Enterprise and Agency Salesforce Projects & Enhancements
Multi-Award Opportunity
Table of Contents
1.0Enterprise and Agency Salesforce Major Projects & Enhancements
1.1.Background and Overview
1.2.Conceptual Organization of Requirements and Scope of this Supplement
1.3.Use of as a Development and Business Platform for Selected State Enterprise and Agency Applications
1.4.State and Contractor Project Team Organization
2.0Offeror Demonstration of Capabilities, Experience and Personnel
2.1.Offeror Capabilities and Salesforce Experience (as a Firm)
2.2.Offeror Example Personnel Resumes (Available for State Work) and Capability
2.3.Offeror-Specific Salesforce Methods, Tools and Development Accelerators
2.4.Enterprise Integration (ESB) Based Experience/Expertise
2.5.Offeror Case Studies (up to 3) Designed to Showcase Offeror Salesforce Capabilities and Eminence
2.6.Other Pertinent Offeror Details (optional)
3.0Mandatory Project Requirements – Applies to Any Work Arising from this Supplement
3.1.Project Management Responsibilities
3.2.Document Convention: Deliverable Identification
3.3.Create and Maintain Project Plan
3.4.Meeting Attendance and Reporting Requirements.
3.5.Develop, Submit, and Update Detailed Activity Plans.
3.6.Utilize OIT’s Document Sharing/Collaboration Capability
3.7.Project Management Methodology, State Minimum Standards
3.8.Software Development Design Phase Deliverables and Responsibilities
3.9.Software Development Build Phase Deliverables and Responsibilities
3.10.Software Development Testing Phase Requirements and Deliverables
3.11.Software Development: Retirement of Legacy Functionality and Data Migration, Decommissioning
3.12.System and Acceptance Testing Requirements
3.13.Performance and Reliability Testing Requirements
3.14.Support the State’s Performance of User Acceptance Test (UAT)
3.15.Pre-Production / Production Deployment Phase
4.0Contracting Methods and Standards
4.1.Future Project Services Objectives
4.2.Future Salesforce Projects and Deployments: Contractor Support Requirements
4.3.Development Life Cycle Proposals associated with Development and Enhancement Projects
4.4.Future Project Services Pricing Response and Rate Card
4.5.Submission and Acceptance of the Proposed Contractor Offer and Statement of Work associated with a Future Project
4.6.Design, Configuration and Implementation Responsibilities
4.7.Guiding Principles and Requirements: Configuration and Customization of Salesforce Objects
4.8.Change Management/Communications and User Training (Minimum Requirements)
4.9.Project Completion Activities and Final Documentation
4.10.Salesforce Data Archive and Purge
4.11.Non-Production Environment Data Masking
4.12.Monitoring Enhancements, Evolutions and Updates to the State’s Salesforce Platform: Information Sharing
4.13.Project Delivery Environments and Production System Technical Requirements
4.14.Cooperation with State and State Contractors
4.15.Project Review Check Point
5.0Offeror Assumptions and Other Considerations
5.2.Pre-Existing Materials
5.3.Commercial Materials
6.0Project Performance Measures and Service Levels
6.1.Service Level Specific Performance Credits
6.2.Monthly Service Level Report
6.3.Service Level Commitments – Project Implementation Services
6.4.Defect Resolution – Mean Time to Repair/Resolve (Severity 1 Items)
6.5.Defect Resolution – Mean Time to Repair/Resolve (Severity 2 Items)
6.6.Defect Resolution – Mean Time to Repair/Resolve (Severity 3 Items)
6.7.Service Levels – System Test Execution Exit Quality Rate
6.8.Blocking Issues – Identification and Removal
6.9.Regression Testing Performance – Issue Find/Fix Rate
6.10.Service Levels – Project Performance, Milestone Attainment
6.11.Deliverable Acceptance
6.12.Service Levels – Development Methodology Compliance
6.13.Service Levels – Phase Completion – Issues Detected and Resolved in Production
1.0Enterprise and Agency SalesforceProjects & Enhancements
Offeror Note: This Section is repeated in its entirety from Supplement 1 for purposes of Offeror understanding and relationship to the overall Goals and Strategy of the State on this opportunity. The Scope of this RFP is to seek to qualify additional Salesforce Project firms under Supplement 2 of RFP 0A1194 as originally released. Supplement 1 of the original issuance of 0A1194 contained requirements for Supplement 1, which in general was designed to obtain a managed service vendor for the State’s enterprise Salesforce platform which was awarded in July of 2017 and not scheduled for renewal at this time. The State, via this reissue of RFP 0A1194 does not seek, nor will accept, responses pertaining to Supplement 1. Supplement 1 references in this solicitation are for informational purposes only.
