Date: / 11/11/2014
Your Ref.
Our Ref: / FOI 3516
Email: /

By email to:Joanna

Dear Joanna Gigon,

Your request dated 20/10/2014 for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Thank you for your above request.

In your correspondence you have requested the information set out below and in what follows I set out the Council’s response:


Dear Dacorum Borough Council,

Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:-

a) addresses of "empty and derelict" properties within Dacorum Borough Council area; and

b) the names of the owners of those properties referred to in (a).

Yours faithfully,

Joanna Gigon


Please find attached to our response two excel spreadsheets entitled “Currently Empty Props for CT - Disregards and Exemptions - companies only” and “NNDR - Currently Empty Properties - Exempt and Relief.xls”

Unfortunately, we do not hold information on any properties that might be considered to be derelict. So, as we are unable to provide this information I have just provided information for the requested empty properties only.

The attachments I have sent are two lists of empty properties, one for Council tax properties and the other for business rates dwellings.These contain only the information relating to non individuals. This is in order for us to comply with Data Protection legislation, as any data relating to personal individuals information has been removed. This is in accordance with the ruling in domestic case Voyiasv London Borough of Camden.

Further information explaining the Council’s process for responding to information requests is available on our website at .

If you have any further queries or information needs or if you are unhappy about the way your request has been handled, please contact the Council’s information service at: , quoting our FOI reference shown at the top of this letter.

In accordance with Section 50 of the FOIA, you may apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision whether, in any specified respect, your request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of the FOIA. The Commissioner would make a decision on any application unless certain circumstances apply, one of which is that the relevant public authority’s complaints procedure has not been exhausted. The Information Commissioner’s contact details are as follows:-

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane



Helpline: 0303 123 1113

Website, with online form: and email for online complaint:

If you need further assistance please contact the information service as indicated above.

Yours sincerely

Chris Baker

Group Manager Revenues, Benefits and Fraud