100 questions

  1. The ______Amendment calls for the direct election of Senators during the ______movement to help farmers.
  2. The ______Amendment made the prohibition of alcohol law led by the ______Act during the ______movement led by the WCTU.
  3. The ______Amendment gave ______the right to vote led by the actions of Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt.
  4. The ______Amendment moved the inauguration date of the President back to January from March.
  5. The ______Amendment repealed the ______Amendment by making alcohol legal again.
  6. The Civil Rights Act supported the ______Amendment by making the use of poll taxes illegal.
  7. ______was a muckraker that exposed the illegal trusts set up by the Standard Oil Company owned by ______.
  8. Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, led to 2 major consumer protection laws called: ______and ______.
  9. Old immigration is termed from ______and ______Europe whereas New is from ______and ______Europe.
  10. Immigrants who came to the U.S. were made welcome by ______due to the help they provided in return for votes.
  11. Populists were mainly of the ______industry whereas the ______were mainly teachers, writers, and professionals aiding to help society.
  12. The Populists tried to fix two critical areas: ______that caused the amount of money supply to be low and ______that charged them high rates for freight.
  13. The ______movement began with installing of ______to the Presidency after the assassination of McKinley (1901).
  14. The muckraker, ______, wrote articles; On the Shame of Cities; discussing the political corruption that cities tend to have.
  15. ______’s photo book was muckraking for its exposure Of How the Other Half Lives or the bad conditions of tenement housing.
  16. The Supreme Court case, ______, set the idea for separate but equal.
  17. Civil rights pioneers, ______help found the NAACP and pinpointed the power of the ______, whereas, ______pushed the idea of skills and need for an education for equality.
  18. After closure of the west, Theodore Roosevelt looked to ______our resources by promoting land into parks and recreation areas.
  19. The Populist programs to end deflation looked to add silver to the ______to create bi-metallism.
  20. The term ______means to make like gold and refers to the fake amount of wealth that was created during Pre-Progressive times.
  21. Labor union movement of the Industrial Revolution looked to raise pay, lower hours, ______and end the use of ______labor.
  22. Powderly’s Knights of Labor union was soon ended by its ______policies as well the ______Riot that killed some police officers.
  23. The ARU, led by ______, struck against the Pullman Car Company requiring President Cleveland to intervene.
  24. The ______union tried to control membership with high membership fees and only allowed ______workers to join.
  25. The ______Party were progressive republicans that backed ______in the election of 1912.
  26. The ______worked the correct the ills of society caused by the lack of regulation during the ______revolution.
  27. Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt (along with others) are often termed Robber barons or captains of industry due to their use of the concept known as ______from the book On the Origin of Species.
  28. The most famous of political machines was ______led by the Boss ______.
  29. The ______monitored R/R pricing rates to be fair for those that crossed state lines, but the Supreme Court case ______allowed states to set rates for R/R within state lines.
  30. Under the progressive democrat president Woodrow Wilson, the ______Act gave the government more regulatory power by allowing them set of railroad rates by the ICC.
  31. Unlike the Sherman anti-trust act, the ______defined the criteria that defines trusts and made unions legal.
  32. The Dawes Act placed many Native Americans on reservations trying to further ______the people by stripping the culture from them.
  33. Jane Adams’ ______movement in the progressive era gave immigrants a place to stay and get on their feet.
  34. The Cross of Gold speech given by ______aimed at getting America to vote for bimetallism that ended in the election of 1896.
  35. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” was a style used by ______but often he used the power of the ______to get things done.
  36. T.R.’s nickname______for breaking up monopolies was all true in that only those outside the realm of ______play was his target.
  37. T.R. was best known for his hero actions in the ______war and leading the ______up ______Hill.
  38. The addition of the ______to the Monroe Doctrine stated that U.S. may intervene into Latin American countries guilty of chronic wrong doing.
  39. T.R. used the power of the big stick to gain control of the ______after that country rebelled against Columbia.
  40. T.R sent the ______on a world journey to show the power of his modern navy that was the first built in all ______.
  41. ______Speech marked the return of T. Roosevelt to politics after the failed policies of his successor ______.
  42. The Wilson creation of the ______allowed for the more flexible insertion of money supply to the economy through 12 government banks.
  43. The annexation of ______was beneficial because of its sugarcane and of its ______location to the Pacific Ocean.
  44. The use of ______helped antagonize a war in ______because of the sensational stories told by ______and ______.
  45. U.S. imperialism during the ______war allowed us to obtain three new lands: ______, ______, and ______.
  46. The ______Amendment gave Cuba limited independence after the war.
  47. Taft’s policy for peace often centered on the idea of money not bullets referred to as ______.
  48. The ______of the 20’s and 50’s allowed African Americans the opportunity to gain jobs, escape racism, and bring their culture to new people.
  49. The ______was a cultural rebirth of African American Culture that was presented in music, art, and literature,
  50. The Red Scare of the 20’s and 50’s were the same in that it focused on exposing ______. The 20’s was led by ______while the 50’s was led by ______called ______.
  51. The ______trial pitted ______vs. ______and argued the teaching of ______in the class room.
  52. Wilson’s ______points were his plan for world peace that incorporated the ______that the U.S. government opposed.
  53. Industrialization led to the concept of ______due to the constant growth that usually accompanies it.
  54. Nativists typically targeted those immigrants seen as undesirables and managed to get legislation to target Asians with the ______Act.
  55. The trial of ______and ______was famous due to their assertion of the fact they were ______and ______, therefore guilty.
  56. The 3 Republican presidents of the 20’s were ______, ______, and ______. The ______scandal led to the downfall of ______because of his poker buds, ______.
