
4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Respect classmates in group and pair work activities.
Teach them to respect their classmates’ belongings.
III. Basic competences
Linguistic competence: parts of the face.
Mathematical competence: numbers 1-5.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: colours.
Interpersonal, social and civic competence: feelings.
Cultural and artistic competence: sticking stickers.
Learning to learn competence: playing a game of instructions.
IV. Assessment
Revise and identify the revision and new vocabulary.
Show feelings like happiness and sadness.
Read and write the words of the vocabulary in the unit.
Understand a story in English following a sequence of drawings.
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
Unit 2 - Animals
I. Objectives
Identify jungle animals.
Express tastes in animals.
Learn and sing the song of the unit.
Understand a story in English following a sequence of drawings.
Personalise the language learnt in the unit.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Point to the animal a classmate says, and then play with animal sounds.
Place each number on its corresponding animal, based on what is heard in a recording.
Place the stickers on the main drawing correctly, based on what is heard in a recording. Correct it, asking and answering questions.
Express tastes in animals.
Sing the song of the unit in groups, miming each animal mentioned in it.
Guess the animal represented on the flashcard which a partner has, asking and answering questions.
Place the flashcards of animals in the order in which they are mentioned in the unit.
Play bingo with drawings of animals.
2. Reading and writing
Match names of animals to drawings.
Write the names of jungle animals.
Write the appropriate word below each drawing.
3. Language learning through use
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Lexis and structures
·It’s a (...); Is it a (…).
·Bird; elephant; giraffe; lion; zebra; hippo; rhino.
·Point to (...).
·It’s (red).
·Big; small.
·What is it?
Receptive language
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
·What’s this?
·Find (grey).
·What’s the magic word?
·What colour is the/a/an (...)?
·What’s the number (...)?
·It isn’t (grey).
·Is it a/an (...)?
·What colour is it?
·What’s your favourite animal?
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
3.2. Reflection on language learning
Care about and respect wild animals.
Participate actively in games and activities in class.
Show initiative and interest when participating in different types of oral communication activities.
Show interest in others’ explanations and curiosity towards information received.
4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Work on socialising, especially through the pair work and group activities, teaching them to value others.
Reinforce them positively when they do things well in order to raise their self esteem and let them decide how to finish the unit, choosing the song or game they like the most.
Help them to get to know animals from outside our environment, teaching them that they deserve the same respect as domestic animals.
III. Basic competences
Linguistic competence: animals
Mathematical competence: review numbers 1-10, counting animals.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: wild animals.
Interpersonal, social and civic competence: playing in pairs.
Autonomy and personal initiative: assessing each person’s progress in class.
IV. Assessment
Identify the revision vocabulary again.
Describe wild animals correctly and understand others’ descriptions.
Enjoy representing animals through mime and sounds.
Follow a sequence of elements correctly.
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
Unit 3 – My toys
I. Objectives
- Talk about toys.
- Learn and sing the song and the chant of the unit.
- Follow a story in English.
- Personalise the language learnt.
- Follow instructions in English.
- Understand English children.
- Assess own progress.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
- Comment on the film, recite the chant of the unit and place the flashcards in the order in which the objects appear.
- Describe the toys in the drawing using colours so that their partner can guess them.
- Revise the numbers they know and present some new ones, counting claps.
- Play hopscotch with a square of drawings and advance by guessing the name of the toy each square represents and matching it to the corresponding number.
- Colour in a series of geometric figures based on what is heard in a recording.
- Sing the song of the unit in groups, according to the geometric figure you have to represent.
- Play bingo with drawings which represent figures of different sizes and colours or draw the figures that the teacher dictates.
- Cut out the drawings following the instructions in a series of sentences and afterwards, show them to the class, reading the sentences.
- Talk about one’s favourite toy, assess own progress and decide amongst all the class the way to finish the unit.
2. Reading and writing
- Write the correct word below each drawing.
- Identify the name of some toys.
- Write the name of some toys they know.
- Match the words to the drawings, working individually and checking the results in pairs.
3. Language learning through use
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Lexis and structures
·Ball; boat; car; doll; kite; teddy bear; train; yo-yo.
·What’s this? It’s a (...).
·Numbers 1-15.
·It’s (purple); It’s big.
·Circle; rectangle; square; triangle.
Receptive language
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
·What’s the magic word?
·What colour is the (...)?
·Can you see a (...)?
·How many (...) can you see?
·It’s Christmas.
·Can you find a (...)?
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
3.2. Reflection on language learning
Enjoy English through songs, chants and stories.
Listen to others in dialogues and group conversations, showing respect for the norms and conventions governing linguistic exchanges.
Participate actively in the games and activities proposed in class.
Act in an organised and ordered manner when carrying out activities.
4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Work on the self esteem of the boys and girls, congratulating them on their achievements and encouraging them in their class work.
Work also on socialising through group activities and pair work.
III. Basic competences
Linguistic competence: toys.
Mathematical competence: numbers 1-15, shapes.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: shapes.
Interpersonal, social and civic competence: toys and tastes.
Cultural and artistic competence: singing.
Learning to learn competence: identifying shapes.
Autonomy and personal initiative: assessing the progress of everyone in class.
IV. Assessment
- Identify the revision as well as the new vocabulary about toys.
- Identify numbers 1 to 15.
- Identify the written form of the words of vocabulary and write them correctly when it is necessary.
- Get to know geometric figures and classify them by colours and sizes.
- Follow a series of instructions in English correctly.
