Upper Pittsgrove Township
Land Use Board Minutes
August 20, 2015
TO: Township Committee Linda S. Buzby, Twp. Clerk
Land Use Board Members L. Andrew Hoglen, Zoning Officer
A regular meeting of the Upper Pittsgrove Township Land Use Board was held in the Township Hall on the above date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Board Vice-Chairman reading the public announcement stating that adequate notice had been given provided under the “Open Public Meetings Act” and a flag salute.
Members present were: Robert Duus, Thomas Buzby, Glenn Myers, Alan Gardner, William Gantz, and Linda Buzby.
Also present was: William F. Ziegler, Board Solicitor, J. Michael Fralinger, Board Engineer, Sarah Birdsall, Planner, Ross Levitsky, Esquire, and Arret Dobson.
Business to come before the Board:
1. Minutes from June 18, 2015
2. Dobson Turf Management, LLC
3. Resolution -
James & Donna Guarrera
1. Minutes –
A motion to approve the minutes from the June 18, 2015 meeting was made by William Gantz. This motion was seconded by Glenn Myers and adopted unanimously.
2. Dobson Turf Management, LLC – Block 5 Lots 46 & 48
The Vice-Chairman opened the hearing for Dobson Turf Management, LLC. The applicant was represented by Ross Levitsky. Board Engineer, J. Michael Fralinger, Jr. commented on his review letter dated August 18, 2015. The applicant was requesting a waiver from the following items: Checklist “A” – Item #10, Checklist “C” – Item #B-18, Checklist “D” – Item #C-13, and Checklist “I” – Item #9 which required a Letter of interpretation from the Department of Environmental Protection. Mr. Fralinger had no objections to granting the requested waiver. Additional waiver requests included Checklist “C” – Item #B-22 Cross Sections of existing streets, Item #C – Traffic Impact Study. Mr. Fralinger had no objections to granting the requested waivers. Finally, Checklist “C” – Item #E, Checklist “E” – All items, and Checklist “G” – Item #F that requires an Environmental Impact Study. Mr. Fralinger had no objections to granting those waivers. Board Planner, Sarah Birdsall commented on her review letter dated August 14, 2015. Ms. Birdsall stated that the application was not marked for, nor contained any information pertaining to a Use Variance application. Mr. Levitsky commented that those items had been provided, and it was noted that he did not send them to her. Ms. Birdsall had no objection deeming the application complete since those items had been submitted. Thomas Buzby moved to deem this application complete. This motion was seconded by William Gantz and adopted unanimously.
Mr. Levitsky asked the Board for clarifications on some issued outstanding. On the Development Application, Prime Realty was listed as the property owner, based on this Board member John Coombs, who was owner of Prime Realty, would be unable to sit for the application. Mr. Dobson stated that he was the owner of the property. This enables Mr. Coombs to participate in the public hearing. A brief discussion was held regarding golf carts vs. low-speed vehicles (LSV). Mr. Levitsky stated that Mr. Dobson wanted to be able to sell the LSV. This required him obtaining a license from the State. Mr. Levitsky asked the Board to either amend 6-2014 Resolution to include the sale of LSVs. The Board determined that they were not willing to amend the Resolution and that the applicant should include the sale of the LSVs in the upcoming application. Finally, Mr. Levitsky was concerned about the outstanding violation notice from the Zoning Official. The Board Secretary stated that as long as the applicant had made an application to the Land Use Board, the Zoning Official would not take further action.
3. Resolutions –
Glenn Myers made a motion to adopt the resolution for James and Donna Guarrera that had been previously mailed to all members. This motion was seconded by William Gantz and adopted unanimously.
There being no further comment and business before the Board, Robert Duus made a motion to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by Dale Wilson and adopted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Buzby, Secretary
Upper Pittsgrove Township
Land Use Board