Curriculum Vitae
January 1, 2015
William R. Shadish
Distinguished Professor and Founding Faculty
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
University of California, Merced
5200 North Lake Rd
Merced CA 95343-5001
209-228-4372 voice
209-228-4390 fax
1978-1981 Northwestern University, Department of Psychology, Postdoctoral Fellow in Methodology and Evaluation Research
1973-1978 Purdue University
Major Field: Clinical Psychology (Licensed Psychologist, State of Tennessee, 1982-2004).
Minors: Statistics, Measurement
Degrees: M.S. 1975, Ph.D. 1978
1973 California State University, Hayward
Major Field: Psychology (Undergraduate)
1967-1972 Santa Clara University
Major Field: Sociology
Degree: B.A. 1972
Professional Positions:
Distinguished Professor, University of California, Merced (2012-Present).
Director, Quantitative Psychology Program, University of California, Merced (2006-present)
Professor and Founding Faculty, University of California, Merced (2003-present).
Chair for Academic Personnel, Psychological Sciences, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, University of California, Merced (2007-2012).
Campus Director (UC Merced), University of California Educational Evaluation Consortium (2009-2014).
Chair for Academic Personnel, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, University of California, Merced (2005-2006).
Dunavant University Professor, The University of Memphis (1999-2003).
Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Memphis (1990-2003), Associate Professor (1986-1990; tenured 1986), Assistant Professor (1981-1986).
Director, Research Design and Statistics Program, Department of Psychology, The University of Memphis (1987-2003).
Director, Center for Applied Psychological Research, Department of Psychology, The University of Memphis (1990-1997).
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, Spring Quarter 1997.
Visiting Research Associate, Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University (1985-1990).
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Center for Health Services and Policy Research, Northwestern University (1978-1981).
Instructor (Part-time), Department of Psychology, Northwestern University (1979-1981).
Intern, Memphis Clinical Psychology Internship Consortium (1977-8).
Core Staff Therapist, Purdue University Psychological Services Center (1975-1977).
Staff Assistant, State of California Legislature, Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education (Chair: John Vasconcellos, 1972).
Research Interests:
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design
Program Evaluation
Honors and Awards (External):
Outstanding Research Publication Award, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 1994.
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for Evaluation Theory, American Evaluation Association, 1994.
Outstanding Research Publication Award, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 1996.
James McKeen Cattell Fund Sabbatical Award, 1996-97.
President-Elect, American Evaluation Association (1996), President (1997), Past-President (1998).
Board Service Awards, American Evaluation Association, 1993, 1994, 1998.
Robert Ingle Service Award, American Evaluation Association, 2000.
Catherine Rivers Johnson Award (in recognition of service helping children), Memphis Beat the Odds Foundation, 2000.
Donald T. Campbell Award for Innovations in Methodology, Policy Studies Organization, 2002.
Frederick Mosteller Award for Distinctive Contributions to Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration, 2009.
Ingram Olkin Award for Lifetime Contributions to Systematic Reviews. The Society for Research Synthesis Methodology, 2011.
President-Elect, Society for Research Synthesis Methodology (2012), President (2013), Past-President (2014).
President-Elect, Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology (2013), President (2014), Past-President (2015).
Honors and Awards (Internal):
Sigma Xi UC Merced Chapter Distinguished Scientist Award, 2012.
UC Merced Senate Award for Distinction in Research, 2011.
Board of Visitors Eminent Faculty Award, The University of Memphis, 1995.
Distinguished Research Award, The University of Memphis, 1988.
Meritorious Faculty Award, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Memphis, 1991.
SPUR Award (Superior Performance in University Research), The University of Memphis, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1994.
Book Dedicated to me:
Thayer, B.A. (2012). Quasi-experimental research designs. New York: Oxford University Press.
Grant History:
Principal Investigator, "The Effects of Marital/Family Therapies: A Meta-Analysis". National Institute of Mental Health, $108,996 total costs (1986-1988).
Principal Investigator, "Exploring Multivariate Models in a Meta-Analysis". Russell Sage Foundation, $35,000 total costs (1989-1990).
Principal Investigator, "Differences in Results from Random and Nonrandom Experiments". W.T. Grant Foundation, $10,000 total costs (1994-1995).
Principal Investigator, "Comparing Results from Randomized versus Quasi-Experiments with Social Interventions". The Rockefeller Foundation, $5,000 total costs (1994).