  57. The over use of margin and credit, along with stagnant ______led to the ______crash on ______1929.
  58. Peoples loss of homes forced many of them to live in shanty towns called ______.
  59. Hoover’s ______policy did little to help the start of the great depression. He further hurt the economy by raising ______.
  60. FDR was the former ______of New York. He was crippled by the disease ______. His wife, ______became his ______and ______because of his profound trust in her judgment.
  61. His ______for America gave them hope through the many programs it created. Some feared that the U.S. was becoming ______because of to much control. FDR threatened to ______the court due to this.
  62. FDR’s ABC’s sought to deliver us from the great depression in 3 R ways: ______, ______, and ______.
  63. FDR was apart of the Big ______that devised the consequences to the Axis powers. Germany was ______, East and West.
  64. The Supreme commander of U.S./NATO forces in Europe was ______. The Pacific commander over the land troops was ______as he returned to the Philippines. Admiral ______was over the naval warfare in the Pacific and developed the ______campaign to push Japan back.
  65. Pearl Harbor, the “Day ______”, took place on ______. The ______Act helped mobilize troops for war.
  66. The ______invasion at ______, France was the turning point of the war on ______. The troops stormed ______and ______beaches after crossing the ______channel to the ______side of France.
  67. The Battle of ______on the sea/air and the Battle of ______on land became significant turning points in the Pacific.
  68. The Battle of ______turned the war for the Russians due to the extreme cold. Stalin used the ______policy to reduce German use of resources.
  69. President ______debated the use of the ______on the islands of ______and ______. Eventually the ______delivered the bombs resulting in surrender of Japan called ______Day on the date of ______.
  70. The atomic bombs started the ______, which is a non fighting war based on the concepts of ______and ______.
  71. During WWI and WWII, the U.S. governments tried to scare its citizens by passing the ______Acts that encouraged the spying on of neighbors.
  72. The ______spy plane that was shot down led to further distrust from ______during President ______’s administration.
  73. President ______theory stated that countries that fall to ______can lead others to fall.
  74. The ______Doctrine encouraged countries to resist ______and in return receive financial backing. European countries that were given money to rebuild and resist communism received money under the ______Plan.
  75. The ______peninsula is divided at the ______parallel. This area is known as the ______zone or the ______.
  76. President Johnson committed troops to ______after the ______resolution. At the gulf, Vietnamese gun boats fired on U.S. ships.
  77. The name for Vietnamese democratic supporters was ______. The communist supporters were called the ______named after the founder. The ______trail was a supply route from North to South Vietnam and through nearby countries of ______and ______.
  78. Opposition to the war in Vietnam led to violent protests on the campuses ______and ______where students were killed. Peaceful protests often happened, for example at ______, which was a musical protest.
  79. Weapons such as ______a gel type gasoline and ______which was an insecticide generally had long lasting results to those exposed even troops.
  80. The war in Vietnam is often compared to the current war on ______due to the inability to spot the ______that doesn’t allow troops to shoot first.
  81. The ______invasion was an attempted ______of Cuba and its leader ______. The invasion was led by ______.
  82. The ______developed when Castro allowed the installation of ______in Cuba. ______, or coming close to war, happened through the near collision of U.S. ships with Russian ships. The crisis was averted when ______and ______met to resolve the dispute.
  83. Kennedy’s presidency, the ______, vowed to put a man on the moon as a response to the Soviet satellite named ______. The satellite forced the U.S. to revamp the ______system putting more emphasis in areas of ______and ______.
  84. JFK was assassinated on ______, 1963 in the city of ______by ______, a known communist sympathizer.
  85. President Johnson’s Presidency, the ______, continued the work of Kennedy by passing civil rights legislation such as the ______and the ______.
  86. Under Johnson’s “Great Society”, government programs like ______gave minorities more education opportunities, while ______gave old people and under privileged access to health care.
  87. The U.S. along with France, Russia, China, and Great Britain occupy permanent positions on the Security Council of the ______.
  88. By 1973, President ______began removing troops from Vietnam due to the inability to win. The end culminated with the 1975 with fall of ______during the communist invasion of the city.
  89. Nixon’s tenure in office led to the ______scandal when he knew of members of the Republican Party broke into the ______national convention offices to steal files. Nixon ______rather than be impeached.
  90. ______overturned Plessey v. Ferguson, outlawing the ______of education based on ______. ______AR was the first southern city to test the case with the busing of the ______.
  91. Freedom ______was the registering of A-A to vote. ______Riders desegregated ______. ______helped bridge the gap of A-A to future white schools.
  92. The ______and ______were two peaceful organizations that used ______as forms of protest. This act was taught by Gandhi as ______or ______.
  93. The Nation of ______led by ______and the ______led by Bobby Seale were militant organizations that used ______. Both believed in the ideas of Plessey v. Ferguson wanting ______.
  94. The Civil Rights Act supported the made the hiring based on ______illegal and the Voting Rights Act made ______and ______illegal.
  95. ______was the first A-A to enter Ole Miss in 1962. Three civil rights workers ______, ______, and ______were killed in Neshoba MS that set off a national investigation.
  96. ______was the NAACP lawyer that argued ______. Chief Justice ______wrote the opinion on behalf of the S.C.
  97. The famous ______on Washington culminated with the ______that declared that all men are created equal.
  98. The ______was as group that worked for the rights of ______whose slogan was equal pay for equal work.
  99. ______vs. Arizona is a declaration of rights to the accused that must be read upon the ______of an individual.
  100. The Supreme Court members are ______by the President and must be ______by the Senate and serve ______terms.