institutional partnership exchange proposal (ipep)

HOST and HOME details

Host Institution Exchange Program Details

Information on the host institution
contact person
Website address
email address
business phone
administrative assistant
faculty invovlement
(names if applicable)
Study Program(s) for Otis Students
field of study offered
grade level
terms and dates
credits earned
courses to be taken
Institutional information
fields of study
length of program
number of student participants and exchange agreement
work study site/s & background info on location/institution
admission requirements for otis students
gpa, level, major
Language REquirement
application requirements
application deadline
Intercultural Goals, Objectives, and Learning OUtcomes for Otis sudents
student housing and meals for Otis students at destination
method of assessment & evaluation for Otis students at destination
description & estimated cost per otis student
cost of room and board
description of room and board
cost of daily transportation
description of local transportation
cost of health insurance
description of health protocal and plan in an emergency situation
cost of books & supplies
cost of personal expenses
field trip expenses
student transportation to/from airport
program costs
total expenses to otis student
financial assistance for Otis students at destination
Financial Aid Applicability

Please include a catalog/view book from the Institution

OTIS College Exchange Program Details

Information of otis department proposing exchange
contact person
email address
business phone
administrative assistant
faculty invovlement
(names if applicable)
Study Program for incoming Students
field of study offered
grade level
terms and dates
credits earned
courses to be taken
Otis Institutional information
fields of study
length of program
number of student participants and exchange agreement
work study site/s & background info on location/institution
admission requirements for incoming students
gpa, level, major
Language REquirement
application requirements
application deadline
Intercultural Goals, Objectives, and Learning OUtcomes for Otis sudents
student housing and meals for Otis students at destination
method of assessment & evaluation for Otis students at destination
description & estimated cost per Incoming student
cost of room and board
description of room and board
cost of daily transportation
description of local transportation
cost of health insurance
description of health protocal and plan in an emergency situation
cost of books & supplies
cost of personal expenses
field trip expenses
student transportation to/from airport
program costs
total expenses to otis student
financial assistance for Otis students at destination
Financial Aid Applicability