Principal Investigator, “Revitalizing Quasi-Experimentation”. James McKeen Cattell Foundation Sabbatical Award, $24,000 total costs (1996-97).
Principal Investigator, “The Future of Cognitive Science”. Conference grant from University of California Office of the President, Office of Research, $2,100 total costs (2004-5).
Principal Investigator, “Meta-Analysis of Single-Subject Designs”. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, $598,744 total costs (2005-8).
Principal Investigator, “A d-Estimator for Single-Case Designs”. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, $974,523 total costs (2010-13).
Principal Investigator, “Bayesian Criteria for Correspondence in Within-Study Comparisons”, National Science Foundation, $402,712 total costs (2014-16).
Co-Investigator and Campus Director, “University of California Educational Evaluation Center”, University of California Multi-Campus Research Program and Initiative, $2,200,000 total costs (2010-14). John Yun (UC Santa Barbara), Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of Mental Health Long-Term Care Facilities". State of Illinois Grant, $114,000 direct costs (1978-1982). Richard R. Bootzin, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Weight Gain and Smoking Relapse: A Biobehavioral Approach". National Institutes of Health, $893,017 direct costs (1988-1992). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Pharmacologic Intervention for Postcessation Weight Gain". National Institutes of Health, $2,523,223 total costs (1991-1996). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Sex, Smoking Rate, and Postcessation Weight Gain". National Institutes of Health, $962,087 total costs (1992-1996). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Predictors of Smoking Onset in Black vs. White Girls". National Institutes of Health, $1,246,461 total costs (1993-1997). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, "A Population-Wide Smoking Cessation/Prevention Program". National Institutes of Health, $1,948,989 total costs (1995-1997). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, “A Biobehavioral Approach to Insomnia Treatment”, $700,847 total costs (1995-1999). Kenneth Lichstein, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Biobehavioral Determinants of Obesity in Black Women”, National Institutes of Health, $2,374,533 total costs (1995-1997). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, “NRT and Behavioral Therapy in Primary Health Care Settings,” National Institutes of Health, $2,310,117 total costs (1996-1997), Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Bone Density Loss in Athletes”, National Institutes of Health, $50,000 total costs (1997). Robert C. Klesges, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Meta-analysis of post-smoking cessation weight gain”. National Institutes of Health, $682,807 total costs (1996-2000). Leslie Robinson, Principal Investigator.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Conference on The Future of Cognitive Science, 2007”, National Science Foundation, $26,174 total costs (2006-7). Teenie Matlock, Principal Investigator.
Co-Investigator, “Center for Excellence on Health Disparities in the Ethnic and Rural Underserved”, National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, $1,300,000 total costs (2009-11). Maria Pallavicini and Jan Wallander, Principal Investigators.
Consultant, “Quasi-Experimentation in Education”, Spencer Foundation, $297,875 total costs (2005-7). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant, “Three Workshops on Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis”, Spencer Foundation, $181,851 total costs (2007-8). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant, “Improving Better Quasi-Experimental Practice”, Institute for Educational Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. $787,612 total costs (2007-2010). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant, "Better Warranted Quasi-Experimental Practice for Evidence Based Practical Research," Institute for Educational Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. $1,162,032 total costs (2010-2013). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant, "A Three Year Proposal to Conduct Two Annual Workshops on Better Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis in Education" Institute for Educational Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. $833,225 total costs (2010-2013). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant (Technical Working Group), "Findings from Empirical Within Study Comparisons about the Role of Pretests and Proxy Pretests in Adjusting for Selection Bias in STEM Quasi-Experiments," National Science Foundation, $790,183 (2012-2015). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant, "Validation of the Effectiveness of an Innovative Early Mathematics Intervention for High-Need Students," U.S. Department of Education, $14,947,796 (2013-2017). Tom Cook, Northwestern University, Principal Investigator.
Consultant, “IES Analytic and Research Management and Support Contract”. Westat subcontract from U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences, $30,000 (2014-2015).
Editorial Work:
Editor-in-Chief, New Directions for Program Evaluation (1992-1995).
Associate Editor, American Psychologist (2010-present)
Associate Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research (2005-2008).
Guest Editor: Journal of School Psychology (2014, Volume 52, Number 2). Special Issue: “Analysis and Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Designs”.
