Jennifer Asenas, Jennifer Fleming, Gabriel Estrada, Elaine Frey, Rich Haesly, Deborah Thien, Karen Quintilliani, David Whitney, Mark T. Williams, Mark Wiley, Cherie Dougan, Guests: Shira Tarrant (WGSS), Craig Stone (AIS), Bron Pellissier (CLA), Dave Stewart (RST)
1. Approved of EPCC #14 minutes of October 9, 2014
2. Approved of EPCC #13 minutes of October 7, 2014
3. New Business
A. American Indian Studies
1) Tabled New Course: AIS 345, Social Work Practice with American Indian and Indigenous Families. 3 units at C2 (A) with suggests: add description to New Course Form. In description, make change to keep “American Indian and Indigenous” language rather than just “American Indian”; revise course objectives to include Bloom’s taxonomy to allow for measurement as noted on GEGC website; revise objective C to allow for a student body broader than social work majors; revise exam to account for less than 40%; EPCC Chair will send comments with team A’s input for revision to AIS Director Craig Stone.
2) Approved Program Change: AIS Minor; Reduce units from 18 to 15 to the core and elective units from 6-9 to 3-6 units, and adding and eliminating course choices (A) with amendments: clean up “notes” and leave them at end, pending AIS 345 approval needed.
3) Approved Program Change: AIS Certificate; Changing title to American Indian and Indigenous Studies; reduce units from 24 to 21; and adding and eliminating course choices with amendment: pending AIS 345 approval needed. (A)
B. College of Liberal Arts
1) Approved Program Change: CLA BALA; Change admission units to 72 units and at least 2 units from a four-year school; change required program units to 48 increasing the number of courses in three areas to 12 units. (A)
C. Political Science
1) Approved program Change: POSC Minor; Increases course offerings for the internship. (A)
2) Approved Program Change: POSC BA; language to restricting units of certain courses towards the major. (A)
D. Religious Studies
1) Approved New Course: RST 303, Queer Spirit, 3 units at C2. (CL w/WGSS 303) with amendments: change typo in cross-listed RST/WGSS in SCO description; p. 4 SCO Section IV Methods, add in instructors will co-review peer-review papers; Change p. 10 SCO Section IX, change essay title to include research - not mere reflection and change midterm to exam (B)
2) Approved New Course: RST 313A, Introduction to Nahuatl Language and Ancient Mexican Codices, 3 units at C2 with amendments: change midterms to exams for 20% each; Section IV. change “bodily actions” language; Add to Prerequisite completion of Foundations; differential 313A objectives from 313B objectives; change from C2 category to C2.b and add Prerequisite of Foundations for Descriptions on New Course, GEAR, and SCO. (B)
3) Approved New Course: RST 313B, Introduction to Nahuatl Language and Religious Literature, 3 units at C2 with amendments: change New Course form from C2 category to C2.b; add Prerequisite of Foundations for Descriptions on New Course, GEAR, and SCO. (B)
4) Approved Program Change: RST MA; requirements for language revised, and adds ‘Nahuatl” as a choice. (B)
5) Approved Program Change: RSTBA; adds RST 303, 313A, and 313B as choices under areas. (B)
6) Approved Program Change: RST Minor; removed RST 202, 208, 210, 230 and 240 from UD requirements, and added RST 303, 313A, and 313B. (B)
7) Approved Program Change: RST Certificate; removed RST 202, 208, 210, 230 and 240 from UD requirements, and added RST 303, 313A, and 313B. (B)
E. Sociology
1) Approved New Course: SOC 270, Introduction to Research Methods, 3 units at C4 with amendments: drop SOC 260; in course description, include language “Introduction to conducting…..Students learn how to apply various methods”; in SCO Section VI, first sentence, delete the second word “should”; in SCO Section V, revise minimum weeks of qualitative and qualitative weeks; in SCO Section VII, add comparable online resources such as webinars or youtube, etc. (A)
2) Approved New Course: SOC 460, Poverty and Public Policy, 3 units at C3; in Description, strike language for writing intensive; in SCO Section IV Outcome A2, replace think critically with critically examine; make descriptions match across New Course form, GEAR, and SCO. (A)
3) Tabled New Course/s: SOC 405 / IST 405; Un-imaging the Middle East, 3 units at C2. (A) (moved to 10/21/14 meeting EPCC #16)
F. Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
1) Approved New Course: WGSS 303, Queer Spirit, 3 units at C2 (see item D.5) (B)
2) New Course: WGSS 305, Feminist and Queer Arts and Cultures, 3 units at C2 with amendments: in SCO Section IV, specify analysis and tie back to analysis; SCO Section IV, revise “make” typo, “during” typo between on and the;. (B)
3) Approved Program Change: WGSS BA, adding WGSS 305 to the elective category with amendment: confirm of the status of 303 within BA electives. (B)
4) Approved Program Change: WGSS Minor in Queer Studies, adds RST/WGSS 303 and WGSS 305 as a choice. (B)
4. Adjourn. J