Gandhi-King-Chavez Season for Nonviolence – 2013 Events
Join us for 64 Days (Jan. 30-April 4) of Practice - Applying Principles of Love & Wisdom to Daily Life
Mission: To articulate and practice the principles, values and skills underlying NV Living - in three areas: Self: personal growth/development (Personal Self), Others: intelligent relationship (Social Self) and World: aligning culture with nature (Eco-Cultural / Global Self) -- fostering collective awakening and a world that works for the common good. -- HH Learning Center, SF State, Jan. 2013
The revolutionary spirit is worldwide, if the anger… at the injustice of things is to be channeled
into a revolution of love and creativity, we (can) shape a new world. -- Dr. ML King
EVENTS: MONDAYS, 5:30-7pm, HSS 306 (unless noted)
Feb. 4: Season Overview: Teachings of M. Gandhi and NV Living – Practicing 3 dimensions of cognitive and social-emotional development over the 64 days: (1) Self; (2) Others, and (3) the World (Eco-Cultural)
And the six steps of Circle Work (peace-circle) training with Lauren Oliver:
Feb. 11, 5pm: Why Gun Control is Not Enough — Four Underlying Causes & Remedies for Violence
Mitch Hall, children’s rights advocate, yoga teacher and peace scholar: and psychiatrist and neurologist, Issac Silberman, MD will offer evidence based on extensive research literature, for four root causes of direct violence: (1) child abuse, neglect, and unresolved trauma, (2) gender abuse, (3) cultural violence and (4) environmental and genetic contributions. They will talk about implications of these findings for each of us and for society, and ways to prevent and heal from violence.
Feb. 18: Laughter Yoga – join the healthy fun and social connection that comes with laughter. Led by Susanne Bersbach:
Feb. 21, Thursday (Special Event), 7pm: The Untold History of the United States, with Oliver Stone and Dr. Peter Kuznick. They will screen an episode from their new 10-part documentary series (on Showtime), and discuss the accompanying best-selling book, by the same title. Held at the Grand Lake Theater, Oakland. This event is co-sponsored with Project Censored:
Feb. 25: NV Social Action Training and Film: The Force More Powerful: exploring struggles and success stories of social organizing and historic change using nonviolent activism.
March 4, 5pm: NVC I: Introduction to Nonviolent Communication
With Renee Soule, MA who teaches Nonviolent Communication in San Quentin prison and various other communities:
March 11, 5pm: Rethinking Money -- How New Currencies Turn Scarcity Into Prosperity
By simply rethinking the concept of money we can solve not only our recurring fiscal crises but most of our ongoing social and ecological crises. This is according to Bernard Lietaer:, a leader in the field of money for over thirty years as a central banker, fund manager, and consultant. He was co-designer of the European Currency Unit - the precursor to the euro. He recently co-authored the book: Re-inventing Money with Jacqui Dunne an award-winning journalist and founder of Danu Resources, an emerging leader in supporting ecological technologies and initiatives. We will also speak with Chong Kee Tan and Kendra Shanley, who are promoting a local, complementary currency: Bay Area Bucks.
March 18, Building a “We the People” Movement to Revitalize Community and Democracy and Balance the Forces of Capital, the Market and the State.
What Happened to Occupy and other common efforts and where to go from here? Speakers - TBA
April 8, Closing Celebration: Rethinking Education and Activism – Toward a Culture of Peace
With invited Thought-Leaders (TBA), interactive community dialogue, food, and music – join us.
April 22, An Introduction to Urban Permaculture and Ecological Living
Permaculture is about designing human habitats and food systems to align with nature – offering a toolbox of ecological knowledge and eco-cultural skills -- summed up by 3 ethics: Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. With master permaculture trainers Kevin Bayuk, and David Cody:
Sponsors & Information: For further details about the Season for NV, including a compilation of Daily Practices, see: or visit: the Holistic Health Learning Center (HHLC), HSS 329, (415) 338-6416. The HHLC is part of The Institute for Holistic Health Studies, Dept. of Health Education.
Developing Capacities of Mind/Being & Relationship (Social-Global)
SELF – Mindfulness & Self-Realization: creativity, integrity, uniqueness, self-worth, discernment, education, simplicity, courage, beauty, gratitude, discipline, ritual, enthusiasm, accountability, resilience, openness, reflection, joyfulness, faith, serenity, commitment, modesty, sacrifice, grace, optimism, inquiry, shadow-work, grieving loss, humility, value clarification, embodiment.
OTHERS – Communication & Relationship: friendliness, honesty, kindness, compassion, patience, love, conflict transformation, listening/dialogue, shadow-work, assertiveness, respect, appreciation, forgiveness, generosity, sincerity, loyalty, equality, transmuting hate, building trust.
WORLD – Collaborative Leadership & Community Building: collective synergy, diversity, environmental health, sustainability, wilderness, renewable energy, eco-design/permaculture, awe / wonder, the arts to awaken imagination, spirituality, service, independent media, fair exchange/economics, justice, peace-building, disarmament, citizenship, principled politics, creative globalization, celebration.