Unit code & title / Local Koorie History Mobile Learning Project
KLA or VELS Strand / Humanities – Discipline Based Learning, Physical, Personal and Social Learning
VELS Domain / The Humanities – History, Civics and Citizenship,

Questions that place this unit into a broader, life and overall education context

Core question this unit will address
How have the Peek Whuurong clan (Gunditjmara Nation) played a key role in the history of Warrnambool and the South-Western Victorian region?
Unit Questions for each VELS dimension covered in unit
Historical Knowledge and Understanding / Unit Questions
How did Aboriginal Australians live before the European invasion?
How did they use the environment to find food and establish their society?
What tools and equipment did they use?
What are the key Aboriginal beliefs? How does the Aboriginal belief system work?
How did European settlement impact on Aboriginal Australians in the South-West of Victoria and in Warrnambool?
How did Aboriginal Australians react to European settlement? (Frontier Wars)
How did the Mission system work? Why were Aboriginal Australians confined to Missions – How did this impact on them?
What was life like on the Framlingham Mission?
How has the history of European treatment of Aboriginal Australians impacted on how we see them today?
Why have many Peek Whuurong sacred and historical sites within Warrnambool not been recognised?
How can we work to better recognise, acknowledge and promote Aboriginal history in our local area?
Historical Reasoning and Interpretation / What do historians do?
What tools do we use to uncover the past?
What is a primary source?
What questions do we have to ask of a historical source?
Civic Knowledge and Understanding / Why have many Peek Whuurong sacred and historical sites within Warrnambool not been recognised?
How can we work to better recognise, acknowledge and promote Aboriginal history in our local area?
Which local community government organisations are responsible for making sure that local historical sites are named and recognised?
How has the local council handled the recognition of local Indigenous historical sites?
Community Engagement / How can we take action in the local community to help to recognise local Indigenous historical sites?
How can we encourage the local community to take action to recognise local Indigenous historical sites?
Unit Summary- What will students have learnt by the end of this unit?
  • What do historians do?
  • What tools do we use to uncover the past?
  • What is a primary source?
  • What questions do we have to ask of a historical source?
  • What Aboriginal life like before the European invasion?
  • How did Aboriginal society function?
  • What are the key Aboriginal beliefs? How does the Aboriginal belief system work?

Unit code & title / Local Koorie History Mobile Learning Project
KLA or VELS Strand / Humanities – Discipline Based Learning, Physical, Personal and Social Learning
VELS Domain / The Humanities – History, Civics and Citizenship.

Assessment tasks for the unit. (Should link with outcomes listed in unit outline) Refer to Unit Writing resources for help here

