INVITALIA, Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa S.p.A, based in Rome, Via Calabria, 46, ("Invitalia"), in connection with the performance of its official duties and functions, which include, inter alia, the promotion of new domestic and foreign investments, and in pursuance of article 13, paragraph I, letter f) of the Personal Data Protection Code (D.Lgs. 196/2003), in the capacity of Data Controller, informs that the personal data you supplied on a voluntary basis may be used by Invitalia for purposes strictly connected to the performance of its officialduties and, in particular, to promote foreign investment opportunities aimed at increasing the competitiveness and attraction of Italian territories. Within the specific context of this activity, Invitalia also through its own Network - the Invitalia Business Network- made up of qualifiedconstituents belonging to various professional categories, including: Banks, Law and Accountancy Firms, Consultancy and Management firms and Private equity companies, is in a position to provide professional services to foreign investors.

Your data, which is contained in the documentation you sent to us voluntarily, may be entered in the Invitalia databaseand it shall be usedstrictly for the official purposes set out above, and processed– either manually or electronically, by means of the necessary processing techniques – only in connection therewith.

Your personal data may be notified, for the above mentioned purposes, to stakeholders involved in Invitalia and its Subsidiary Group’s corporate processes, or rather to:

  1. potential Italian partners;
  2. Italian and foreign bodies, such as embassies,the chamber of commerce network and the industrial confederation system;
  3. Invitalia Business Network constituentsas set out above;
  4. Other parties to which notification is mandatory under the law, such as public agencies and ministries.

The notifications referred to in the preceding paragraph do not require the data subject’s approval inasmuch as the parties indicated above act in the capacity of autonomous Data controllers.

Your personal data may also be used by Invitalia Group employees holding the position of Data Controller or Data Processor, for performing the operations required to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.

Data subjects shall be entitled to access, integrate and rectify their personal data, and to oppose the processing thereof, in pursuance of article 7 of Legislative Decree D.Lgs. 196/2003. These rights may be exercised by contacting the “Data subject request Manager”, also by e-mail at the following address:
An up-to-date list of the Data Processors may easily be obtained from the above mentioned staff member at the e-mail address listed above.
