Town Hall, Fore Street, Seaton EX12 2LD
Tel: 01297 21388
Chairman: Cllr Mrs Gaynor Sedgwick
Present: Cllrs P Burrows
B Palacio
Mrs H Sanham
Mrs G Sedgwick
Mrs D Squires
Also present: Cllrs Mrs S Bruce, Mrs V Christmas, M Fisher and Mrs L McJannet, TIC Advisor
37. To elect a chairman
Cllr Mrs Sanham was elected chairman
38. Apologies for Absence
Cllr J Meakin, Mrs T Potter
39. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Mrs Sedgwick declared a personal interest as an accommodation provider;
Cllr. P Burrows declared an interest as a member of EDDC.
40. Minutes
The minutes of the TIC committee meeting of 2nd April 2013 and the minutes of the Town Development committee meeting of 26th March 2013 were agreed and signed by the chairman.
41. To receive update on new town and TIC websites
The report from the Marketing & Events Co-ordinator (Mrs. Karin Frewin) was read and comments received.
It was noted that Mrs Frewin has purchased appropriate TIC URLs on behalf of the Town Council.
Cllr Fisher put forward some ideas about the town website that were not part of Mrs Frewin’s original specification. Other queries about the website contract were also raised and it was therefore proposed that a Working Party, comprising Cllrs. Mrs H. Sanham, Mrs. D. Squires and Mr. M. Fisher, meet with Mrs Frewin to discuss Cllr Fisher’s ideas and to discuss the overall specifications and proposals in more detail. It was noted, however, that the Council had agreed that the delivery of a new website was a priority and was something that Mrs Frewin had been seeking agreement on for some weeks. The working party therefore agreed to meet as a matter of urgency.
42. To consider confidential report on staffing and opening hours of the TIC, and to agree
proposals, if any, to the Personnel Committee
Cllr Mrs Sanham had circulated a report showing options of staffing levels that would be required to meet the current agreed opening hours, together with details of hours volunteers would need to cover in order to meet the TIC agreed budget.
Mrs McJannet, one of the TIC Advisers, was invited to take part in the discussions. It was noted that existing staff and volunteers were prepared to increase working hours to part meet the staffing hours.
Mrs McJannet was then thanked for her attendance and she left the meeting.
The Chairman advised the committee that Mrs Potter had indicated her wish to revert to her previous role within the TIC. It was therefore agreed that a recommendation should be put to the Personnel Committee to recruit a part time TIC manager on a rolling 12 month contract at a maximum salary of £9 per hour, to take responsibility for the administration of the TIC, the day to day management of the operation and to seek ways of increasing income for the TIC.
43. Update on Marketing & Events Co-ordinator’s work and priorities for the next
6 months, and agree report to Personnel Committee
It was noted that the budget for 2013/14 for events and promotions was £15,000, plus salary.
Mrs Frewin is currently working on promoting the Natural Seaton brand, is establishing good working arrangements with the Tramway, Devon Wildlife Trust, EDDC, Local press and others, and working with local groups to assist with their events where requested. She has also established three main sub-groups of the Town Development Team which are meeting regularly:
1) Enhancing/Creating Vibrant Seaton
2) Events
3) Marketing
It was agreed that the Personnel Committee should be recommended to confirm renewal of Mrs Frewin’s contract and that her work for the next 6 months should focus on delivery of the new Town/ TIC web site; a marketing plan; a new event for 2014; plans for promotion of seafront activities; and work on the new Portas grant projects which were to provide a new market, seafront concessions and improved signage
It was agreed that it would be useful if Mrs Frewin could attend meetings of the committee to enable members to raise any matters directly with her, and to enable her to explain her work in more detail.
44. To receive update on Town Team funding projects
Cllr Mrs Sedgwick reported that no firm concessions had been let, although discussions were on-going with a bouncy castle and deckchair provider. Interest had been received in operating an activity from the old Lookout on the West Walk but to date it had not been possible to establish contact with the enquirer.
45. To agree updated quote for town bunting
It was agreed to accept the quotation from Thermoclean to install and dismantle bunting and banners on the understanding that part payment be withheld until their removal at an agreed date had been completed.