Professional Learning Summary and Implementation Indicators

Dear Principal,

Recently staff from your school participated in the following professional learning activity:

PD Facilitator/EXT

Names of Participants: To attach roster from MyPGS follow these steps –

·  Go to course administration; Click manage learning opportunities

·  Go to your course section; Select view roster

·  Click sign-in sheet; Click print view; Click print

·  For the printer option select Adobe pdf; Save as Course Title_date to desktop or folder

·  Attach the PDF file to the email along with this document.

The general objective of this professional learning was:

Cut/paste from MyPGS course

As a result of this professional learning activity, educators should demonstrate changes in instructional practice. During observations and walk-throughs, you can expect to see implementation of the new learning as outlined in the list of indicators below:

Thank you for supporting professional learning.

Professional Development means a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to improving teachers’ and leaders’ effectiveness in raising student achievement.

Learning Forward, 2012