1.1.Background and Overview
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Office of Information Technology (OIT), is charged with the design, deployment, operation and maintenance of critical Enterprise Services that include the provision, operation, support and ongoing evolutions to Enterprise and Agency-specific systems that operate utilizing the platform and ancillary Salesforce AppExchange Applications, developed extensions and Enterprise integrations via an enterprise service bus (ESB) and file-based methods.
The State has developed and deployed a variety of public-facing and State internal use applications using the Salesforce platform and has recently commissioned a variety of development projects that are anticipated to go-live in the Fiscal Year 17-18 period as well as continued interest by State Agencies in migration of legacy applications to modern Software-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service architectures for the foreseeable future.
This Supplement is to establish a pool of pre-qualified Contractors that are capable of performing Projects and Enhancements to both existing and new Salesforce-based Applications for the State.
In addition, this Supplement includes provisions for development of enhancements, evolutions and optimizations to these State applications deployed on top of the Salesforce platform.
State developed applications use a variety of similar architectural principles and common services, but each have their own unique collection of implementation-specific considerations (e.g., AppExchange elements, extensions, integration methods etc) that must be factored by Offerors in their development of Proposals to this Supplement.
1.2.Conceptual Organization of Requirements and Scope of this Supplement
This Supplement is designed to identify, via a competitive process as outlined in the RFP documents a pre-qualified pool of qualified Salesforce development firms. Offerors proposing responses to this Supplement are encouraged to review the following conceptual organization of requirements pertaining to the scope of this Supplement:
Conceptual Organization of Requirements and Scope of this Supplement
1.3.Use of as a Development and Business Platform for Selected State Enterprise and Agency Applications
The State has successfully deployed a number of applications to the Public (citizens, businesses and workers) throughout a number of State Agencies that (in general) have similar core attributes including: time to market, ease of deployment, enablement of State workers, financial and regulatory compliance, cost of ownership and other factors. Based on these successes utilizing the platform, AppExchange applications and extensions, the State has determined that the use of the Salesforce platform is a prudent strategy to serve at the core of the State Enterprise and Agency application development due to the State’s strategy to:
- Adopt an Enterprise Approach – including a structured and repeatable development methodology, framework, and solution for implementing Customer Relationship Management, Filing, Reporting, Compliance and Payment processing functions at their core is based on an enterprise-approach on a modern, cloud-based configurable platform.
- Reduce Reliance of Programming OrientedSkillsets and Tools – developing applications to a more “configuration driven” and “modular” approach that allows OIT, and Agencies, to more efficiently design and deploy new Agency Applications, Services and Business Transactions while migrating from the legacy application set and programming languages to a more robust and integrated development paradigm that is commonly available in the marketplace.
- Enablement of State IT Professionals – Enabling State self-reliance through the use of a cloud platform is fundamental to the State’s evolution to retiring legacy applications across all Agencies through the creation of centers of excellence/interest and enablement of State IT professionals with modern methodologies such as Agile including processes, and tools to become more effective in conceiving, designing and implementing systems across the State.
- Utilize of Existing Investments, Standards and Conventions – Part of the State’s evolution is to put more reliance upon including pre-existing licenses and cloud agreements, governance structures and standards, methods and conventions to help drive consistency, long-term success and a skill evolution opportunity for State IT professionals;
- Drive Incremental Delivery, Value and Risk Management over the Duration of any Project – through following an iterative, Agile-based approach that helps accelerate time to market, agility in responding to new or changing requirements, addressing the needs of State and Agency customers in a controllable fashion as opposed to traditional “waterfall” implementation methods that generally don’t align with the needs of the State stakeholder community.
