InstitutionalAssessment and Program Review Committee
August18, 2016, 12:30 p.m.
SJC Boardroom #200/MVC LRC #805
Administration (8):Rudolph Besikof(Co-chair)X
Carlos TovaresX
Jeannine Stokes
Jeremy Brown X
Joyce Johnson X
Julie Venable
Rebecca Teague X
Tom Spillman / Faculty (9):
Crystal Anthony X
Dominick Scaletta
Gloria Sanchez X
Janice Levasseur X
Paul Hert (Co-chair)X
Peter Zografos X
Kamal Sadatmand (alternate)
Vacant (3) / Classified (10):
Debbie Grace X
Fred Frontino X
Hal Edghill X
Jennifer Marrs
Laurel Sheltren X
Jessica Rodriguez
Regina Howard (non-voting)
Selena Paez
Stacy Kimbrough X
Stephen Sandstrom X
Vacant (1) / Student Government (2):
Danielle Pegan
Demitrius Castillo (alternate)
Vacant (1)
Rhonda Nishimoto
Tamara Smith X
Brandon Moore
Fernando Gutierrez X
Nik Mesaris
Action Items:
- Approval of minutes –April 21, 2016
M: D. Grace; sc: H. Edghill: Discussion – None, All Approved, two abstentions.
Paul welcomed everyone and explained that this first meeting will deal more with housekeeping and presentations will be during the remaining meetings of the year.
Discussion Items:
- 2016-17 IAPRC Membership, Charge and Goals
- Current membership vacancies
Need 3 faculty – for membership, will be requesting from Janice
- Any changes to charge/goals? These are available on website and were e-mailed to committee with this meeting’s agenda. Please digest the presentation,review the minutes when you receive them and then we will bring back to approve next month. Please email or contactPaul or Debbie if you have any comments, feedback or questions.
- 2016-17 IAPRC Preview
We will have instructional, student services and administrative services presentations at our monthly meetings (generally 2 per meeting).We have found that the presentations have led to needs being addressed and resolutions being found!
- 2015-16 Program Review Follow-Up
- 2016-17 RAP/PAR Process–results are posted at the Budget Allocation (IE) website. 26 of the 42 RAPs were funded ($475,000 budget was augmented…some RAPs funded by STEM, grants, Instructional Block Grants….). The cut-off was an average PAR score of 70.67. Thank you to the 25 students, classified, faculty and administrators who did the scoring! Input from the scorers to improve the process was collected by e-mail and shared at Budget Committee last spring. A new process for funding committees is being developed through College Council (we could apply for conference attendance!).The new process should be ready this year to parallel the RAP process. The RAPS are housed on the IE website. Stacy added she is able to provide the budget codes for the approved RAPS, email her and copy Gail if you need a budget code.
- RAP Follow-Up Reports from earlier recipients (so we can see how their expenditures and improvements are coming) are being stored on the N: drive. These are usually returned in the spring.
- CAPPRs are almost complete…a tentative/unofficial list is in process. Has gone to EC should come to conclusion shortly.
- 2015-16 Assessment Follow-Up
- 2015-16 Accreditation Annual Report: about 80% of all our courses, as well as our GE courses, have continual, on-going assessment (twice every three years for courses offered at least once a year).Accreditation: other schools are at 100% but few use the CLO data to “close the loop” at all, much less like we do! Program Review: A reminder was not sent so we still need the dean’s to complete their program review unit plans., About 38 of the 55 instructional program reviews have been completed. Please forward any ideas of how to offer encouragement for completion. Paul gave a shout out to Joyce for assistance in obtaining participation from areas without prior assessment and thanked Carlos for helping with the emails.
- Participation from full-time and associate faculty is generally good.
- Getting a list of new associate faculty so Paul can contact and orient them individually
- Evidence (examples of completed student assessments) are being stored on the N: drive
- Need to create “broad outcomes” (that measure values, habits, traits, rather than just course content) for 100-level courses to augment existing content-specific CLOs. Shared this with HIST (Burlingame conference with Tami Smith and Roy Ramon: “use PLO as CLO”). Instead of mastering course content as the ultimate goal, how do we use course content as a “vehicle” to impart critical thinking, communication, social awareness, civic responsibility..?? Paul will send out emails to 100 level GE Courses to start having this discussion.
Fred asked how it is different for Student services side; know need to do more but how learning outcomes are used outside instruction. Paul and Fred will meet to discuss. Paul will meet with anyone who would like help. Also need to look at the Administration Learning Outcomes - do we need to adjust as it is more of a business model instead of teaching model. Tami stated that History will be getting together to discuss and will work on this. Paul suggested to use one course and change one CLO at a time. Fred suggesting adding an additional CLO that is broader to the existing CLOs instead of taking one away. Tami asked if more of the content should be in the objectives. Yes, outcomes are knowledge skills – the way students think and process. Objectives – content, outcomes written effectively filter up to higher course. Peter said nursing is concrete in what they have to learn but wonders how do we know that they are mastering the content – is there a way to go back based on our graduation pass rates but come after the fact for data. How does it measure current? Are there qualities besides the content that we could measure?
