2014-15(your school name here)2nd Semester Matrix to Guide the Work of Collaborative Teams for Middle School& High School semester long courses


Considerations for schools to differentiate your Matrix:

  • Determine your school’s screening schedules
  • Add your school’s data day dates
  • Determine and include PDSA cycle for the frequency school leadership expects
  • Include common assessment windows based on school leadership team expectations (district expectation=at least 1 common assessment per quarter)

Jan. 5-30 / Administer AIMSweb screening (4th-8th grade)
Jan. 7-12 / CCTL/VPAC administer 2nd Semester Baseline
Jan. 9 / Mentor Collaborative Log submission due.
Jan. 16-23 / HS- EOC/Common Exams/Extend2
Review and analyze 2nd quarter CWT data and report next steps to SIT
Jan.23- Feb. 6 / Review and analyze 2nd quarter CWT data and report next steps to SIT
Jan. 26- 30 / Revisit team norms, goals, and mission (collaborative team and classroom)
Review 1st quarter Common Core/Essential Standards using 2014-15 Curriculum Guides
Continue daily review of learning targets & develop criteria for success with students
Communicate 3rd quarter learning targets to students and parents in student-friendly language
Visibly display current learning targets in classroom
Report feedback on the 2nd Qtr Curriculum Guide to Curriculum and Instruction Dept using online Google form
By Jan. 30 / RtI/MTSS PLC meeting held to update RtI/MTSS Tracking Sheet and any other RtI/MTSS paperwork due.
RtI/MTSS tracking sheet due to
Jan. 30-Feb. 5 / Administer Baseline/Pretest
Establish classroom ground rules, mission, and strategic goals with students
Feb. 2-13 / Administer AIMSweb Screening (9-12th grade only)
Feb. 3 / Send home student Report Cards
Feb. 9 / Begin ongoing, frequent classroom/small group/individual PDSA cycles incorporating learning targets and criteria for success and ongoing, authentic formative assessment
★ PDSA minimum cycle time - optimum student benefit occurs when the cycle time matches the time necessary to practice/process the target. To be effective, cycles should last no more than 7-10 days.
Feb. 9 / Interventions for Tiers 1, 2-1, and 3-2-1 start along with appropriate progress monitoring/data collection.
Pages 1 and 2 of the RIOT paperwork should be completed before spring Data Day so that the “Evaluate and Revise the Plan” (p.3) section of the RIOT paperwork can be completed on that day.
Feb. 3-March 13 / All schools will need to schedule a data day with their Intervention Specialist during this period. Please fill out a support request on the i3 website to do so.
Feb. 2- March 13 / ACCESS testing for English Language Learners
Feb. 6 / Mentor Collaborative Log submission due.
Feb. 9-20 / Administer Workkeys Paper/Pencil (Timeline set by CTE Dept)
Feb. 11 / ERPD- school-based
Feb. 16- 27 / Collaboratively develop a PLC common assessment
Administer PLC common assessment
Feb 17-19 / CCTL/VPAC 2nd Semester Benchmark assessment
By Feb. 26 / RtI/MTSS PLC meeting held to update RtI/MTSS Tracking Sheet and any other RtI/MTSS paperwork due.
RtI/MTSS tracking sheet due to
March 2-13 / Analyze student work samples and data from the PLC common assessment (collaborative team and classroom) to determine strengths and gaps
Discuss students needing remediation or acceleration based on the PLC common assessment data and create a plan for instruction to address needs
Display & discuss the PLC common assessment data with students
Share results and instruction plan with leadership team
Document and share effective strategies
March 3 / ACT (Makeup March 17, Accommodation window March 3-17)
March 3-17 / College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment, NCExtend1 Alternate Assessment (Grade 11)
March 4 / Send home student Progress Reports
March 6 / Mentor Collaborative Log submission due.
March 11 / ERPD –Job-alike
March 30-April 2 / Administer Benchmark Assessment or Midterm Common Exam
By March 31 / RtI/MTSS PLC meeting held to update RtI/MTSS Tracking Sheet and any other RtI/MTSS paperwork due.
RtI/MTSS tracking sheet due to
April 13-24 / Review and analyze 3rd quarter CWT data and report next steps to SIT
Analyze BA2 data (collaborative team & classroom) to determine strengths & gaps
Discuss students needing remediation or acceleration and create a plan to address needs
Display and discuss BA2 data with students
Share results and instruction plan with Leadership Team
Document and share effective strategies
Sequence standards for 4th quarter using 2013-14 Curriculum Guides
Continue daily review of learning targets & develop criteria for success with students
Visibly display current learning targets in classroom
Communicate 4th quarter learning targets to students and parents in student-friendly language
Report feedback on the 3rd Qtr Curriculum Guide to Curriculum and Instruction Dept using online Google form
April 16 / Send home student Report Cards
April 17 / Mentor Collaborative Log submission due.
April 22 / ERPD- school-based
By April 24 / Report feedback on the Benchmark Assessment 2 to Curriculum & Instruction Dept using online Google form
Report feedback on school’s assessment process to testing coordinator
By April 30 / RtI/MTSS PLC meeting held to update RtI/MTSS Tracking Sheet and any other RtI/MTSS paperwork due.
RtI/MTSS tracking sheet due to
As needed:
Collaboratively develop common assessment
Administer common assessment
Analyze student work samples and data from common assessment (collaborative team and classroom) to determine strengths and gaps
Discuss students needing remediation or acceleration and create a plan to address needs
Display & discuss common assessment data with students
Share results and instruction plan with leadership team and SIT
Document and share effective strategies
May 1 / Mentor Collaborative Log submission due.
May 1-29 / Administer AIMSweb Screening window –all 4th-9th grade students, 10th-12th optional
May 15-19 / CCTL/VPAC End of Course
May 21-28 / Review for EOCs based on gaps identified by assessments
May 29- June 1 / Administer 3rd grade Math and ELA EOG
May29-June 11 / Administer Middle School Math 1 Assessment (online)
By May 29 / RtI/MTSS PLC meeting held to update RtI/MTSS Tracking Sheet and any other RtI/MTSS paperwork due.
RtI/MTSS tracking sheet due to
June 1-11 / Review and analyze 2014-15 CWT data and report next steps to SIT
Report feedback on the Curriculum Guide to Curriculum and Instruction Dept using online Google form
June 5-11 / HS administer Online EOCs and Common Exams
June 1-30 / Optional Data Days with Intervention Specialist during this period. Please fill out a support request on the i3 website if you would like a Leadership Team or full staff Data Day.
By June 15 / Complete EOY Comprehensive Data Analysis
June 30 / Cycle 1 SIP for 15-16 school year due

7.31.14 C&I