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Agenda Item 6.2: My Health Record Expansion Program Benefits Measurement
Meeting date: 10 August 2017Page 3 of 4
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For Official Use Only
Agenda Item 6.2: My Health Record Expansion Program Benefits Measurement
Agenda Item 6.2
My Health Record Expansion Program Benefits Measurement
Meeting: 10 August 2017
For Official Use Only
That the Members NOTE:
1 the measurement approaches that will be used to produce robust evidence of benefits attributable to My Health Record system expansion; and
2 that benefits measurement activities initially focus on My Health Record expansion, but will also establish benefits measurement approaches and infrastructure that can be expanded to encompass broader evaluation and business intelligence activities across the Agency workplan and National Digital Health Strategy.
The purpose of this paper is to provide Board members with an overview of the benefits measurement approach for the My Health Record Expansion Program.
The 2017 budget provides an investment of $374.6 million over two years for continued operation of the My Health Record system and expansion to opt out participation. The basis for the decision to implement opt out is that it is the fastest way to realise the significant health and economic benefits of the My Health Record for all Australians. The My Health Record System Benefits Model describes the expected benefits underpinning the A My Health Record for Every Australian Business Case.
Expectation that cashable financial savings will be realised
The business case for opt out participation is based on accelerating the realisation of benefits from the My Health Record system and specifically anticipates:
· Reduction in adverse drug events;
· Saving of clinicians’ time in sourcing information; and
· Reduction in duplication of services. The benefits model recognises that benefits will accrue over time as usage and functionality increase.
Benefits measurement project initiated as part of the Expansion Program
A project has been initiated to measure benefits attributable to My Health Record expansion. The project aligns with the Agency’s Research and Evaluation approach (see item 6.3) and builds on the Benefits Realisation Plan developed as part of Return to Government.
The primary outcome of the project is to generate evidence of end benefits attributable to the My Health Record system, in order to inform the submission for ongoing funding for My Health System operation and enhancement from FY2019/20.
The approach, resourcing, budget, governance and high level schedule are summarised in Attachment A and aim to:
· Establish an ongoing ability to measure the extent to which end benefits attributable to the My Health Record system are being realised;
· Inform My Health Record Expansion Program planning to ensure benefit prerequisites are achieved;
· Produce evidence that can be used to: a) promote adoption and use of the My Health Record system in order to accelerate benefit realisation; and b) inform future design of the My Health Record system;
· Monitor intermediate benefit measures and progress of My Health Record Expansion program workstreams, to satisfy Gateway review and assure funders the Program is on track to deliver benefits;
· Establish benefits measurement approaches and infrastructure that can be expanded to encompass broader evaluation and business intelligence activities across the Agency workplan – including pathology, diagnostic imaging and medicines safety programs – and the National Digital Health Strategy;
· Establish credible evaluation methodologies and add to evidence base for digital health in Australia;
· Establish local and international partnerships between the Agency, and research institutions and other agencies, and promote further digital health research;
· Build and coordinate business intelligence and analytics capability across the Agency.
Benefits measurement will be embedded into each Expansion Program workstream, rather than being a separate workstream in its own right. Benefits measurement activities undertaken as part of the program will also align with broader evaluation and business intelligence activities across other Agency programs, and incorporate the National Digital Health Strategy.
The Agency Executive Leadership Team and My Health Record Expansion Program Board have approved the benefits measurement approach and initiation of the project.
Measurement approach will produce robust evidence of benefit realisation
The benefits measurement approach will produce robust evidence of the value the My Health Record system is actually delivering, to enable reporting on progress against the business case. Monitoring benefit realisation systematically will also enable early intervention in the event that benefits are not being realised as expected.
Measurement approaches are being co-designed by the Australian Digital Health Agency in collaboration with the Department of Health, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Data61 and other Commonwealth and State departments and agencies. A series of meetings with these external stakeholders has garnered significant interest and support for this important national infrastructure project.
A variety of methods will be used to measure benefits, as illustrated in Figure 2 below. To design and implement specific research studies we are drawing on the expertise of academic research institutions, market research consultancies, clinical reference leads, consumer representatives, as well as experts in behavioural insights and health economic modelling.
Figure 2 – Benefits measurement workstreams
A Benefits Measurement Project Steering Group is being established to ensure external technical expertise is provided to the benefits works, with the first meeting to be held in September 2017.
The Agency Executive Leadership Team and My Health Record Expansion Program Board have given in principle approval for funding for benefits measurement activities up to $1.8 million (excl. GST) over two financial years.
The benefits measurement project will be funded out of Expansion Program funds. Standing Agency teams will make in-kind contributions to benefits measurement activities.
A separate funding request will be submitted for the additional resources needed to deliver benefits measurement activities outside of the $1.8 million allocation, subject to Program funds being available.
The benefits measurement project has a medium level of risk.
Open risks and mitigation strategies are provided in Attachment A. Risks will be managed in accordance with the Agency risk management framework.
My Health Record Expansion Program.
ACTION OFFICER / Meredith MakehamChief Medical Adviser
CLEARED BY / Tim Kelsey
Chief Executive Officer
Attachment A: Overview of My Health Record Benefits Measurement Approach
Meeting date: 10 August 2017Page 3 of 4
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