Pitt County Schools’ Board of Education
Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2012
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Education met February 27, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the Pitt County Office Building Board Room. Those in attendance were Facility Committee Chair Sean Kenny and Facility Committee membersWorth Forbes, Benjie Forrest, Billy Peaden and Mary Williams. Also present wereSuperintendent Beverly Emory, Associate Superintendent of Operations Aaron Beaulieu, Director of Facility Services Terry Smith, Board membersBarbara Owens and Jill Camnitz andAdministrative Assistant Loretta Grice.
ChairKennycalled the meeting to order. There was a quorum present. He asked if anyone had any adjustments to the agenda.
The first item on the agenda was Public Expression. No one had expressions.
The second item on the agenda was the approval of the January 23, 2012 minutes. Mr. Forbes moved, second by Ms. Williams, that the minutes be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The third item on the agenda was Change in Meeting Time. Mr. Kenny shared that Ms. Little was asking the committee to consider changing the meeting time. Mr. Kenny closed the agenda item when there wasn’t any discussion.
The fourth item discussed was Facility Services Repair and Maintenance Budget. Mr. Beaulieu presented documentation of lined items of the proposed budget for the upcoming year. A comparative analysis for this year and next year was given also. In previous years Mr. Cowin has been able to place operating savings from utilities and such back into the operating budget ona “one time carry over” basis. Mr. Beaulieu is asking not to budget this money for ongoing operating needs because he doesn’t know if they will receive it in future years. Mr. Beaulieu is not seeking approval for the proposed budget. He wanted to share the needs and share what is being requested. Mr. Beaulieu commended Facility Services for maintaining quality service to new schools, in addition to existing schools, withoutallocating additional personnel. The committee asked questions regarding the increases shown in the comparative analysis. Mr. Smith explained the increase in the prices for services received and in products used by the department. He noted the high increase in testing of wastewater. The proposed budget will be presented to the Finance Committeeas a recommendation.
The fifth items discussed were One Time Money Request and Capital Outlay Budget. Mr. Beaulieu presented a chart outlining the projects funded with One Time Funding. Some of the projects were previously approved by the Board and the remaining are suggested projects to zero the balance of that allocation. This proposal will be presented at the next Board meeting. Mr. Beaulieu then discussed the three categories under the capital outlay budget.
Category I – small repairs and improvement to schools
Category II – equipment and furnishings
Category III – vehicles
Mr. Beaulieu presented a summary of items being requested and the proposed funding for some of these items. Categories I, II, III and regular Capital Outlay are only being proposed and does not require Board action at this time. The committee wanted to know if some of the suggested projectscould be delayed if money was needed for other reasons. Mr. Beaulieu explained any items could be delayed or extended but schools should be assured the work will be done at a later date.
The sixth item discussed was Custodial Inspections. The 2011 Winter Custodial Inspections scores were presented for review. The chart only contained the scores and the person that performed the inspection. It did not include the school’s name. Mr. Beaulieu explained this initial inspection was done to be used as a tool for the schools to see where they need improvement. Each principal was given a detailed analysis of the score their school received. Each school will receive additional training and time to make improvements. The inspections were done by the Environmental & Safety Coordinators.
The seventhitem discussed on the agenda was Athletic Facility Study. Mr. Beaulieu compiled a study of the athletic needs of Pitt County Schools. The study included pictures of concessions/ restroom facilities, indoor/outdoor bleachers, storage units and scoreboards. Mr. Beaulieu also included the next steps after reviewing the study.
- Consider school’s request within the district’s available funds and also in comparison to overall district needs
- Continue to require schools to complete facility modification request
- Consider Title IX in all decisions
- Work toward equitable facilities at all grade levels
- Work on developing specifications that meet code and satisfy school needs
- Involve school vocational classes to help provide labor for on-site facilities when feasible
- Prioritize high schools
- Continue to work with the community
The last item discussed was Energy Management Contract. The state office is sending a group to work with us for a few days to visit the schools and locate potential energy savings.
Upon motion of Worth Forbes, second by Mary Williams, the meeting was adjourned at 6:18p.m.