Minutes of Council Meeting held on Wednesday 6th December 2017

Council Chambers, Market Hall, Holsworthy

Present: Cllr. J. Hutchings, C. Punter, J. Briggs, J. Heaven, K. Musker, H. Parker, S. Parkinson. J. Sanders, M. Stanton.

In attendance: Town Clerk (TC)


Zoe Uglow Holsworthy Post (Press)

Supt. Toby DaviesDevon & Cornwall Police

Cllr. B Parsons

Cllr. I Parker


Cllr. Allen, Cllr. Haynes, Cllr. K. Carroll TDC & PCSO M James


Cllr. Hutchings asked Councillors to declare any relevant interests as they arose.

The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.

3803 Public Question Open time

No public were present.


PCSO James was unable to attend the meeting, but a written Police Report relating to November 2017, had been forwarded to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. (Appendix A)

Supt. Toby Davies from Devon & Cornwall Police, introduced himself and explained his previous experience and his current role within the police force. He also explained how crime has changed and has become more complexed, including the increase in Cybercrime, which unfortunately takes a lot of time for the police to investigate.

Despite Holsworthy being a rural isolated area, he explained that Holsworthy is one of the safest areas to reside in with a very low crime rate. This is mainly due to local knowledge and a great Community spirit within Holsworthy.

Devon & Cornwall still have the highest levels of public confidence of any Force across the country.

Supt. Davies explained that areas within North Devon require different policing levels due to the volume of residents and types of recorded crime. Recorded crime has increased, but that is due to the way that it is now recorded. Supt. Davies strongly believes that Holsworthy Police, the local police Sgt, PCSOs and the Community, including the Town Council all play a vital part in keeping Holsworthy a safe place.

The TC asked for further information regarding a possible CCTV Hub in Devon. The TC confirmed that at present the CCTV that Holsworthy has, is of high-quality which is of easy access to the Police when required. HTC are looking at expanding the coverage of this, including parts of the parks and areas of the Town.

Supt. Davies confirmed that the CCTV Hub is not a police run project but is a Local Authority project and would be run by civilians. It was felt that his may work for certain areas, but moving the


monitoring of CCTV into other parts of Devon/Cornwall would lose the local knowledge of Holsworthy and would not be satisfactory. Cllr. I Parker pointed out that Bideford has a small CCTV Hub for the area this which works well, and the local taxi drivers have a good relationship with the Police.

The TC asked if Holsworthy like other places has seen an increase of Mental Health issues and what support is given to those which such issues? Supt. Davies stated that unfortunately, this is the case and the police work closely with other agencies, including Social Services and hospitals, but as everywhere has financial cuts, there is continuous challenge on the staff and facilities dealing with those people with Mental Health issues.

Cllr. Hutchings reiterated that Holsworthy have a great Police service, Sgt. Monkton and PCSO Mark James have a very good rapport with the Town Council and the Community. However, he expressed his concerns to Supt. Davies with the lack of police attendance when calling the emergency 999 services. Cllr. Hutchings confirmed that on 2 occasions police had to be called; one had a 24hr attendance and the other had a 4hr attendance. It was explained by Supt. Davies that he is unable to comment on this without the specific knowledge of the incidents however, he will investigate this on his return to the office.

Cllr. Hutchings stated that the change of how the public contact the police with the shift away from traditional methods of contacting the police to online and digital methods has concerned the public.Supt. Davies confirmed that the Force has made significant progress with encouraging results, emails to 101 have increased by 26% since the beginning of the year while visits to our online crime reporting facility have increased by 35%.


A written report, had been forwarded to all Cllrs prior to the meeting.Cllr. Parsons thanked Cllr. Hutchings and the Council for an amazing Switch On Event and was very proud once again to sing on stage.

Devon still has 91.1% of its schools classified as Good/Outstanding which is above the national average – a great credit to staff and those working alongside. The Government announced in the autumn, the start of the implementation of a new Fair Funding Formula, for schools. No school will have a reduction in funding through the new formula and the next school financial year will see an extra £7.5 million for Devon’s schools. The following year the provisional figures show an extra £3.5 million. Cllr. Parsons stated that pressure on school funding. Many extra costs are in the system and schools in real terms are seeing a reduction. We are still about £260 a child below the national average for per child funding.

