Are you concerned about the health and vitality of your church?
The Center for Progressive Renewal
hosted by the
Central Pacific Conference * United Church of Christ
Our Iceberg Is Melting*—Quo Vadis?
The Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ invites you to attend a workshop on the health and vitality of the local congregation.
Our theme for the event is based upon John Kotter’s book, Our Iceberg Is Melting*
The question many struggle within the church is, Quo Vadis? (Where are we going?).
The first steps to healthy church communities may be to examine the state of our own congregations, to take stock of our gifts and strengths, and to seek ways to build upon those.
Presenter: Rev. Cameron Trimble** from The Center for Progressive Renewal (CPR)
Date: February 22-23, 2013 Friday: 4:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Saturday: 8:30 am- 3:30 pm.
Venue: Bethel, United Church of Christ, Beaverton
5150 Southwest Watson AvenueBeaverton, OR 97005
Rev. Trimble requests urgent consideration that pastors invite lay leaders and members to attend. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a team to serve a church!
*Our Iceberg Is Melting is a book based on the award-winning work of Harvard's John Kotter. It is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations. The characters in the story are penguins with names such as Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, the professor, and NoNo. They are like people we recognize - even ourselves. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, seemingly intractable obstacles and the cleverest tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It's a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today – especially in our churches.
** Bio—Rev. Cameron Trimble is the Executive Director of the Center for Progressive Renewal. She most recently served as an advisor to the Congregational Vitality and Discipleship Team of Local Church Ministries for the United Church of Christ and as Associate Conference Minister of Church Development in the Southeast Conference of the UCC. In her ministry in the national setting, Rev. Trimble was responsible for the development of national strategy for birthing new churches. In her conference setting, she directly oversaw the birthing of churches throughout the Southeast Conference. Each setting has given her a unique perspective on the challenges of cultivating leaders equipped to meet the needs of the future of mainline Protestantism.
Rev. Trimble is an adjunct professor teaching church planting and renewal with the Pacific School of Religion and Chicago Theological Seminary. She has co-authored the book "Liberating Hope" with Michael Piazza in 2011.
With this wide experience and exposure, Rev. Trimble is convinced that the future of the progressive mainline Church is dependent upon our ability to cultivate the highest quality of leadership in both ordained and lay leadership.
FRIDAY, February 22
4:30-5:30pm - Registration
5:45pm - Dinner
7:15pm - Welcome
7:30pm - Session One - The Future of Church
9:00pm - Adjourn
SATURDAY, February 23
8:30am - Breakfast (attendees on your own for breakfast—a list of breakfast opportunities to be made available at registration)
9:00am - Session Two - Asset Mapping
10:30 - Break
11:00am - Session Three - Communication and Marketing
12:30pm - LUNCH
1:30pm - Session Three - Transformational Worship
3:30pm - Adjourn
REGISTRATION: Please email to
or mail to First Congregational UCC, CPR Event, 1137 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205. Telephone: (503) 228-7219
Checks to be made out to First Congregational UCC.
[ ] Registration $35
[ ] *Dinner, Friday evening $15
[ ] *Lunch, Saturday afternoon $8
[ ] Total check included $______
· All meals must be purchased by February 8th for planning purposes.
· Any dietary requirements?______