- 2016-17 Program Review and Assessment Preview
- An additional Core Competency: Information Literacy/Competency - COMES BACK AS AN ACTION ITEM NEXT MONTH!
- The existing CCs (formerly ILOs) are:
- Communication:The student will communicate effectively, expressing thoughts, goals and needs through use of appropriate modes and technologies
- Critical Thinking:The student will reason and think critically
- Aesthetic Awareness:The student will possess aesthetic awareness.
- Social Awareness:The student will demonstrate societal awareness
- Responsibility:The student will display personal and civic responsibility.
- Scientific Awareness:The student will possess an awareness of the physical and biological principles related to science.
What should it be called and what should it be measuring. A link will be sent out. Make connection… discuss take action in September as it is a priority.
- We are starting year 3 of our 3-year cycle.
- APA templates are being created for instruction, student services and administrative units. Completed instruction and student services templates will be due 16 February. Program reviews used to be due in fall but with joint hiring and curriculum, faculty wanted it due in spring instead. Paul will be taking over the Student Services templates for Alex who has gone back to teaching. The Administrative Units will be due in December.
- Every degree will need to have its own program reviewtemplate with description of the individual degree
- We plan to use Tableau to present data (in addition to the usual tables). The tables will include more averages, so faculty don’t have to calculate/approximate them. Faculty want a more visual approach, as indicated in the program review improvement text field last year. Rebecca explained data (learning outcome) will now need to be disaggregated at the student level. We’ve been looking at the student level for a while, but now it must be disaggregated so we are able to review to make recommendations for changes. Trying to figure out the categories. Fred asked if Tableau is available to other areas, Rebecca explained you would need to contact Stephen and/or Fernando in the research office with the data and they would be able to complete the visual presentation and ensure the data is valid.
- 2017-18 RAP/PAR templates are under construction. They go through Budget Committee and IPC (Institutional Planning Committee) for approval. Completed RAPs are due 16 February.
- New Ed Master Plan will include, for each program,greatest needs identified in program reviews. This will make writing and scoring RAPs EASIER!!
- 280 courses are scheduled to be assessed this semester
- 2016-17 Assessment and Program Review Calendar (with due dates and links to courses to be assessed, eLumen, course improvement plan data that DEBBIE GRACE IS PREPARING, the CIP instructions, eLumen instructions…), expectations and courses to be assessed are at the assessment and learning outcomes webpage. Calendar has been sent to all faculty (full-time and associate)
The links will be sent to the committee.
Janice questioned that CAPPRS are due in December before RAPs, how will they be able to complete. Paul explained that the information will be sent out to everyone mid fall semester so they can meet the CAPPR deadline in December.
- Comparable calendar will be created for student services
- Early-Start Short-Term classes that need to be assessed have been identified. Instructors and department chairs have been notified. CLOs, assessment tools and rubrics are due 2 September. For regular length courses this information is due 7 October.
- Non-credit courses need to be assessed. We haven’t done this before but much of the ground work is already in place (Paul recently met with Amy Campbell).
- We will begin assessing Dual Enrollment on a larger scale…
- CAT test will be administered again, this time to BIOL this semester and, once again, to math and ENGL FYE sections next semester
- Preparing for Accreditation Spring 2018
- Site visit will occur spring 2018
- We are starting to draft the self-evaluation now (it is due fall 2017)
- Program Review and assessment are big in Standard 1…who is willing to help write and review the drafts?!! Contact your Academic Senate or, if you are classified, Rebecca Teague
- Three of the four standards involve learning outcomes…outcomes have become central to compliance…most of what we do needs to be expressed as outcomes!! Most importantly, it’s the discussion that occur as part of the program review and assessment processes that improve student learning…documenting them gets us compliance!
Information Items:
- Next Meeting–Thursday, September15, 2016 12:30 – 2:00 pm
SJC Boardroom Room 200 linked MVC Room 805
Meeting Adjournment:
M: J. Levasseur; sc: F. Frontino. All approved
Mt. San Jacinto College, a California Community College, offers accessible, innovative, comprehensive and quality educational programs and services to diverse, dynamic and growing communities both within and beyond traditional geographic boundaries. We support life-long learning and student success by utilizing proven educational methodologies as determined by collaborative institutional planning and assessment. To meet economic and workforce development needs, MSJC provides students with basic skills, general and career education that lead to transfer, associate degrees and certificates. Our commitment to student learning empowers students with the skills and knowledge needed to effect positive change and enhance the world in which we live.