Ahmed Youssef Mohammed Khedr
Education / Gender: MaleMarriage Status: Married
BirthDate: April, 22, 1970
Oct., 2007 - July, 2008
Post-doctor(Computer Science and Engineering Department, Southern MethodistUniversity (SMU), Dallas, Taxes, USA).
My research area was focused on wireless multimedia sensor networks, with emphasis on image transmission over wireless networks.
April, 2005
Ph. D. Thesis in Computer Engineering from AL-Azhar University
Area: Data Mining and Image Processing
Title: “Design an Unsupervised Learning Tools for Large Databases”.
Prof. Mohammed Zaki
Prof. Ali Mahmoud Rashed
System and Computer Engineering Department, Al-AzharUniversity, Cairo, Egypt.
Nov., 1999
M. SC. in Computer Engineering from AL-AzharUniversity
Area: Computer Architecture
Title: “ Size Choice for CPU Cache Memory”
Prof. Mohammed Zaki
Prof. Mohammed Ashraf Madkour
Prof. Ali Mahmoud Rashed
System and Computer Engineering Department, Al-AzharUniversity, Cairo, Egypt.
Graduate Courses
- Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Language
- Operating Systems
- AI Applications
- Compiler
- VLSI and Integrated Circuit
B.SC. From System and Computer Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Al-Azhar University with grade of “Very Good with honor degree”,
Graduation Project: Excellent
Current Research Interest
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Data Mining
- Image Processing.
Training Courses / (2004) IBM World Trade Corporation (Egypt Branch)
- AIX/600 Basics Plus - AU13
- AIX/600 V5 System Administration - AU14
- AIX/600 V5 Advanced System Administration AU16
- eServer Security Overview
- AIX Version 5 Security
- DB2 Family Fundamentals
- Relational Database Design
- SQL Basics
- Content Manager
- Content Manager Advanced Topics
- Introduction to Object Oriented Technology
- Introduction to Java Programming
- Java Programming Workshop
- Development & Testing Object Oriented Application with Java
- Oracle Administration
- Introduction to Quality Insurance in Education System.
Professional Experience
Publications / Oct. 1993 –Dec. 1994 Military service
I worked on mini and mainframe computers, which control radar operations.
Dec. 1994 – 2008
Teaching at Systems and computer Department, College of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Teaching In:
Operating Systems
Software Engineering
Databases and Information Systems
Computer Programming
Computer Graphics
System Analysis
Algorithms and Data structures.
Numerical Analysis
Logic Circuits and Sequential Machines
Computer Architecture
Computer Organization
Sep. 2008 – Present
Teaching at computer Department, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Hail University, Hail, KSA.
Teaching In:
Fundamentals of Computer Communications
Software Design & Architecture
Internet & Web Application Development
Computer Programming in Java
Introduction to Computer Science
System Analysis
Multimedia & its Management
Programming in Visual BASIC
Processor Tech. & Peripherals
Ahmed Y. Khedr, “Soft Computing Approach for the Deployment of Heterogeneous Sensor Networks”, Al Azhar University Engineering Journal AUEJ , December, 2012
Alaa Hamouda, Ahmed Y. Khedr, and Rabie A. Ramadan, “Automated Red Blood Cell Counting”, International Journal of Computing Science, Vol. 1, NO. 2, February, 2012
Ahmed Y. khedr, S. M. Abdel-Mageid, and Rabie Ramadan “QMR: Quine-Mccluskey for Rule Minimization in Rule-Based Systems”,International Journal of Intelligent Computing & Information Science atAinshams university, Egypt, 2011.
Ahmed Y. khedr and Rabie Ramadan, “Agent Based Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Communications of the Arab Computer Society (ACS), Special Issue on Wireless Communications and Networks (WCN-ACS 2010).
Rabie Ramadan, AhmedY. khedr, and NehalKhaled, “FBASED: Field Based Multiservice Sensor Networks for Routing Purposes,” 4th International Computer Engineering Conference Information Society Applications in the Next Decade (ICENCO), December, 29-30, 2008.
Rabie A. Ramadan, AhmedY. khedr, Ashraf Elmarakaby, and AlaHanouda , “Towards E-Health using Sensor Networks: A Survey, “ Al Azhar University Engineering Journal AUEJ , December,2008.
Rabie A. Ramadan , Ahmed Y. Khedr, and Bilal Al-Qudah “ Deployment of Sensor Networks Using Energy Mapping,” ISCA 21st International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering,CAINE, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA , November 12-14, 2008.
Salah Abdel Mageid, Ahmed Khedr, Alaa Alnawaisah, "An Integrated Model for Data Observation in Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks" 10th Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC10, December , 2008
References / Prof. Mohammed Zaki: Systems and Computer Department, College of Engineering, Al-Azhar University
Prof. Mohammed A. Madkour: College of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz
Prof. HussaninAlbarhamtoshy: College of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University.
Prof. Hesham El-Rewini
Chairman of SMU Computer Science and Engineering Department, Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas, Taxes, USA.
احمد يوسف محمد خضر / الاســـــــــم:
22/4/1970م / تاريخ الميــــــلاد:
متزوج / الحالة الاجتمـــاعـية:
برج الفردوس- ش عبد المنعم رياض –الحيالثامن–مدينة نصر - القاهرة–تليفون 29286935 - 0101241440 / العنوان بالوطن ورقم التليفون:
استاذ مساعد / الوظيـــفة الحــالية:
قسم هندسة النظم و الحاسبات –كلية الهندسة –جامعة الأزهر / الجهة التـــــابع لها:
4/9/2005م / تاريخ التعييــــــن:
معيد 15/12/1994 بقسم هندسة النظم والحاسبات –كلية الهندسة –جامعة الأزهر
محاضر15/1/2000 بقسمالنظم والحاسبات –كلية الهندسة –جامعة الأزهر / الوظــــائف السابقة:
المؤهلات الحاصل عليها و اسم الجامعة:
(1) بكالوريوس هندسة النظم و الحاسبات –جامعة الأزهر - دور مايو عام 1993م
(2) الماجستير في هندسة النظم و الحاسبات –جامعة الأزهر –بتاريخ 1 /12/1999م
(3) دكتوراه الفلسفة في هندسة النظم و الحاسبات –جامعة الأزهر –بتاريخ14/4/2005م