Local Emergency Planning Committee

Minutes for Meeting of July 8, 2009


Kevin Christensen, Dorene Schulz, Susan Thompson, Karen Glauser, Dee Isaacson, Wayne Myers, Michael Nelsen, James Grover, Ray Strong, Mark Crane, Billee Petersen, Peggy Mecham, Fred Henderson, Laron Woods, Jerry Peterson, Greg Martz, Meggan Schulze, Randy Wilde, Kimberly Giles, David Nance, Rich VanDyke, Linda Bourne, Charlie Bourne, Linda Turner, Greg Delauter, Kathy Conrad

Meeting opened at 0903 hours. Kevin Christensen asked for introductions around the room, because of so many new members.

Kevin asked the group about our county’s HazMat Plan. Greg Martz said there is a region plan and Randy Wilde said we need a county plan, but could adopt the region plan. Kevin asked Greg if he would get back to the group after the next regional meeting.


Kimberly passed out the Fact Sheet. Three conferences to make note of: City and County Directors Conference, August 5th at the Airport Hilton, the 10th Annual Intermountain Hazardous Materials Conference, August 11-13 at the Provo Marriot, and the 2009 Public Officials Conference “Emergency Management – The Amazing Race” October 26-27 at the Zermatt in Midway. To have the Ready Your Business workshop series taught at your business or organization, contact your liaison, or Jesse Valenzuela at (801)538-3296. There is no cost for the workshops.

Health Department:

Randy Wilde is back on-call, after knee surgery. Recently the Health Dept received information on a racing fuel spill on the freeway, but no response was necessary, as the heat of the day dried it up in no time. Also there was a diesel spill in Portage several weeks ago, and the Health Dept has a new response truck.

The State has new Meth regulations, and we are still looking at the same numbers on meth homes, about 30 to 40 a year need to be cleaned up, between Box Elder and Cache County. Jean Loveland (BCPD) and Jackie Potter (BESO) will be joining the Box Elder Narcotics Strike Force. Randy will attend their next meeting so he can become acquainted with them.

Homeland Security:

Kevin Potter is in training all day in Salt Lake City and we will check with him next month.

HazMat Team:

Greg Martz said the last drill was in Corinne, with a 7 gallon mock spill. The next drill will be about meters and calibration gas. Jerry Peterson noted that the Brigham City calibration gas is out of date. Greg said that all meters will be up to date once that training/drill is held. Greg Delauter from Proctor & Gamble said they will be putting in a system that is run by computer, to keep it calibrated.

Kevin asked Greg if he could present on Proctor & Gamble during one of the LEPC meetings and what their move in date would be. Greg said one year from now, summer 2010, they should be moved in.

Rich VanDyke had a meeting with Mosquito Abatement last night and learned that the bird refuge has an area designated as a high breeding ground for mosquitos and Mosquito Abatement is not allowed to spray that area, because it is a food source for the birds. Because of West Nile Virus, this is a concern. Rich has put calls in to Senator Hatch and Congressman Bishop, as it is federal land. Kevin Christensen said that 3 years ago, a WNV task force was put together, which included a member of the bird refuge. At that time, the bird refuge was adamant about not spraying that area. They did say however, if WNV did get out of hand, they would allow the area to get sprayed. Kevin will run it by the Health Dept and Rich will take it to the commissioners, and get the press involved if necessary. Kevin reminded the group that WNV is still here and July and August will be the worst with the heat.

Laron Woods noted that the ARES Annual Field Day, held June 27 & 28, was a success. They operated 24 hours straight, had good support, and were able to run a solar station and a digital station for several hours during the event.

Greg Martz noted that the Chief’s Meeting was held last night. They had a presentation on 1-800-BoardUp, which is a company that will board up a home after a fire or disaster, free of charge to the home owner. By boarding up the home, it secures the building, protects the victim’s valuables, and they bill the insurance company. Also presented was BullEx Fire Extinguisher Training System, a good training piece where anyone can learn to use an extinguisher.

Kevin mentioned the leftover LEPC pens and magnets and asked everyone to take some and get our LEPC’s name out there.

Fred Henderson and Peggy Mecham then gave a wonderful presentation on the Red Cross, including taping off the area needed for a cot inside a shelter, and information on the 4 different types of shelter models: regular shelter, partner shelter, supported shelter, and independent managed shelter.

Next Meeting

The next LEPC Meeting is scheduled for August 12, 2009, at 0900 hours, at the Sheriff’s

Office in Brigham.

Meeting ended at 1020 hrs.