9 January 2014
Followingthe closing of the Hearing Sessions of the Examination of the Site Allocations LDD, the Inspector has issued a further letter detailing the additional changes that are necessary to make the Plan ‘sound’.
1.1The purpose of this report is to advise the Local Plan Members Working Group of:
- the additionalmodifications that are required to make the Plan sound
- the implications should Members decide not to propose all the modifications
- the next steps
The Site Allocations Local Development Document was submitted to the Government for Examination on the 21 June 2013 following approval by Full Council. In October 2013, an independent Inspector, appointed by the Planning Inspectorate, conducted the Examination by way of written exchanges and a series of hearings held between 15 and 31 October 2013.
1.3Having taken into account, the representations made on the submission version of the Site Allocations LDD, the subsequent written submissions, discussions at the hearings and undertaking site visits, the Inspector issued a letter detailing the additional changes that are necessary to make the Plan ‘sound’.
1.5The Inspector’s letter is attached as Appendix 1. The additional Main Modifications to the Site Allocations LDD (SALDD) which are necessary to meet legal and statutory requirements are summarised as follows:
- Froghall Farm not to be allocated
- Baldwins Lane to be allocated and the Green Belt designation removed from the build area (4ha) (Appendix 2)
- Mill End/Maple Cross (land east of A405/north of A412) to be allocated and the Green Belt designation removed from an expanded build area of 5ha in order to allow an ‘all through’ approach to primary and secondary education provision (Appendix 2)
- Land at Woodside Road to be allocated as Primary School with the Green Belt designation removed from the build area (Appendix 2)
1.8The following sites should not be allocated as they have been determined to be located in unsustainable locations and/or conflict with the Core Strategy:
- Site H (1) Adjacent 65 Toms Lane (10 dwellings)
- Site H (2) Land at Three Acres, Toms Lane (20 dwellings)
- Site H (6) Leavesden Pumping Station (15 dwellings)
- Site H (17) Branksome Lodge, Loudwater (10 dwellings)
- Site H (28) Land South of Tolpits Lane (50 dwellings)
1.9The dwelling capacities of the following sites are reduced:
- Site H (3) Kings Langley Employment Area (reduced by 50 dwellings to 100)
- Site H (33) Former Little Furze School (reduced by 25 dwellings to 75)
- Site H (36) The Grapevine Pubic House (reduced by 10 dwellings to 15)
1.10Site H (26) Harefield Road Depot (25 dwellings) should not be allocated as there was a history of unrealised allocation and no evidence of relocation possibilities.
1.11Site H (13) Killingdown Farm Buildings (30 dwellings) should not be developed in isolation from the immediately surrounding land as it would result in a poor boundary definition to the Green Belt. (See paragraph 1.15)
1.12The reduction in dwelling capacities together with the deletion of the above sites results in a loss of 245 dwellings which must be replaced. In addition, the Inspector has also determined that additional land be allocated to provide some flexibility in order for the SALDD to accord with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework.
1.13The Inspector has concluded that the Council need to allocate additional land to accommodate between 340 and 380 dwellings. (Note: the Inspector has taken account of the anticipated increase in dwellings at South Oxhey and windfalls including those expected as a result of conversions of offices to housing under the permitted development rights).
1.14Additional Allocations
1.15The Inspector has, therefore, identified the following sites that should be allocated and which, he determines, will ‘direct more development to sustainable locations and which would allow revisions to the Green Belt boundary which are effectively minor’. (Set out in Appendix 3)
- Woodside Road (100 dwellings in combination with a primary school)
- Fairways Farm (100 dwellings)
- Killingdown Farm (up to 200 dwellings). The Inspector has determined that an allocation restricted to the farm buildings alone is unsatisfactory in terms of Green Belt and states that the allocation of the larger site which has been previously considered by the Council would be acceptable.
1.16The Inspector has stated that the phasing of one or two of these sites could be identified for development post 2026 with a view to bringing them forward if needed or retaining them undeveloped, if not needed, to contribute to the next planning period.
1.17The Inspector also stated that the Council may wish to consider the extension of the Kings Langley Employment area (Site E(a) and Site H (3)) to include land put forward by Alpine Press and the New Gospel Halls Trust but that this allocation would not be required to make the SALDD sound as the number of additional dwellings would be very small.
2.0Next Steps
2.1The Inspector has stated that in combination with the changes previously proposed by the Council, that the modifications proposed in paragraphs 1.6 to 1.16 are necessary in order to make the Site Allocations LDD sound (i.e. positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy to promote sustainable development).