Guest Editor: Evaluation and Program Planning (1995, Volume 18, Number 1), Special Section: “The Quantitative-Qualitative Debates: ‘DeKuhnifying’ the Conceptual Context”.
Current Editorial Boards: Escritos de Psicologia (Writings in Psychology; 2008-present); Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2004-present); Multivariate Behavioral Research (2008-present); Research Synthesis Methodology, (2009-present); The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (2010-present).
Past Editorial Boards: American Journal of Community Psychology (1987-2005), American Journal of Evaluation (1999-2009), Behavior Therapy (1987-1988), Evaluation Studies Review Annual (1986), Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (1981-2002) , Journal of Clinical Psychology (1999-2005), Metodologia de las Ciencias del Comportamiento (2001-2004), New Directions for Program Evaluation (1989-1992), Psychological Bulletin (2002-2010), Psychological Methods (1995-2010).
Organizational Memberships:
American Psychological Association, Fellow (Division 5)
Association for Psychological Science, Charter Member Emeritus
American Statistical Association, Member
Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Member
Society for Research Synthesis Methodology, Founding Member
Authored and Edited Volumes:
1. Shadish, W.R. & Reichardt, C.S. (Eds.). (1987). Evaluation Studies Review Annual, Volume 12. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications. (691 pages).
2. Shadish, W.R., Lurigio, A.J., & Lewis, D.A. (Eds.). (1989). After deinstitutionalization [Special Issue]. Journal of Social Issues, 45(3). (186 pages)
3. Gholson, B.G., Shadish, W.R., Neimeyer, R.A., & Houts, A.C. (Eds.). (1989). Psychology of Science: Contributions to Metascience. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. (463 pages).
4. Shadish, W.R., Cook, T.D., & Leviton, L.C. (1991). Foundations of Program Evaluation: Theories of Practice. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications. (529 pages).
Chapter 5 translated into Japanese as: 翻訳 ウィリアム・シャディシュ・ジュニア, トマス・クック ローラ・レヴィトン著 「キャロル・ワイスによる評価と政策リサーチの結びつけ」, 2006, 東北学院大学教養学部論集, Faculty of Liberal Arts review, Tohoku Gakuin University (145), 67-95, 2006-12
Translated into Romanian in entirety as: (2009). Fundamentele evaluarii programelor: Teorii ale practicii. Fundatja FIMAN: Bucureşti.
5. Shadish, W.R., & Fuller, S. (Eds.). (1994). The Social Psychology of Science. New York: Guilford Publications. (432 pages).
6. Shadish, W.R., Newman, D.L., Scheirer, M.A., & Wye, C. (Eds.). (1995). Guiding Principles for Evaluators. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (115 pages)
7. Chelimsky, E., & Shadish, W.R. (Eds.). (1997). Evaluation for the 21st Century: A Handbook. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. (542 pages)
8. Shadish, W.R., Robinson, L., & Lu, C. (1999). ES: A Computer Program and Manual for Effect Size Calculation. St. Paul, Minnesota: Assessment Systems Corporation. (57 pages).
9. Shadish, W.R., Cook, T.D., & Campbell, D.T. (2002). Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. (623 pages).
Translated into Chinese. (2007). 實驗與類實驗設計-因果擴論(附光碟. (see
10. Shadish, W. R. (ed.). (2014). Analysis and meta-analysis of single-case designs [Special issue]. Journal of School Psychology, 52(2).
Refereed Journal Articles:
1. Shadish, W.R. & Zarle, T. (1979). The validation of an encounter group outcome measure. Small Group Behavior, 10, 101-112.
2. Shadish, W.R. (1980). Non-verbal interventions in clinical groups. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48, 164-168.
3. Shadish, W.R. (1981). A critical examination concerning the nature of group theory. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 17, 98-112.
4. Shadish, W.R., Hickman, D., & Arrick, M.C. (1981). Psychological problems of spinal cord injury patients: Emotional distress as a function of time and locus of control. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 49, 297.
5. Shadish, W.R., Straw, R.B., McSweeny, A.J., Koller, D.L., & Bootzin, R.R. (1981). Nursing home care for mental patients: Descriptive data and some propositions. American Journal of Community Psychology, 9, 617-633.
6. Shadish, W.R. & Bootzin, R.R. (1981). Nursing homes and chronic mental patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 7, 488-498.
7. Shadish, W.R. & Bootzin, R.R. (1981). Long-term community care: Mental health policy in the face of reality. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 7, 580-585.
