Instructor: Mr. Low

Room: N220, S102 (1st period)

Office Phone: 815.479.0404 ext.5457

Email: (the best way to contact me)

Instagram: PR_Industrial_Tech Twitter: @PRLow

Course Description

Semesters: 2

Credit: ½ per semester

Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) offers a dynamic high school program that provides students with real-world learning and hands-on experience. Students interested in engineering, biomechanics, aeronautics, and other applied math and science arenas will discover PLTW is an exciting portal into these industries.

Introduction to Engineering Design uses a design development process while enriching problemsolving skills; students create and analyze models using the latest specialized computer software from Autodesk called Inventor.

Brief Course Outline:

  • Unit 1- Design Process
  • Unit 2- Technical Sketching and Drawing
  • Unit 3- Measurement and Statistics
  • Unit 4- Modeling Skills
  • Unit 5- Geometry of Design
  • Unit 6- Reverse Engineering
  • Unit 7- Documentation
  • Unit 8- Advanced Computer Modeling
  • Unit9- Design Teams
  • Unit 10- Design Challenges

What students need:

  1. Mechanical pencil, pen, colored pen
  2. Tabbed folder or 1” 3-ring binder
  3. Engineering Notebook with ¼” gridded pages
  4. Flash/Jump Drive at least 2mb for backup

Tips for Success in Project Lead the Way Courses:

  1. 100% effort in everything you do
  2. Completing all work with excellent attention to details
  3. Continuing to develop and refine your work ethic
  4. Managing timeto meet deadlines of assignments, projects, and assessments
  5. Organize time, materials, project files, and keep track of progress.
  6. Actively contribute to the fun and professional learning environment.
  7. Critically listen, observe, follow, and never hesitate to ask for guidance.
  8. Explore, research, continue to learn on your own to discover what you’re capable of.
  9. Problem solving is ultimate way to learn. Mr. Low is the last resort if you’ve ran out of ideas.
  10. Embrace failure and learn from your mistakes.

Expectations of the Student:

RESPONSIBILITY. Students who keep track of, frequently save, back up, and turn assignments in on time will earn full credit for doing so. Those who make the initiative to ask for help and discuss what needs to be improved on will never fall behind.

RESPECT. Students who treat others with respect shall always be respected in return. Computer lab equipment is very expensive. Classroom equipment invoice/repair bills are readily available to individuals that need to replace or have something fixed for any reason. Students who respect this classroom are always welcome here.

READINESS TO LEARN. Individuals that come to class on time and well prepared with all required materials will never miss out. A positive and upbeat attitude will make learning fun and enjoyable to lay down a smooth path to success.

All Prairie Ridge rules, policies, attendance & tardy policies, and grading policies apply which can be found in the student handbook.

D155 Common Grading Policies

1. Grades are indicative of a student’s understanding and mastery of clearly stated learning targets.

2. Academic leaders will provide opportunities to help students master learning targets.

3. Academic leaders will support students who make an effort to learn from their mistakes, recognizing that all students learn at a different pace.

3. Students are allowed to complete make-up work within 2 days of the absence AND stay current with ongoing class work.

4. Make-up assessments must be completed after school if the absence is Unexpected

5. Students who are absent on the day before a summative assessment will need to take the assessment unless the teacher has covered new content that will be covered on the assessment.

6. Students absent on test day will be allowed the two day make-up privilege.

Course Grading 80/20

Summative Assessments are weighted 80%of entire grade

Formative Assessments are weighted 20%of entire grade

Citizenship Assessments are 0% of entire grade

Reassessment Policy

The purpose of a reassessment is to MASTER content and learning targets. To be eligible for reassessment, students must meet the following requirements. Some reassessments may be handled differently from student to student, based on unique circumstances of a situation.

  1. Reassessment request form must be filled out, submitted to teacher, and approved
  2. Zero missing assignments
  3. Zero incomplete assignments
  4. No more than one late assignment