To: Rita Russo, YRDSB Superintendents an YRDSB Principals
From: Michele Axelrod / Olga Plagianakos
Date: November 15, 2016
Re: International DECA Competition – April 24 – May 1, 2017 Anaheim, California
I am requesting International Field Trip Approval for the following YRDSB schools to attend the International DECA Competition that will take place in April and May 2017 in Anaheim, California
The following 22 YRDSB schools are participating in DECA this year. The actual staff advisors and students attending the competition will be determined on February 11, 2017. At that time, a list of names can be submitted as the official roster for YRDSB.
Chapter / Lead DECA AdvisorAlexander Mackenzie HS / Mary Chinniah
Aurora HS / Kristine Toms
Bayview SS / David Vallier
Bill Crothers SS / Abi Brodie
Bur Oak SS / David Quan
Emily Carr SS / Safina Kanji
Langstaff SS / Stanley Liu
Maple HS / Barry Hassanally
Markham DHS / Colleen Webber
Markville HS / Tejpal Rao
Newmarket HS / Nicole Giberson
PE Trudeau HS / Amul Gandhi
Richmond Green SS / Patricia Kalligosfyri
Richmond Hill HS / Michele Axelrod
Stephen Lewis SS (York) / Kamandeep Shoker
Thornhill SS / William Shoker
Thornlea SS / Dino G Babalis
Tommy Douglas SS / Carla Noce
Unionville HS / Wes Guldemond
Vaughan SS / Diana Morgenthau
Westmount CI (York) / David Coates
Woodbridge College / Anna Marino
Timeline Permission Forms Obtain Approval
November Approval of Excursion by Principal Principals’ Meeting
· Discuss and decide as a consensus approval of trip with the understanding that once the student list is finalized in February, the Principal at EACH individual YRDSB school has the right to rescind the application without prejudice
November /December Approval of Excursion by Superintendent Superintendents’ Meeting
· Discuss and decide as a consensus approval of trip with the understanding that once the student list is finalized in February, the Principal at EACH individual YRDSB school has the right to rescind the application without prejudice
February P640-02 Parent / Guardian Permission Forms Send home with student / due March 1/17
P640-02-B Informed Consent Permission Form
YRDSB Student Expectations Contract
Letter to the Parents / DECA Ontario Permission/Agreement Forms
Programme of Events for DECA Ontario 2016 - 2017
Event / Important Dates + Coverage Days / Location / Costs / Highest Level of Approval NeededMembership Registration / October 15
No coverage needed / Online / $35 per student
+ $30 chapter fee (waived for 2015/6) / N/A
Regional Competition / November 27th
No coverage needed / Ryerson University / Embedded in membership registration / Vice Principal
Provincial Competition / Registration due December 7th / Toronto Sheraton Centre / Estimated to be $60 per student / day trip or cost of overnight stay (optional) / Principal
February 9th – 11th Coverage needed for February 10th and 11th
International Career Development Conference (ICDC) / Registration due March 1st / Anaheim, California / $1,650 per student
$2,225 - $3,200 per advisor / Superintendent
April 24th – May 1st , 2017
Coverage needed for five days
All of the YRDSB Schools currently participating in DECA, with the exception of Tommy Douglas SS (grades 9 and 10 only), have the SHSM program. Participation in DECA could be a reach ahead opportunity for the SHSM certification for the students involved.
The request is only a notification and the individual schools will still have to complete and submit the necessary attendance and extended field trip forms at the local school level.
Michele Axelrod Olga Plagianakos
Richmond Hill High School DECA Advisor Provincial Advisor
YRDSB DECA Coordinator DECA Ontario