- Use Salesforce Platform, Accelerators, Enablers, Middleware – rather than developing “from the ground up” or adapting generalized development frameworks and tools, the State has determined that a significant portion of the requirements could be realized through out-of-the-box Salesforce, utilizing extensions through AppExchange providers, use of existing State integration service bus and limiting development to truly “State specific” functions around a common set of conventions and standards will not only help simplify any projects, but yield dividends in adding future Agencies and Serviceson Salesforce as well as reducing the overall operations and maintenance total cost of operations.
- State and Contractor Project Team Organization
Work contained within this Supplement will (at the State’s discretion) be performed for Enterprise Projects within the DAS/OIT Enterprise Applications Group or in collaboration with State Agencies. For Agency projects arising from this Supplement, Agencies may implement their own Project development and teaming arrangements with Contractors as applicable based on the needs of the Agency. For any project that will be deployed on the State’s Enterprise Salesforce platform, the requirements of Sections 3.0, 4.0, and 6.0 of this Supplement, in their entirety, shall apply.
Conceptual State Team Organization
2.0Offeror Demonstration of Capabilities, Experience and Personnel
Offerors, as part of their response to this RFP are required to provide responses to each of the following Sections of this Supplement as to demonstrate and highlight: the capabilities of its firm; its personnel; and Salesforce methods, tools and accelerators.
Importantly, Offerors are to provide the State up to three (3) brief case studies that illustrate the experience and expertise of the firm in providing Salesforce-based Project development and implementation expertise to be applied to State projects that are based upon the Salesforce platform, AppExchange and 3rd party applications as well as development of Salesforce RICEFW elements. In formulation of proposals to this Supplement, Offerors are encouraged to review the Evaluation Criteria included in the RFP Documents that are pertinent to this Supplement.
2.1.Offeror Capabilities and Salesforce Experience (as a Firm)
The State encourages Offerors to provide brief overviews of their capabilities, core competencies, and market differentiators in the following areas:
- Salesforce Relationships, Alliances or Awards that demonstrate a commitment to Salesforce and a long-standing track record of successful deliveries and customer experiences;
- Access to Best Practices that the Offeror has developed with customers that result in rapid, high quality and low cost development of Salesforce applications and extensions while mitigating needs to customize the system;
- Commitment to Scalable, Upgradeable Solutionsto ensure the State has access to current features/functionality and can pursue migrations and new service implementation in a timely and cost effective manner;
- Commitment to Minimize Customizationand maximize the value provided by the standard off-the-shelf Salesforce modules, given the various requirements of the State;
- Salesforce Center of Excellence or “laboratory” type of environment where best practices and methodologies are designed and refined in the context of new Salesforce capabilities, releases, versions or modules;
- Development of long-term partnershipsworking with public sector and government entities, establishing mutually beneficial, long term relationships.
- Additional Salesforce module implementation services; and
- Related Salesforce application configuration, deployment and management services that may include reporting databases, performance tuning and management, operational/ongoing cost reduction projects, end-user rollout/training and other Salesforce related activities.
- Offeror Example Personnel Resumes (Available for State Work) and Capability
The State acknowledges that the actual work to be performed and the team members required is highly situational, such as any remediation services required by the State. However, the State seeks to understand the Offeror’s capabilities and knowledge, skills and experience of potential team members and by extension the capabilities of the firm in performing the work.
The Offeror’s proposal must identify such ProjectPersonnel who may provide services as part of the resulting Contract. Sample resumes for the candidates should align with the work requirements contained in this RFP and clearly demonstrate the Offeror’s capabilities and experience. Representative resumes are not preferred. The resumes will be used to supplement the descriptive narrative provided by the Offeror regarding their proposed project team.
The resume (2-page limit per resume) of the sample ProjectPersonnel should include:
- Proposed Candidate’s Name
- Proposed role on similarSalesforce-based Projects
- Listings of competed projects (a minimum of two references for each resume) that are comparable to the Work or required similar skills based on the person’s assigned role/responsibility on similar Projects. Each project listed should include at a minimum the beginning and ending dates, client/company name for which the work was performed, project description, and a detailed description of the person’s role/responsibility on the project.
