COORDINATION TITLE- 17 LGS 01 Extended Ladder Outage
COORDINATION DATE- 14 February 2017
PROJECT- Little Goose
RESPONSE DATE- February 23, 2017
Description of the problem: The original winter outage schedule for the Little Goose fish ladder will not provide sufficient time for the reinstallation of the new cleaning brushes on fish count window. Due to inclement weather and poor driving conditions to Little Goose project, work is behind schedule. The new brushes need to be completely reinstalled and commissioned prior to rewatering the ladder.
Type of outage required: This change is merely to lengthen the current winter maintenance schedule due to the need to complete maintenance activities.
Impact on facility operation: The adult fish ladder will remain OOS for an additional week. The winter maintenance schedule coordinated an estimated return to service of 17 February, which will now likely be 23 February.
Dates of impacts/repairs:
Original ladder outage schedule: January 3 – February 17
Proposed ladder outage schedule: January 3 – February 23
Expected impacts to fish passage: Impacts to fish passage should be minimal, but some adult steelhead will experience a prolonged delay in upriver migration. Steelhead are the only adult species migrating upstream across Little Goose Dam during this time of year. The most recent adult counts during late February occurred in 2003 and 2004. During this time period, the daily average adult steelhead passage for 18 February through 23 February was 321 and 61 adults per day, respectively. Both of those years had much higher adult steelhead returns than our current year with 176,169 and 150,898 adult steelhead. The 2016 return for adult steelhead was roughly only 60% of the 2006 – 2015 10 year average of 156,801, with a total of 95,404 steelhead passing Little Goose. Assuming similar adult passage as previous years and incorporating a lower than average return, daily passage is expected to be less than what was seen in 2003 and 2004.
Adult Steelhead Passage at Little Goose Dam: 18 Feb – 23 Feb, 2003 & 2004.
Adult Steelhead Passage at Little Goose Dam: 2016 & Annual Average
Comments from agencies
Final coordination results
Please email or call with questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Scott St. John
Supervisory Fish Bilogist
Little Goose Dam
(509) 399-2233