SAF for Poland DAX 2012
Ensure KB3165114 is installed
Settings of AIF
1. Export resource files
Open AOT, export XSLT file from the applicable resource into a folder (C:\02 SAF\01 XSLT)
Feature Resource
AifOutboundPortReportSAFAccountBooks_PLPL SAF Accounting books
AifOutboundPortReportSAFBankStatement_PLPL SAF Bank statement
AifOutboundPortReportSAFInvent_PLPL SAF Inventory
AifOutboundPortReportSAFVATInvoice_PLPL SAF VAT invoices
AifOutboundPortReportSAFVATSalesPurch_PLPL SAF VAT register
2. Setup outbound ports
System administration | Setup | Services and Application Integration Framework | Outbound ports for electronic audit reports
a. Click "Create / Update ports". This will populate the list of default ports.
SAF Accounting books (Poland)
SAF Bank statement (Poland)
SAF Inventory (Poland)
SAF VAT invoices (Poland)
SAF VAT sales and purchase register (Poland)
b. Setup separate folder for each report:
c. For each Report format (you need to repeat the following steps five time, once per report format):
- Fetch the corresponding XSLT file (each report has its unique XSLT file)
- Define the default export path (ref. step 2.b.)
- Choose Create /Update ports)
i. For better performance, please make sure the Execute business operations in CIL parameter is enabled (Tools > Options > Development > General). Please note that global compilation and rebuilding CIL is a mandatory step after the hotfix installation.
ii. The folder where the XSL was exported to (step 1) is used only for editing the XSL (if needed) and uploading it back to Dynamics AX. The transformation does not use the file in the folder after the step 2.c.
iii. For debugging purpose, you may want to get the non-transformed XML. To achieve that clear the XSLT ID field.
d. System administration | Setup | Services and Application Integration Framework | Outbound ports – ensure that each Port is activated:
3. Company setup (here company DEMF is adjusted for Polish requirements
a. Setup address format for Poland (PL)
Organization administration | Setup | Addresses | Address setup
b. Update company information:
General ledger | Setup | Organization | Legal entities:
Note: The primary address country code is POL for Poland.
The address:
Note: you need to setup Postal code / City / State / County separately.
c. Update currency
GL | Setup | Ledger:
Accounting currency PLN (Polish Zloty)
(Here the currency is changed directly in AOT / table Ledger.)
GL | Setup | Currency | Currency exchange rates:
d. Sales tax setup
GL | Setup | Sales tax | Sales tax authorities:
Sales tax settlement periods:
e. Setting of Sales tax reporting codes for VAT invoices and VAT sales and purchase register
As a part of setup for SAF VAT invoices and SAF VAT sales and purchase register reports you need to set up tax reporting codes and map them to elements of XML Schema. The below examples refer to the VAT sales and purchase registers report.
You can download the needed schema (here Ewidencje zakupu i sprzedaży VAT - JPK_VAT.xsd) at
1. Save the schema file (for example, Schemat_JPK_VAT(1)_v1-0.xsd) into a folder (C:\02 SAF\03 XSD).
2. Open the Sales tax reporting XML codes form (General Ledger | Setup | Sales tax | External | Sales tax reporting XML codes)
3. Click the Import button. Select the schema file with and click "OK".
4. New record in XML schemas list will be created. Choose Type of schema (for example, "SAF VAT sales and purchase register (Poland)").
Description of the elements (in Polish) can be found if you open the xsd file (see also step 1.b.) - Schemat_JPK_VAT(1)_v1-0:
<Xsd: element name = "K_19" type = "tns: TKwotowy"><Xsd: documentation> The net amount - Supply of goods and services on the territory of the country, taxed at 22% or 23% </ xsd: documentation>
<Xsd: element name = "K_20" type = "tns: TKwotowy">
<Xsd: documentation> The amount of tax due - Supply of goods and services on the territory of the country, taxed at 22% or 23% </ xsd: documentation>
5. Open the Reporting codes form (General Ledger | Setup | Sales tax | External | Sales tax reporting codes). Map reporting codes to xml schema elements that refer to VAT:
User has sales tax code for Sales tax payable 23% and sales tax reporting code 10 Sales tax payable base and sales tax reporting code 11 for Sales tax payable calculated sales tax:
Sales with sales tax 23% will now be presented on the SAF Sales and purchase report – base (10) in element K_19 and tax (11) in element K_20.
Note: You can use arithmetic operations during the mapping, effectively allowing mapping multiple tax reporting codes to one schema element (see below: element P_13_1 refers to the reporting code "1001" which is a sum of reporting code "1" and (-) reporting code "2").
Additional information:
Sales tax group:
Item sales tax group:
Company bank account setup:
Customer setup:
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