Developing a plan to amend the intellectual property rights regime
for pharmaceutical innovation
27 – 28 August 2009
Xiyuan Hotel
27 August 2009
09:00 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 10:00 Welcome and Meeting Objectives
10:00 – 11:30 Session I: Innova project basics
Chair: tba
This session will concentrate on a basic description of the project and its aims, along with the preliminarydeliverables on “Ethics”, “Protective Mechanisms” and “Gender Aspects”.
10:00-10:15Dr Miltos Ladikas; UCLAN, UK (Innova project)
10:15-10:30Chinese presenter (tba) (Innova project)
10:30-10:45Prof Doris Schroeder; University of Melbourne, Australia (Ethics)
10:45-11:00Dr Ravi Srinivasan; RIS, India (Protective Mechanisms)
11:00-11:15Prof Fatima Castillo; University of the PhilippinesManila, (Gender Aspects)
11:30 – 11:45Coffee break
11:45 – 13:15Session II: Access and Distribution Mechanisms
Chair: tba
This session will focus on issues of access to medicines (e.g. pricing, distribution, health care structures, etc) and how that can be dealt with in realistic terms, given the current state of global IPR enforcement and the political will for change.
11:45-12:00Dr Gorik Ooms; Yale University, USA
12:00 -12:15Chinese presenter (tba)
12:15-12:30Dr Biswajit Dhar; RIS, India
12:30 -13:15Discussion
13:15 – 14:15Lunch
14:15 – 15:45Session III: Metrics and Measurements
Chair: tba
This session will deal with CASTED’sdeliverable on “Metrics and Measurements”, providing their first results on the case studies in China. Dr Chalkidou of NICE, UK, will give a presentation on the UK approach to medicinal impact measurements and their problematic.The Indian presenter will also be called to provide the Indian perspective on the topic.
14:15-14:30Chinese presenter (tba)
14:30 -14:45Dr Kalipso Chalkidou; NICE, UK
14:45-15:00Indian presenter (tba)
15:00 -15:45Discussion
15:45 – 16:00Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30Session IV: Traditional Medicines
Chair: tba
This session will deal with the subject of Traditional Medicines and the possibilities for commercial development globally. Prof Hollis will concentrate on the commercial side, while the Chinese and Indian partners will provide some basic facts and thoughts on development in their respective countries.
16:00-16:15Prof Aidan Hollis;University of Calgary, Canada
16:15 -16:30Chinese presenter (tba)
16:30-16:45Dr Sachin Chaturvedi; RIS, India
16:45-17:00Dr TC James;(Formerly) Ministry of Industries, India
28 August 2009
09:30 – 11:15Session V: HIF Regional Variation
Chair: tba
The first two sessions today will be dedicated to offering viewpoints on the current state of the HIF proposal (i.e. a reality check) andwill discuss the possibility of a regional variation of the proposal that could cover the needs of China and India. This session will develop the idea that was briefly discussed in the May meeting in Beijing, that a regional application of HIF focusing on Traditional Medicines could better fit the needs of China and India. This will be mainly a policy and feasibility discussion. The first session will consist of viewpoint presentations while the second session will attempt to reach a consensus amongst the group on a common target.
09:30-09:45Prof Thomas Pogge; UCLAN, UK
09:45 -10:00Dr SA Rao; Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
10:00-10:15Dr. K. Satyanarayana, ICMR, India
10:15 -10:30Chinese presenter (tba)
10:30-10:45Chinese presenter (tba)
10:45- 11:15Discussion
11:15 – 11:30Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Session VI: Consensus towards a Regional Development
Discussion and consensus building
13:00 – 14:30Lunch
14:30 – 15:30Innova Internal Session I
After lunch we will have an internal meeting with the core Innova group to discuss progress on the other deliverables not presented in the workshop and the coming financial report, next meetings, etc.
Delphi Study update and preliminary results; Prof Lynn Frewer and Dr David Coles; WUR, The Netherlands
Ethics, Measurements and Protective Mechanisms Deliverables update; Prof Schroeder, Prof Gao, Dr Chaturvedi
15:30 – 15:45Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:00Innova Internal Session II
Australia Meeting; Prof Schroeder
Mid-Term Management and Financial reports; Dr Ladikas
Next steps; Dr Ladikas
17:00End of Meeting