2.2As the extension of the Kings Langley Employment Area, as set out in paragraph 1.17, is not considered necessary to make the Site Allocations LDD sound, it is the Officer’s opinion that it should not be extended to include the land put forward by the Alpine Press and the new Gospel Halls Trust for housing and worship respectively.
3.1The Council has a legal duty to progress its Local Plan. Consequently, there is no real alternative option to proposing the modifications to the Site Allocations LDD as set out in this report. Not to propose all the required modifications set out in the Inspector’s letter will lead to the Site Allocations LDD being found not to be ‘sound’ and the Council unable to adopt the document as part of the Local Plan for the District. The risks associated with this option are significant. In essence, the Site Allocations process would cease and an early review of the Core Strategy would need to be undertaken. This would require an objective assessment of housing need to be undertaken in accordance with National Policy which is likely to result in a much higher housing target and the need for a full Green Belt Boundary review to accommodate that need.
3.2In addition, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that local planning authorities should grant planning permission where a ‘local plan’ is absent, silent, indeterminate or where relevant policies are out of date. Therefore, in order to resist speculative planning applications for inappropriate development in the District it is imperative that the local plans are in place as soon as possible.
3.3In the context of the Inspector’s letter of the 28 November 2013 there is no reason to withdraw or choose not to propose the modifications required. To do so would leave the Council without an up to date Development Plan and place it at risk of being unable to successfully defend the refusal of what it considers to be inappropriate development.
3.4It is, therefore, suggested that the Local Plan Members Working Group recommend to the Executive Committee that the following changes are proposed as Main Modifications to the Inspector:
- The deletion of the following sites from the Site Allocations LDD
- Site S(b) Froghall Farm
- Site H(1) Adjacent 65 Toms Lane
- Site H(2) Land at Three Acres, Toms Lane
- Site H(6) Leavesden Pumping Station
- Site H(13) Killingdown Farm Buildings
- Site H(17) Branksome Lodge, Loudwater
- Site H(26) Harefield Road Depot
- Site H(28) Land South of Tolpits Lane
- That the previously proposed removal of the Green Belt designation from the above sites are withdrawn where appropriate
- That the Green Belt designation is removed from the build areas of the school sites, Site S (a) Mill End/Maple Cross and Site S (d) Baldwins Lane.
- That the site dwelling capacities of the following sites are reduced:
- Site H(3) Kings Langley Employment Area (reduce by 50 dwellings)
- Site H(33) Former Little Furze School (reduce by 25 dwellings)
- Site H(36) The Grapevine Public House (reduce by 10 dwellings)
- That land at Woodside Road (as detailed in Appendix 3) be allocated for 100 dwellings in combination with a primary school and phased 2016-2021 to address the loss of dwellings from this 5 year planning period and that the Green Belt designation be removed from the housing and the school build area
- That land at Fairways Farm (as detailed in Appendix 3) be allocated for 100 dwellings and phased post 2026 with a view to bringing it forward if needed or retaining it as undeveloped if appropriate to contribute to the next plan period and that the Green Belt designation be removed.
- That land at Killingdown Farm (as detailed in Appendix 3) be allocated for between 140-180 dwellings phased post 2026 with a view to bringing it forward if needed or retaining it as undeveloped if appropriate to contribute to the next plan period and that the Green belt designation be removed from the site area.
4.0Next Steps
4.1Following the Executive Committee’s approval there will be a six week consultation on the:
- Main Modifications (those detailed in this report and those proposed in response to previous Inspector’s letters relating to issues of soundness)
- Additional Modifications (minor changes to wording necessary for clarity)
- Sustainability Appraisal
4.2This statutory consultation stage will ask for comments on the Main Modifications and the Additional Modifications which are presented in a table format and representations are only considered if they raise an issue of soundness not previously considered by the Inspector. This consultation is not an opportunity for new sites to be submitted or for objections that have already been made on the document to be repeated. It is anticipated that the consultation will be undertaken between 31 January and 14 March 2014.
4.3The representations received on the Main Modifications will then be considered by the Inspector and if he is of the opinion that there are no further issues raised in relation to soundness he will issue his Draft Final Report for Fact Checking via PINS. It is anticipated that the Inspector’s Final Report will be issued shortly after.
4.4Given the timescales, and that there is no Executive Committee scheduled after the Inspector’s Final Report is due to be issued, it is anticipated that the Site Allocations LDD will be reported to Full Council on 17 June 2014 for the Plan to be adopted or rejected in total.
Appendix 1 Inspectors Letter 28 November 2013
Appendix 2 Education Allocations
Appendix 3 Additional Housing Allocations
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