8. Shadish, W.R., Bootzin, R.R., Koller, D.L., & Brownell, L. (1981). Psychometric instability of measures in novel settings: Use of psychiatric rating scales in nursing homes. Journal of Behavioral Assessment, 3, 221-232.
9. Shadish, W.R. (1982). A review and critique of controlled studies of the effectiveness of preventive child health care. Health Policy Quarterly, 2, 24-52.
Reprinted in R.J. Light (Ed.). (1983). Evaluation Studies Review Annual, (Volume 8, pp. 507-535). Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications.
Reprinted in expanded monograph form as: Shadish, W. (1982, April). Effectiveness of Preventive Child Health Care. Baltimore, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Research, Demonstrations, and Statistics.
10. Shadish, W.R., Thomas, S., & Bootzin, R.R. (1982). Criteria for success in deinstitutionalization: Perceptions of nursing homes by different interest groups. American Journal of Community Psychology, 10, 553-566.
11. Filstead, W.J., Shadish, W.R., Crandell, J.S., Altman, D.B., Gottlieb, D.L., & Visotsky, J.L. (1982). Developing a multidimensional clinical rating scale: Evaluating mental health services. Evaluation Review, 6, 559-576.
12. Yogev, S. & Shadish, W.R. (1982). A method for monitoring the impact of sex-role stereotypes on the therapeutic behavior of beginning psychotherapists. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 52, 545-548.
13. Shadish, W.R. (1983). Costs and effects in mental health policy (Comment). American Psychologist, 38, 349-350.
14. Shadish, W.R. (1984). Intimate behavior and the assessment of benefits in clinical groups. Small Group Behavior, 15, 204-221.
15. Shadish, W.R. (1984). Policy research: Lessons from the implementation of deinstitutionalization. American Psychologist, 39, 725-738.
Reprinted in D.S. Cordray & M.W. Lipsey (Eds.), (1986), Evaluation Studies Review Annual (Vol. 11) (pp. 505-518). Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications.
16. Shadish, W.R. & Bootzin, R.R. (1984). The social integration of psychiatric patients in nursing homes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1203-1207.
17. Shadish, W.R. & Reis, J. (1984). A review of studies of the effectiveness of programs to improve pregnancy outcome. Evaluation Review, 8, 747-776.
18. Shadish, W.R., Silber, B.G., & Bootzin, R.R. (1984). Mental patients in nursing homes: Their characteristics and treatment. International Journal of Partial Hospitalization, 2, 153-163.
19. Shadish, W.R. & Bootzin, R.R. (1984). Nursing homes: The new total institution in mental-health policy. International Journal of Partial Hospitalization, 2, 251-262.
20. Shadish, W.R. (1984). Comments on "Spiderman and the Burma Raiders: Collateral Organization Theory in Action". Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 20, 17-18.
21. Shadish, W.R. (1985). Transitory emotional states and encounter group training. Small Group Behavior, 16, 477-486.
22. Shadish, W.R., Silber, B.G., Orwin, R.G., & Bootzin, R.R. (1985). The subjective well-being of mental patients in nursing homes. Evaluation and Program Planning, 8, 239-250.
23. Shadish, W.R. (1986). Planned critical multiplism: Some elaborations. Behavioral Assessment, 8, 75-103.
24. Shadish, W.R. (1986). The validity of a measure of intimate behavior. Small Group Behavior, 17, 113-120.
25. Houts, A.C., Cook, T.D., & Shadish, W.R. (1986). The person-situation debate: A critical multiplist perspective. Journal of Personality, 54, 52-105.
26. Neimeyer, R.A. & Shadish, W.R. (1987). Optimizing scientific validity: Toward an interdisciplinary science studies. Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 8, 463-485.
27. Montgomery, L.M., Shadish, W.R., Orwin, R.G., & Bootzin, R.R. (1987). Psychometric structure of psychiatric rating scales. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 96, 167-170.
28. Shadish, W.R. & Epstein, R. (1987). Patterns of program evaluation practice among members of Evaluation Research Society and Evaluation Network. Evaluation Review, 11, 555-590.
29. Barrom, C.P., Shadish, W.R. & Montgomery, L.M. (1988). PhDs, PsyDs, and real-world constraints on scholarly activity: Another look at the Boulder model. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 19, 93-101.