- Education
- Professional Licenses/Certifications/Memberships
- Relationship to the Offeror Firm (e.g., Employee, Contractor, Sub-Contractor)
- Salesforce Certifications and Project Experience
- Relevant Employment History (as applicable to the proposed role(s) in Salesforce Projects)
In addition, Offerors are required to present their Salesforce and Related Services (e.g., data conversion, integration, testing, RICEFW development etc) capabilities as a firm as to:
- Demonstrate the full-spectrum of Salesforce (and related) development expertise; and
- Demonstrate the capability to either perform multiple projects and serve the full needs of the State in consideration of development of new capabilities leveraging Salesforce as a development platform; or replace State legacy applications with modern, Salesforce-based solutions that are easier for the State to develop and operate as well as more cost effective and efficient.
- Offeror-Specific Salesforce Methods, Tools and Development Accelerators
The State encourages Offerors to provide brief overviews of their capabilities, core competencies, and market differentiators in the following areas:
- Innovative Practices and Development Methodologies provided by the Offeror that are market proven and help drive successful migrations, implementations and enhancements while mitigating Project risk wherever possible;
- Rapid Implementation and Quality Methodologies designed to help ensure that migrations and implementations go as quickly as possible, are reviewed at each major step against quality requirements, and result in minimal business interruptions, auditable performance, and a lasting operational capability that the Statecan build on; and
- Offeror-specific Development Accelerators inclusive of pre-built templates, project delivery/execution frameworks, SDLC aids, version control tools, requirements traceability, automated testing; defect management/resolution and other elements that are designed to deliver rapid, high-quality Software development projects utilizing the Salesforce platform.
- Enterprise Integration (ESB) Based Experience/Expertise
State Enterprise Service Bus(ESB) – Agency systems and systems architectures have been built over the years with a variety of middleware or service bus architectures. For purposes of any Agency project and general Enterprise use across the State, Offerors shall base their proposals on the assumption that use of the State’s ESB to perform SOA functions, Web Services (in general) as well as required Agency integrations to the extent possible.
Oracle Enterprise Bus® is the service bus architecture standard for the State for this project. Any proposed application that requires interoperability and integration to the Enterprise platform are the required unifying technologies for any project.
Offerors are to note that many Agencies over the years have developed their core systems utilizing a variety of ESB and file-based integration methods and (in general) products from Oracle, IBM and other middleware vendors exist in the State’s application portfolio. Further, the State utilizes MuleSoft ESB within the Salesforce platform for the eLicensing application.
The State encourages Offerors to provide brief overviews of their capabilities, core competencies, and market differentiators in the following areas:
- Oracle-specific integration capabilities inclusive of: utilizing “off-the-shelf” commercial software adapters;
- Custom SOA/Web-Service based integration methods;
- Cross ESB integrations and ESB managed file transfers; and
- ESB migration to an Enterprise Standard (in the State’s case: Oracle).
- Offeror Case Studies (up to 3) Designed to Showcase Offeror Salesforce Capabilities and Eminence
The State encourages Offerors to provide up to three (3) brief Case Studies of their capabilities, experience, core competencies, and market differentiators in the following areas:
- Customer Information (e.g., Customer Name, reference information, dates of Service)
- Customer Business Problem & Objectives
- Offeror Role(s) in the Project (in as descriptive terms as possible)
- Team Size
- Development Approach, Methodology and Tools
- Customer Realized Outcomes (inclusive of return on investment, business outcome, revenue driven, costs avoided, system(s) developed/retired)
- Public/Internal User Counts, Transaction Volumes/Volumetric information (estimates are acceptable)
- Customer Business Processes (e.g., procure-to-pay, customer relationship management) covered by Solution
- Representative Static Demonstration (if available) inclusive of Screen Captures, Narrative, Processing Highlights and other information as to convey the scope, quality, sophistication and overall merits of the developed Salesforce-based solution;
- Major Integrations and Integration Methods (e.g., Salesforce to Customer ERP, Payment Gateway, CRM etc)
- Significant Customer Testimonials that highlight the strength of partnership between the Offeror and their customers that have resulted in achieving the strategic goals of your customers, specifically with respect to large government or corporate entities
- Industry/3rd Party Awards and Citations (if applicable)
- Other Pertinent Offeror Details (optional)
The State encourages Offerors to provide any additional information that highlights to the State their capabilities, core competencies, and market differentiators not otherwise addressed in this Section.