Cllr. Parsons wished everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


Cllr. Carroll was unable to attend, but sent a message, wishing all Cllrs. and staff a very Merry Christmas. He also congratulated Mayor Hutchings on his term as mayor and all those trying hard to get the Holsworthy Hospital beds back.

Cllr. I Parker congratulated the Town Council on a spectacular 2017 Christmas Switch On Event.

The plans for a temporary travellers site at 2 locations In Bideford either at Bank End or at Caddsdown have both been declined.

Cllr. Sanders asked Cllr. I Parker about possible rent increases at the Resource Centre, Manor Offices Holsworthy. Cllr. I Parker confirmed that he will look into this and get back to the TC.

The Chairman returned to Standing Orders



The Minutes of the Meetings held on 1st November 2017 had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Cllr. Parker proposed that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1st November 2017 be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Punter and agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions)


No matters raised.


Cllr. Hutchings stated that November had been a busy month:

2 Benches Arrived in the Square, Holsworthy Town Council and the memorial Bench

Visited the Pavilion build

HASP meeting

Remembrance Parade

CCTV meeting to discuss expansion of the current system.

Holsworthy Carnival

All Lights & Trees up for The Big Switch On Event

TDC Bideford Parking Meeting

Mayors & Clerks Meeting

Holsworthy Community College Presentation Evening

More Christmas Lights up

Harpers Opening Industrial Est.

The Big Switch On Event

Meeting with TDC meeting Andrew Waite in relation to the Redrow Sports Pitch site.

Meeting with the Bowling Club in relation to a viewing stand.

Cllr. Hutchings thanked everyone involved with the lights, trees and The Big Switch On.

Dates for Cllrs to consider:

10th December Church Town Carols Service

24th December Carols around the Tree in the Square

7th January lights and trees down at 10am

10th January Coffee Morning, Memorial Hall,

If any Cllrs have any items they wish to donate, please hand them to HTC office.

10th January next Full Council meeting

3810 Accounts due for payment and Budget Review (APPENDIX C)

The TC went through the payments to be approved, highlighting various items of Expenditure and Income including those in respect of the Pavilion Project and the ongoing shortfall in funding. Other items to note was the expenditure in relation to the benches.

Cllr. Hutchings proposed that the payments be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Sanders and unanimously agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).

The TC went through the Budget Sheet no comments were raised.

3811 To Receive, and to Note, the Minutes of the following Committee Meetings:

Minutes had been circulated with the Agenda.

The Mayor took Members through the Committee Minutes in turn and asked if there were any queries.


Markets Committee8th November 2017

No comments raised.

Planning & Highways Committee15th November 2017

No comments raised.

Parks Committee22nd November 2017

No comments raised.

F&GP 29th November 2017

No comments raised.

3812 tO receive an update, from the Mayor, on the current position in relation to holsworthy hospital.

Cllr. Hutchings informed the committee that the meeting did not go ahead. No change, hopefully will have a further update at the next Full Council Meeting.

3813 to receive an update FROM THE TOWN CLERK on the expenditure and income in relation to the pavilion project.

The TC went through in detail the Income & Expenditure on the current project. Including confirmation that costings do not cover any further building costs, frontage paving, CCTV, opening ceremony, additional signage, land registry and legal costs etc.

Cllr. H Parker asked if there is any update on the HASP Aviva application, the TC confirmed that they did well and got into the final stages, and on the 16th January 2018, they will be told if their application was successful.

The TC thanked everyone present for the support in voting and encouraging others to vote on the Aviva Website for this project.


The building is coming along very well, with the roof and weathervane now in position.

3815 To consider AND RATIFY THE COSTING OF REPAIRING the Magpie/RBL Club potholes.

Two quotes had been obtained to repair the damaged/potholed tarmac at the front of the gate to the Football Club, it was agreed by members that the repair will be completed with option 2, which is to excavate existing tarmac and undertake a complete repair reconstruction and after discussion GM Plant was appointed to carry out the agreed work.

Cllr. Hutchings proposed that GM Plant Ltd be appointed to repair the potholes at the entrance to the Football Club. This was seconded by Cllr. Sanders and unanimously agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).


The TC confirmed that the Inspection of the Play Equipment at Station Close will be carried out on the 11th December. If there are no works required to the proposed area to be transferred, then it is proposed that the area be transferred to the Council on the 1stJanuary 2018.