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
Unit 4 – Food
I. Objectives
- Talk about likes and dislikes.
- Follow a story in English.
- Understand English children when they speak.
- Personalise the language of the unit.
- Assess own progress.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Guess the topic of the unit and comment on the drawings in order to present the vocabulary. Talk about food likes and dislikes.
Comment on the film and the chant of the unit.
Conduct a survey about everyone’s food preferences.
Colour in each type of food with a happy or sad face depending on what is heard in the recording.
Talk about one’s favourite food and that of the others.
Listen to and follow the story of the unit following it in the drawings and checking your understanding with questions and answers.
Carry out different actions following the instructions of a series of conditional sentences which talk about taste in food.
Complete sentences with a series of words from the exercise about food likes and dislikes.
2. Reading and writing
Identify the written form of the words of vocabulary and write the correct word below each drawing.
Understand the contents of a simple menu.
Cut out the sequences of the drawings of the story and place them on the correct one.
Write the name of some food.
3. Language learning through use
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Lexis and structures
·Bread; cheese; chicken; do you like (...)?
·I like/don’t like (...).
·Pizza; spaghetti; water; apple; banana; cake; egg; orange; pear; it’s (...).
·My favourite food is (...).
Receptive language
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
·What’s your favourite colour?
·Can you see some (...)?
·Put your hands up if you like (...).
·Does (he/she) like (cheese)?
·What’s (your/his) favourite food?
·What Scamp’s favourite food?
·What food can you see?
·Is (he/she) happy?
·What do you like
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
3.2. Reflection on language learning
Show a positive attitude towards food and healthy diets.
Participate actively in the games and activities proposed in class.
Show interest in expressing one’s own tastes and preferences.
Show initiative and interest when participating in different types of oral communication, groups, dialogues, stories, explanations, games.
Show interest and make an effort to improve own linguistic production.
4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Respect classmates in group and pair work activities.
Teach them to respect others’ belongings.
Raise their self esteem by letting them express their tastes and preferences.
Explain the importance of a healthy diet and show them the food they should eat in order to achieve it.
Compare healthy food with what we most like to eat.
III. Basic competences
Linguistic competence: food.
Interpersonal, social and civic competence: food and tastes.
Cultural and artistic competence: singing.
Learning to learn competence: vocabulary in written form.
IV. Assessment
Identify the revision and new vocabulary about food.
Read and write correctly the words of vocabulary in the unit.
Use the structures ‘Do you like (...)?’, ‘I like (...)’, ‘I don’t like (...)’ correctly.
Match the faces expressing feelings to likes and dislikes.
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
Unit 5 – My body
I. Objectives
Understand a simple description of someone.
Identify and name the parts of the body.
Learn and sing the song and the chant of the unit.
Follow a story in English.
Personalise the language learnt in the unit.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
- Comment on the film and the drawing and point to the parts of the body that are mentioned in the chant.
- Recite the chant without the recording, leaving out certain parts and pointing to them on one’s own body.
- Listen to the descriptions of different robots and place the correct number in the corresponding place.
- Imagine that they are one of the robots and describe themselves so that a partner can guess who it is.
- Understand and sing the song of the unit.
- Listen to and understand the story of the unit following the sequence of drawings and pointing to the parts of one’s own body as they are mentioned.
- Make a genie on the board using different sizes and numbers of parts of the body and face, asking and answering questions about it.
2. Reading and writing
- Match each word to the corresponding drawing and afterwards complete the sentences.
- Write the correct word below each drawing.
- Understand a simple description of someone.
- Write a simple physical description.
3. Language learning through use
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Lexis and structures
·Body; feet; head; hands; arms; legs; tummy.
·I’ve got (...)
·Numbers 1-15.
Receptive language
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
·Touch your (...). Move your (...).
·Clap your hands. Stamp your feet.
·Make big arms. Draw (his body).
·Who’s got (yellow legs)? Who am I?
·Hold up a (...).
·How many (...) have you got? I haven’t got (...).
·They are on the magic carpet.
·Look at the (...) genie.
·Has he got big feet or small feet?
Teaching Programme- English Adventure 2
3.2. Reflection on language learning
Show interest in getting to know and looking after own body.
Act in an organised and ordered manner when carrying out activities.
Respect classmates in dialogues and conversations, following turn taking conventions when speaking.
Participate in the games and activities proposed.
4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Teach pupils to socialise with their classmates, respecting, helping and collaborating with them.
Teach them to respect the norms which govern linguistic exchange, listening to others and waiting their turn when speaking.
Help them to get to know their own body and teach them the importance of personal hygiene and care.
III. Basic competences
Linguistic competence: parts of the body.
Mathematical competence: counting parts of the body, numbers 1-15.
Interpersonal, social and civic competence: games in pairs.
Cultural and artistic competence: drawing a monster.
Learning to learn competence: identifying size.
IV. Assessment
Remember the revision vocabulary and identify the new vocabulary about parts of the body.
Identify numbers 1 to 15.
Read and write the words of the vocabulary correctly.
Carry out the different actions correctly, following instructions in English.
Make appropriate descriptions of characters and themselves.
Unit 6 – My house
I. Objectives
- Write the names of the rooms of a house.
Find and count the objects in a drawing.
Colour following specific instructions.
Follow a story in English.
Personalise the language of the unit.
Assess own progress.
II. Contents
1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Comment on the film and recite the chant miming it.
Ask and answer questions about the place where they live.
Listen to the recording and match each object to the corresponding room in the house.
Do one action or another depending on whether the sentence is true or false.