Assessment for Learning
What pre-testing or tasks will be given to inform teachers of students’ skills and standards?
Assessment as Learning
What assessment tasks will students undertake that will inform them of their progress
Assessment of Learning
What assessment tasks will be given to use as evidence of VELS standards achieved in each dimension?
IPad App
Minor Museum Project
Document Analysis Assignments
ARIS Geo-Location Game
Detailed Unit Content - daily/ weekly tasks
Detail and format as appropriate for your KLA, but consistent with KLA expectations.
Please show links to- Literacy/Numeracy support tasks, ICT tools used & Thinking Skills tasks used / Literacy / Numeracy support tasks embedded / ICT tools or tasks embedded / Thinking Skills Tasks embedded / Insert progression point descriptions here for the standard this unit is aiming for.
Week 1: Introduction/Overview
Key Questions: What is History? How do we study the past? What other societies/events existed at the same time as the Aborigines? What tools do historians use to study the past? What do archaeologists do? How do they help us to understand the past?
Activity 1: Students to act as Archaeologists and analyse a set of Aboriginal artefacts to determine what they tell us about their culture/society and history – students then report back on what they have discovered and what tools they used to discover them.
Lake Mungo Activities – Ryebuck Media ‘What are the mysteries of Lake Mungo?’ kit.
Worksheet 1.1 – What do archaeologists do?
Worksheet 7.1 and 7.3 - What was life at Lake Mungo like?
Worksheet 8.1 and 8.2 – What should be done with the Lake Mungo human remains?
Local Reference: Use the Moyjil website – – they have a great range of videos – this will alert students to the fact that Lake Mungo may no longer be the oldest site in Australia.
How did Indigenous Australians arrive in Australia and south-west Victoria?
Show Episode 1 of ‘First Footprints’ series
TEXTBOOK: Use Chapter 1 of the ‘Tiiamanno – To Know’ digital textbook.
Activity 2: Timeline – Students to put together a digital timeline using MyHistro to develop an overview of Ancient History including the timelines for other civlizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
What makes an effective society or civilization? – Students to complete a diamond ranking activity using post-it notes.
Homework/Extension Task: Local History Project – What is your local history – students to complete a local history project on themselves and their family. / MyHistro / Anticipation
Week 2: Aboriginal Australia before European Invasion
Key Questions: What was Aboriginal Life like before Europeans arrived? How did their society function? What were their key beliefs?
Activity 1: Avatar – Students to create their own Aboriginal Avatar that has a totem and different skills – based on those specific to the Peek Whuurong clan.
Activity 2: Short Document Analysis Activity on Aboriginal Life (from Dawson)
Activity 3: Museum Activity – Students to set up a museum on Aboriginal History in Warrnambool – What would they include? Build an App – students to use a program such as Apps bar or Mozilla Webmaker to make their own app on traditional Indigenous life in south-west Victoria.
Activity 4: Running your clan – Students to look at the problems confronting Aboriginal communities by playing a card based game.
TEXTBOOK: Use Chapter 2 of the ‘Tiiamanno – To Know’ digital textbook.
Weeks 3- 4: How did the European Invasion impact on the Peek Whuurong and the Gunditjmara in South-Western Victoria?
(First Australians TV documentary series would be an excellent resource to use here – also SBS series on The Convincing Ground Massacre which happened at Portland)
Students to examine how the Peek Whuurong around Warrnambool were affected by the arrival of European settlers.
Activity 1: First Contact – Podcast – Students to write and then podcast a conversation between Aborigines and the first Europeans arriving near Portland in 1834.
Thinking Activity: Imagine your country was invaded – in groups students play the role of indigenous people of a country – they have to adjust to the impact of invasion through a short role-play.
Acitvity 2: Document Exercise – Students will analyse different primary sources and an article to examine the impact of European settlement.
Activity 3: Frontier Conflict – The Eumeralla Wars?- How did Aborigines resist the taking of their lands by pastoralists and settlers?
(The ABC video film: Pemulwuy could be used here)
PCQ Chart – Students to complete a PCQ Chart on the impact of European settlement.
TEXTBOOK: Use Chapter 3 of the ‘Tiiamanno – To Know’ digital textbook.
Activity 4: Life on the Mission – What was life like for Aborigines on the Framlingham and Lake Condah missions – Students to use a program such as PowToon or animation to show how badly Aborigines were treated on the Mission stations.
Activity 5: PBL activity – Students represent an advocacy group that are looking to better promote Aboriginal History in Warrnambool – Present a strategy document to do this – then write a letter to the Warrnambool City Council that promotes their strategy.
TEXTBOOK: Use Chapter 4 of the ‘Tiiamanno – To Know’ digital textbook.

Activity 1: Aboriginal Veterans – Students to read the article: ‘Gunditjmara veteran’s son continues his father’s fight ‘– understand the role that Aboriginal soldiers played in WWs 1 and 2 and how they were treated afterwards.

Activity 2: Land Rights
Week 5: Gaming Project.
Begin work on Gaming Project
  • Tutorial 1: Begin showing students how to use the IPads and the ARIS game software
  • Tutorial 2: Continue to show students how to use ARIS
  • Students to begin planning their game using the planning sheets provided

Week 6: Gaming Project and Fieldwork
Prepare students and then take them on first tour around Warrnambool.
  • First Tour – Students to accompany Robbie Lowe on a tour of Warrnambool recording information on their IPads and taking photos if necessary (Double Period)
  • Students to then spend time incorporating the data into their games
  • Reflection Activity: Students to reflect on what they learnt from this activity and how they

Week 7: Gaming Project and Field Work
  • Students to go to the Warrnambool Art Gallery with Robbie Lowe and be taken through a range of artefacts and be told what they were used for.
  • Students will be able to engage with and photograph some of the artefacts and ask questions – they will then be able to put these into their games.

Week 8:
  • Second Tour – Students to accompany Robbie Lowe on a tour of Framlingham and Killarney as well as Yambuk (????)
  • Students to then spend time merging the data they have collected into their games.

Week 9: Final Game Week.
  • Students to spend this week finishing the development of their games.
  • Final Reflection – Students to fill out a final reflection on the project and a survey on what they think could be improved.