General Information on Project I: “samSUN Solar Energy Power Project”
· Name of Applicant: SamsunMetropolitanMunicipality
· Project Title: “samSUNSolar Energy Power Project”
· Support Program: 4- Small ScaleRenewableEnergyinfrastructure FinancialSupport Program
· PriorityAreas of the Project: RenewableEnergy
· Duration of the Project: 12 months
· Total Budget of the Project: 847.256,60TL (~ 285.000,00 EURO)
· RequestedDemand of Grant: 635.000,00TL (~ 210.000,00 EURO)
· percentage of total eligible cost of the Project: % 75
· Beneficiary: Samsun MetropolitanMunicipality
· Legal Status of Beneficiary: LocalAdministration
Contact Information:
· Name andSurname:Mr.HakanSezgin
· E-Mail Address:
The aims of the Project:
General Purposes:
Increasingthe production ofelectricity by using solarenergyas renewableenergyresourcewithinnovativeway in Samsun.
1. Establishing 48 kWhpower Solar Energy Power Plant (SEPP) withsolar trackingsystem.
2. Providing the Daily electricityused for the handicapped’s park from SEPP.
3. Sellingoverproducedelectricity to district distributor.
4. Creatinglocalandnationalpublicawarenessabout SEPP.
Basic Activities:
1. Establishing Project Office.
2. Forming Project team.
3. Carrying out visibility activities.
4. Carrying out SEPP tender.
5. Organizing SEPParea.
6. Actualizing SEPPinstallation.
7. Gathering trial production data, acceptance of SEPP.
8. Realizing conference about SEPP.
9. Preparation of Interim Reports and Final Reports.
TargetGroup(s) / client(s)
1. Samsun MetropolitanMunicipality.
2. Solar PowerPlantsupplierfirms.
3. Printing Houses.
4. Tech-savvy 100 youth.
5. Regionalelectricitydistributors.
6. Samsun and all electricalsubscribersunderresponsibility ofelectricitydistribution company Yedaş.
7. Company YEDAŞin Ordu, Çorum, Amasya, Sinop provincesandregions.
Final beneficiary(s):
1. Material and equipment suppliers of GES supplier firms.
2. Material suppliers of printing houses’.
3. Social surroundings of tech-savvy youths.
4. Electricity consumers of the region.
Expected result(s):
1. 48 kWh power GES with solar tracking system is established.
2. Electricity which is used for the handicapped park is provided by GES.
3. Overproduced electricity is sold to region distributor.
4. Awareness created on at least 100 young people.
Indicators that will be affected by the Project:
1. Number of Installed unlicensed Solar Energy Plant and the total installed power capacity.
2. The annual amount of electricity generated by solar based.
3. Produced annual electricity quantity.
4. Number of conducted seminars.
5. Number of Women Participating to the seminar.
6. Number of Men Participating to the seminar.
7. Number of brochures printed and distributed.
8. Number of printed signboard.