Cllr. Hutchings proposed that should the inspection of the Station Close Amenity area be satisfactory then the signing of the transfer documentation of Station Close be approved effective from the 1st January 2018. This was seconded by Cllr. Sanders and unanimously agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).

3817 To discuss and recommend on the reinvestment of the Council’s funds currently held in a Deposit Bond.

It was explained by the TC that at present most of the Council’s funding is held in Deposit Bondswhich are due to expire in December. Approval is therefore sought to reinvest the funds in further Deposit Bonds.

Cllr. Heaven proposed that the reinvestment of the Council’s funds into deposit bonds be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Musker and unanimously agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).

3818 To give an update on the Council’s Earmarked Reserves (APPENDIX E)

The TC gave a detailed update and circulated a paper detailing the current position in respect of the Earmarked Reserves of the Council and the changes in the Reserves. The difference between the non-Section 106 and Section 106 Earmarked Reserves were explained, and that grant funding accounted for much of the non-Section 106 Reserves.

3819 To discuss and if appropriate approve the Draft Budget for 2018/19.

Cllr. Allen was unable to attend meeting, but had made the following comments on the draft Budget that had been previously circulated:

-If we are to have a Civic Ball, I believe it should be a self-financing event,

and the £1000.00 sum provision in the draft Budget earmarked for the Civic Ball should be allocated to the Grant budget, to help the many smaller organisations in the town that operate on a very limited income. All Cllrs present, agreed that the Civic Ball is a good event, that the aim will be to keep the cost down to a minimum, but it would be wrong not to allow a provision for the cost in next year’s budget.

-How much saving would we achieve to the Office expense budget, (photocopying etc.) if the council purchased IT Tablets for councillors, and what would be the take up of the tablets by Councillors if purchased. It was explained that the Council’s staff spend a great deal of their time printing off copies on Minutes of Meeting, Agendas and associated documents for Council’s which are then thrown away. There is also the cost of printing the paperwork. It was agreed that tablets are a good option but with a recognition that a few Cllrs, who will not want to take this opportunity to use a tablet, should still be able to obtain hard copies.

-If HTC purchased a vehicle for the handyman, does the £18’000 allocated in the project suggestions include provision for insurance, maintenance and running costs, and what would be the year on year liability for the vehicle. After discussion all agreed that, as this is a new vehicle, running costs and maintenance will normally be included in the package when the vehicle is purchased. An electric car is the most efficient and ecological way forward with Holsworthy being a show point for this.


After further discussion on items in the draft budget, the TC confirmed that the budget for 2018/19 will be finalised in January 2018 when the Precept will also be set.

3820 To Receive Correspondence

The Council has received a letter of thanks to all those in the Council involved in the Christmas Lights Switch on Event.t.

A report from stagecoach was received and circulated to all Cllrs for information.

The Town Band had contacted the Council to thank it for giving the Band the opportunity to play on the night.

3821 Town Clerk’s report

The TC had nothing further to report.

3822 Exchange of information

Andigestion report was received by Cllr. Sanders and forward to all Cllrs prior to the Full Council meeting.

Cllr. Hutchings proposed that in view of the special or confidential nature of the following business to be transacted, it is advisable, in the public interest, that the public and press temporarily be excluded and they will be instructed to withdraw. Cllr. Heaven seconded this proposal and it was unanimously agreed(Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Absentations)

3823To provide an update on and give approval to the new Leases on Upcott Field

The Chairman informed the Meeting that because of the information not being received in respect of the new Leases on Upcott Field Members could not make an informed decision on this matter and therefore the matter would be referred to a future meeting.

3824 To discuss and approve the revised arrangements for the management

of the Market

Cllr. Punter declared a Personal Interest and signed the Declaration of Interests Book. He did not take part in the debate and absented himself form voting. The ATC was asked to leave the room whilst this matter was discussed.

The current and proposed future arrangements for the management of the Market was discussed in depth, including a breakdown of the current Income and expenditure and the cost of the proposed new management costs.

Cllr. Heaven proposed that the revised arrangements for the future management of the Market be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Musker and agreed. (Vote 8 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstentions).

3825 CLOSE

Cllr. Hutchings formally closed the meeting at 8.35pm.
