FCE-REG-03: EIA Opinion Request Form
Complete this form to find out if you need our consent (under the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999) to carry out your proposed work.
Part 1 – Proposed Work
Please tick all the relevant boxes to indicate the type of work you are proposing to carry out. Give the area in hectares and where appropriate the percentage of conifers and broadleaves.Proposed work / Area in hectares / % conifer / % broadleaves / Proposed work / Area in hectares
Afforestation / Forest roads
Deforestation / Forest quarry
Location and District:
Please attach map(s) showing the boundary of the proposed work and identifyingdetails of the operations.
In line with DEFRA and other Government departments we have adoptedOrdnance Survey MasterMap® (OSMM) as the preferred standard of mapping for applications. MasterMap® is the most up-to-date large-scale digital map of Great Britain. Applicants can get free copies of an OSMM map by completing the Map Request Form available from our website. Applicants should allow two weeks for the delivery of the OSMM maps they have requested.
We may not accept maps that are not OSMM. If you would like to submit your application using mapping data other than OSMMyou should contact your local office to ensure we will be able to accept your maps.
In certain instances we will accept the submission of digital mapping data. You should contact your local office to discuss proposals to use digital data to ensure the data submitted will be in an acceptable format and standard.
If you do not use our Map Request Service you must provide us with an original map or a good quality photocopy. We will return applications that include maps that are not acceptable without registering them.
Before you mark the map, check that:
- It is an up-to-date Ordnance Survey map.
- It is at a scale of either 1:10,000, 1:5000 or 1:2,500 (more than one map may be required for large areas)
- The scale is shown on the map.
- At least two horizontal and two vertical grid lines are shown.
- Any relevant details are not hidden by folds or other marks or labels.
Marking the map - You must mark clearly the location of the EIA work. You must also mark the grid reference of the centre of the felling area. This must lie within the woodland or the area of trees to be felled. If the point of access to the area is not obvious, show this on the map also. You should not use a map used for a previous application (unless proposals remain exactly the same).
Part 2 – Property Details
Name of Property:Ordnance Survey Six Digit Grid Reference (e.g. XX123456):
Locality Name:
Nearest Town:
Part 3 – Applicant Category
Please put a cross in one box:PE - Personal occupier
You or your family own the property, or hold it as a family trust, partnership or family farm. / BU - Business occupier
A company, forestry investor, business partnership, syndicate or pension fund.
VO - Voluntary organisation
An organisation funded by public subscription or a charitable trust or community organisation e.g. Woodland Trust, National Trust, Wildlife Trusts, Groundwork. / PU - Public ownership
Government departments and their agencies e.g.
Natural England, Defence Estates, Prison Service, hospitals and health boards, Crown Estates (not including land personally owned by members of the Royal Family) and The National Forest. Local and unitary authorities, National Parks, local education authorities, schools authorities.
OT – Other:
Part 4 – Applicant Type
Please put a cross in one box:LS – Leaseholder / OW – Owner
TE - Tenant / TR - Trust
Part 5 – Applicant Details
Title: / Initials: / Surname:Organisation: / Position:
Primary contact Number: / Secondary contact Number:
Is this the address for correspondence about this application? / Yes No
If No please provide the correspondence address:
Part 6 – Your agent or Woodland Manager’s Details (if you have one)
Title: / Initials: / Surname:Organisation: / Position:
Primary contact Number: / Secondary contact Number:
Is this the address for correspondence about this application? / Yes No
If No please provide the correspondence address:
Part 7 –Sensitive Areas
State the area of the proposal that is covered by any of the following Sensitive Areas.Designation / Area in hectares / Designation / Area in hectares
a) Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or Proposed SSSI (PSSSI) / f) Scheduled AncientMonument
b) SSSI's with a Nature Conservation Order[1] / g) Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
c) National Park / h) Natura 2000 site - (European network of special areas of conservation and special protection areas under the Wild Birds Directive)
d) The Broads / i) Local Wildlife Site (including Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs), Sites of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCIs) and County Wildlife Sites).
e) World Heritage Site / j) Local Geological Sites
Part 8 - Consideration of Protected Species
I have considered the impact these proposals will have on wild birds and the area and diversity of habitat(s) for wild birds.I am aware of the Good Practice to safeguard European Protected Species forestry operations and the need to obtain a licence if I cannot comply with the Good Practice.
Part 9 – Overview of Proposals
Please provide an overview of your proposals explaining your objectives and the work you will be doing.
If your proposals are for deforestation to create open habitat you should complete the “Application to Convert Woodland to Open Habitat”form. We expect such workto comply with the Government’s Policy on when to convert woods and forests to open habitats in England.
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[1]Section 29 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.