Government/Economics Syllabus
Coach Bradford
Room: 005
Government/Economics is a required semester course within Palestine High School curriculum offering .5 credit each. It is offered to students their senior year. This course will examine the types of governments in the past and present, how they function, and their impacts upon the population. We will pay attention to our own government, with the primary goals of fostering an understanding of the system, an appreciation of its diversity and continuity, and a desire in staying actively involved in government.
Classroom Behavior:
RESPECT: All students will respect themselves, their community members and their learning environment.
READINESS: All students must attend class everyday and come prepared to actively participate in daily activities.
RESPONSIBILITY: All students must accept responsibility for themselves and their actions.
Course Requirements:
1. Students must come to class prepared and ready to learn.
2. Tests are given at the end of each unit (with exceptions).
3. Students will also be responsible for weekly current events due each Friday. Current events are worth 100 points each. Current events will not be accepted late, if you are absent the current event is due the day you return to school.
4. Students will be given daily assignments, which will usually be due the following day.
5. Students will participate in various group and individual projects.
Units of Study:
Foundations of American Government The Legislative Branch
The Executive Branch The Judicial Branch
Constitution Participating in Government
State and Local Government Political and Economic Systems
Regular attendance is crucial to academic success. If you must be absent due to illness or other issues make sure that you get your missed work and turn it in on time to receive full credit. Come to class on time! 3 tardies will result in detention as outlined in the student handbook.